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Posted - 2004.04.23 00:37:00 - [1]

Edited by: SKiNNiEH on 23/04/2004 00:43:08
Excellent points there Vice.

My thoughts...

Change the payout system:
Yes, this is the way to go...

But i'd like to see some sort of score-system in this, much like evolving from a level 1 agent to a level 2 agent.


A. Bountyhunter levels: 1 - 5
B. Advance a level everytime you go past 4000 points

1. Bounty on target is 3 mil = 300 points
2. Target destroyed in 0.0 = 100 points
3. Target destroyed in Empire = 200 points
4. Target destroyed had BS = 300 points
5. Target destroyed had Cruiser = 200 points
6. Target Destroyed had Frigate = 100 points
7. Target podded within timeframe = 250 points
8. Target is from same corporation = -2000 points

Now, lets say a contract is out on Viceroy for 1.5mil, made by Lord Zap. I'm just beginning my bountyhunter carreer, so i have 0 points. I take the contract (it has a 7 day timeout) and 3 days later i destroy Viceroy's Thorax and pod in a 0.3 system. I deliver the corpse to the same place as where i took the contract and press the button "mission completed". The corpse leaves my hangar or cargohold and i get the bounty of 1.5mil isk. I also get the following score:

150 points for 1.5mil bounty set
200 points for kill in Empire space
200 points for killing him in a cruiser
250 points for completing the contract on time
800 points gained

Five more of these "contracts" and i advance myself to being a level 2 bountyhunter... Other, more dangerous (also playermade) missions become available. Perhaps contracts that contain 2 people from the same corporation, or contracts that has a bounty above 5mil. Maybe a "level 3" contract can be performed by one level 2 and one level 1 bountyhunter.

This is just a thought ofcourse and probably flawed to hell and back, but for the sake of the discussion...

In any case, some sort of proving system should be implemented, because you wouldn't want some newbie doing your grade-A contract.

Better location services:

The way i see it, it should be taken from the npc environment and into the pvp environment.

Another example:
Viceroy wants to know where Lord Zap is and he decides to spend 3mil on finding him. He sets his (yet to be implemented) snitch-tool to:

1. Person to find: Lord Zap
2. maximum of: 3mil
3. snitch action: 200k isk (per snitch)

So, here i am flying my iteron and i see a pulsating bracket (Bracket coloring remains the same, be it corp, gang or whatever) instead of a fixed bracket. I know a pulsating bracket means that someone is trying to know his whereabouts, so i right-click on Lord Zap and i select from the menu: "Snitch (200,000.00)" (which is only available when a bracket is pulsating).

Viceroy promptly receives an EVE-mail with LZ's location (e.g. FD-MLJ, Belt VI - 1) and i get 200k isk in my wallet. 2 systems further, Lord Zap encounters someone else and Viceroy recieves yet another EVE-mail with his exact location, 200k deposited into the wallet of the one that snitched. Now Viceroy has 2.6mil left in his "snitch wallet" or whatever it would be called.

Once someone has snitched on a person, the bracket (what gives away the "snitch" option) will stop pulsating for 5 minutes and only after 5mins will someone be able to snitch again. This is to prevent possible exploiting and ofcourse, 5 minute intervals will give the one searching for his target a nice history of where he/she might be going.

E.g. "hmm look.. EVE-mail at location A.. another EVE-mail at location B... he MUST be going for location C"

The fun thing about this: If the price is high enough... even his buddies might snitch on him. Or could it be a trap? :)

Okay.. as both these things are hard to write down, all i have blabbed on about above might make no sence at all.. but for the sake of the discussion, let me know what you think :)


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Posted - 2004.04.23 00:37:00 - [2]

Edited by: SKiNNiEH on 23/04/2004 00:43:08
Excellent points there Vice.

My thoughts...

Change the payout system:
Yes, this is the way to go...

But i'd like to see some sort of score-system in this, much like evolving from a level 1 agent to a level 2 agent.


A. Bountyhunter levels: 1 - 5
B. Advance a level everytime you go past 4000 points

1. Bounty on target is 3 mil = 300 points
2. Target destroyed in 0.0 = 100 points
3. Target destroyed in Empire = 200 points
4. Target destroyed had BS = 300 points
5. Target destroyed had Cruiser = 200 points
6. Target Destroyed had Frigate = 100 points
7. Target podded within timeframe = 250 points
8. Target is from same corporation = -2000 points

Now, lets say a contract is out on Viceroy for 1.5mil, made by Lord Zap. I'm just beginning my bountyhunter carreer, so i have 0 points. I take the contract (it has a 7 day timeout) and 3 days later i destroy Viceroy's Thorax and pod in a 0.3 system. I deliver the corpse to the same place as where i took the contract and press the button "mission completed". The corpse leaves my hangar or cargohold and i get the bounty of 1.5mil isk. I also get the following score:

150 points for 1.5mil bounty set
200 points for kill in Empire space
200 points for killing him in a cruiser
250 points for completing the contract on time
800 points gained

Five more of these "contracts" and i advance myself to being a level 2 bountyhunter... Other, more dangerous (also playermade) missions become available. Perhaps contracts that contain 2 people from the same corporation, or contracts that has a bounty above 5mil. Maybe a "level 3" contract can be performed by one level 2 and one level 1 bountyhunter.

