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Posted - 2003.08.05 11:44:00 - [1]

Pegasus Endeavors embraces a philosophy that has proven itself countless times in virtually every successful corporation in existence. That is:

We are as committed to your own personal advancement and wealth as you are committed to the goals and ambitions of Pegasus Endeavors.

In exchange for your cooperation with corporate revenue generating operations, we will provide you with all of the skills and equipment that you need to advance. We remind you that attempting to procure that which we provide free of charge all by yourself would take weeks of continuous mining, especially since the price of omber--the only accessible commodity available to new pilots of any value--rapidly drops once the NPC high bidders have their orders filled.

Towards that end, it should become obvious to you that the surest way towards accumulating personal wealth can be obtained most efficiently through dedicated cooperation with the Corporation. Although we don't explicitly discourage private ventures, we fail to see the point in them, since the Corporation purchases equipment that you couldn't ordinarily afford, and can make investments on a scale that just aren't possible with an individual wallet.

For most of us, every ounce of ore we mine, and every isk we earn gets placed directly into the Corporation wallet, where it continues to grow and produce returns on investment for all of its members. We feel this teamwork environment is also self governing, as those who fail to live up to each other's standards but continue to unfairly reap the Corporation's benefits tend to stand out quickly, and become dealt with accordingly.

You have no idea how powerful you can become with Pegasus Endeavors standing behind you. It just takes time, as all the small steps you take with us now become leaps and bounds in the future.

Working together closely is the only way that this is possible. Once you understand that, you'll have taken your first step in the right direction towards achieving all your personal goals in this universe.

All people interested in this great opportunity join chat channel 'pegend' or goto and take a look at our forums, talk to members about the corp so you can get the general idea of what goes on.Exclamation

Take me to the EVE-Online forum thread View author posting habits View only posts by author
Posted - 2003.08.06 11:22:00 - [2]

We are still looking for enthusiasts... miners, security... people who enjoy exploring.
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