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    sepopen Announcement:Skill Queue Issues - 2017/06/09

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Agony Unleashed
The Bastard Cartel

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Posted - 2017.06.21 19:37:28 - [1] - Quote

Pr0boszcz wrote:
On 9th June I have submitted a support ticket and got a"Mass reply". I've waited till14th June I have again asked about the issue, received the following reply:

"Unfortunately, the reimbursement has yet to happen and sadly I do not have an exact ETA on when it may happen exactly yet, either, but I can assure that a script for this is being worked on with high priority."

Today my ticket suddenly got closed and marked as "Solved" even though I have not received any reimbursement. Apparently looks like they are trying to wait it out, hoping it will go silent and people would forget. I hope not though... But definitely 2 weeks is more than enough to prepare a script with high priority... heck even a day should be enough actually.

Yes they're hoping for it to just go away so hard they mentioned it in not one but two news items so far.

For the love of God, people loosen the damned tin foil before it cuts off the circulation to your brains completely.

And before someone asks

Eve is like an addiction; you can't quit it until it quits you. Also, iderno

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