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Posted - 2004.04.18 05:18:00 - [1]

Edited by: Ishkur on 18/04/2004 05:19:57
TomB, when are you going to fix the bug that allows someone to only take a 0.5% "aggression" hit for a ship or pod kill? (Or no hit AT ALL?!)

IMHO, this bug should be your #1 priority. How can I ask poeple to watch local, if everyone in local is a pirate with a 1.8 security status, because CONCORD never applies the negatives?

Policy Research Group

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Posted - 2004.04.18 05:18:00 - [2]

Edited by: Ishkur on 18/04/2004 05:19:57
TomB, when are you going to fix the bug that allows someone to only take a 0.5% "aggression" hit for a ship or pod kill? (Or no hit AT ALL?!)

IMHO, this bug should be your #1 priority. How can I ask poeple to watch local, if everyone in local is a pirate with a 1.8 security status, because CONCORD never applies the negatives?


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Posted - 2004.04.18 18:12:00 - [3]

It never ceases to amaze me that people have problems living with their choices. In games AND in real life your choices have consequences.

Nope, that's not how it works. Scroll up and read the posts. People can attack 4, 5, 6 people in Empire space and not even take any security hit at all.

So right now, the people whining about the changes are people using this bug to avoid getting security hits at all.

People are being fooled into thinking that the other people in local are good guys, cause they have 2.5 security status, despite the fact that they've been blowing up ships right and left for the past month.

That bug is far more serious than any imagined unfairness to people who pirate and don't want to face the music, IMHO.

Policy Research Group

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Posted - 2004.04.18 18:12:00 - [4]

It never ceases to amaze me that people have problems living with their choices. In games AND in real life your choices have consequences.

Nope, that's not how it works. Scroll up and read the posts. People can attack 4, 5, 6 people in Empire space and not even take any security hit at all.

So right now, the people whining about the changes are people using this bug to avoid getting security hits at all.

People are being fooled into thinking that the other people in local are good guys, cause they have 2.5 security status, despite the fact that they've been blowing up ships right and left for the past month.

That bug is far more serious than any imagined unfairness to people who pirate and don't want to face the music, IMHO.


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Posted - 2004.04.19 21:21:00 - [5]

I think that is a great idea. I even think it should steadily go up (at least to 0) if you've been a "good boy" and haven't done anything bad for a while. I do think that should take some time, though... Do the crime, do the time. It shouldn't happen in a few nights.

BUT, I'm still gonna keep yelling about this security status bug/exploit that allows you to pod-kill people and never take a security hit past 0.5%. That's lame as hell, and CCP needs to fix that first.

Policy Research Group

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Posted - 2004.04.19 21:21:00 - [6]

I think that is a great idea. I even think it should steadily go up (at least to 0) if you've been a "good boy" and haven't done anything bad for a while. I do think that should take some time, though... Do the crime, do the time. It shouldn't happen in a few nights.

BUT, I'm still gonna keep yelling about this security status bug/exploit that allows you to pod-kill people and never take a security hit past 0.5%. That's lame as hell, and CCP needs to fix that first.

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