This is just a thought ofcourse and probably flawed to hell and back, but for the sake of the discussion...

In any case, some sort of proving system should be implemented, because you wouldn't want some newbie doing your grade-A contract.

Better location services:

The way i see it, it should be taken from the npc environment and into the pvp environment.

Another example:
Viceroy wants to know where Lord Zap is and he decides to spend 3mil on finding him. He sets his (yet to be implemented) snitch-tool to:

1. Person to find: Lord Zap
2. maximum of: 3mil
3. snitch action: 200k isk (per snitch)

So, here i am flying my iteron and i see a pulsating bracket (Bracket coloring remains the same, be it corp, gang or whatever) instead of a fixed bracket. I know a pulsating bracket means that someone is trying to know his whereabouts, so i right-click on Lord Zap and i select from the menu: "Snitch (200,000.00)" (which is only available when a bracket is pulsating).

Viceroy promptly receives an EVE-mail with LZ's location (e.g. FD-MLJ, Belt VI - 1) and i get 200k isk in my wallet. 2 systems further, Lord Zap encounters someone else and Viceroy recieves yet another EVE-mail with his exact location, 200k deposited into the wallet of the one that snitched. Now Viceroy has 2.6mil left in his "snitch wallet" or whatever it would be called.

Once someone has snitched on a person, the bracket (what gives away the "snitch" option) will stop pulsating for 5 minutes and only after 5mins will someone be able to snitch again. This is to prevent possible exploiting and ofcourse, 5 minute intervals will give the one searching for his target a nice history of where he/she might be going.

E.g. "hmm look.. EVE-mail at location A.. another EVE-mail at location B... he MUST be going for location C"

The fun thing about this: If the price is high enough... even his buddies might snitch on him. Or could it be a trap? :)

Okay.. as both these things are hard to write down, all i have blabbed on about above might make no sence at all.. but for the sake of the discussion, let me know what you think :)


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Posted - 2004.04.23 07:17:00 - [3]

Edited by: SKiNNiEH on 23/04/2004 07:23:17
Originally by: Viceroy
Well the main problem with bounty hunting is that if you make "kill-based", as in giving a bounty hunter sec boosts every time he kills a target, it can be abused by an alt or friend of a potential bounty, who can elevate himself to the position of th emost "feared" bounty hunter in the universe just by asking his bounty buddy to come out and die to him over and over. This way a "point based" (aka SS based) bounty system would be very abusable.

Imo killing PC bounties should give you a significant sec boost, but it should be based on the amount of SP the PC has and once you kill someone, there should be a timer that prevents you from getting another sec boost for a week or something. Even this makes it pretty abusable imo.

Also I agree that sec rating based bounty hunting would be crap, since sec rating has little to do with bounty hunting and more to do with farming capabilities. But as I said, anything that involves killing PCs to get sec boost is simply abusable.

Well the way i envision it is that it is a contract... Which has to be mutually agreed upon, or signed if you will. The score-system i talked about prevents newbie's from requesting the good contracts (the one that put out the contract only receives offers from level 3+ bounty hunters if it is a level 3 contract).

You're right about faking contracts to boost secrating/score though. The thing that comes to mind to counteract this, is a requestable history of the person that wants your contract.

If 10 kills on little frigates in one day are shown in that history, you know somethings not right. To be sure that your bountyhunter is as good as he/she says he is, you might want to look in that history for Battleship kills.

EDIT: Also, your timer idea should be implemented too. I think a history and timer combined should counteract faking enough. Now i'm late for work again due to these damned forums :P I'll check back here when i'm there.

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Posted - 2004.04.23 07:17:00 - [4]

Edited by: SKiNNiEH on 23/04/2004 07:23:17
Originally by: Viceroy
Well the main problem with bounty hunting is that if you make "kill-based", as in giving a bounty hunter sec boosts every time he kills a target, it can be abused by an alt or friend of a potential bounty, who can elevate himself to the position of th emost "feared" bounty hunter in the universe just by asking his bounty buddy to come out and die to him over and over. This way a "point based" (aka SS based) bounty system would be very abusable.

Imo killing PC bounties should give you a significant sec boost, but it should be based on the amount of SP the PC has and once you kill someone, there should be a timer that prevents you from getting another sec boost for a week or something. Even this makes it pretty abusable imo.

Also I agree that sec rating based bounty hunting would be crap, since sec rating has little to do with bounty hunting and more to do with farming capabilities. But as I said, anything that involves killing PCs to get sec boost is simply abusable.

Well the way i envision it is that it is a contract... Which has to be mutually agreed upon, or signed if you will. The score-system i talked about prevents newbie's from requesting the good contracts (the one that put out the contract only receives offers from level 3+ bounty hunters if it is a level 3 contract).

You're right about faking contracts to boost secrating/score though. The thing that comes to mind to counteract this, is a requestable history of the person that wants your contract.

If 10 kills on little frigates in one day are shown in that history, you know somethings not right. To be sure that your bountyhunter is as good as he/she says he is, you might want to look in that history for Battleship kills.

EDIT: Also, your timer idea should be implemented too. I think a history and timer combined should counteract faking enough. Now i'm late for work again due to these damned forums :P I'll check back here when i'm there.
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