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Posted - 2004.04.22 22:29:00 - [1]

Its impossible right? No point, too much effort, not enough tools, no efficent bounty system for payout etc.

Yea you're right, but its not impossible. Its just very hard. And here are a few changes that'll make it a little easier.

Change The Payout System: Make the bounty system resemble the escrow system, so you can set bounties for certain individuals. This way bounties cant kill themselves to gain your hard earned isk. You can just place a bounty on a person and set it so only the person you want can claim it, or only the corporation you want, or only a group of people you want, or maybe only pilots that have a better security rating than X. Reputable bounty hunters would be placed into the bounty lists of rich clients, and they'd compete with eachother as well. This way the current disfunctional bounty system would start working.

Better Location Services: Lets not kid ourselves, finding people is a pain. Yes agents are nice, you can find the one time location of a person. But unless he's offline, you have a very small chance of actually catching him, since he'll be 9375 jumps away when you get there. Then you have to travel Y jumps back to the ass end of nowhere to ask your agent again, so he can run away by the time you get there again... The location service is crap, and useless for bounty hunters.

So Viceroy, you say, you whine a lot and you are bald, but what do you suggest?

I suggest make advanced location services avaliable from Concord (Aka avaliable to people with high sec status), or replace the current location system with the new system that works like this;

Viceroy gets a bounty for a Carebear, but Viceroy has no idea where Carebear is. He goes to his agent Takikioschi Okiato Makochumato and asks, but Taki-san can only give a current location on a constantly moving target (The Carebear has heard rumours that Viceroy is after him), so he's useless. Thus Viceroy goes to his Uncle ****ula, who, for a good cost, places a tracking becon on the Carebear, making his location avaliable on the map for X hours (If this system is to be based on ISK only, I suggest that agents charge hourly, and like 5x more for every hour after the first, making it horribly expensive after a few hours of tracking, and you can only use this ability once every 24 hours, AND X is limited to your standing with the agent. If it is to be based on Concord standing, then your sec status should define X, so if you have +2, you can track someone for 2 -maybe more- hours or something like that. But since SS is based on stupid NPC pirate killing, this is a bad idea.)

This way Viceroy can see where the Carebear is for X hours, and goes hunting for him. Being l33t and having an electronic parrot Viceroy podkills the Carebear and his bounty is paid to him via the new improved bounty service, that disallowes self-claiming. Happy, Viceroy returns home.

Also note that for this system to be effective manuel-refreshing for the map must be implemented.

Hmm, I'd thought of some more things but i think i forgot Neutral

Feel free to state opinions, flame, troll etc.

Band of Brothers

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Posted - 2004.04.22 22:29:00 - [2]

Its impossible right? No point, too much effort, not enough tools, no efficent bounty system for payout etc.

Yea you're right, but its not impossible. Its just very hard. And here are a few changes that'll make it a little easier.

Change The Payout System: Make the bounty system resemble the escrow system, so you can set bounties for certain individuals. This way bounties cant kill themselves to gain your hard earned isk. You can just place a bounty on a person and set it so only the person you want can claim it, or only the corporation you want, or only a group of people you want, or maybe only pilots that have a better security rating than X. Reputable bounty hunters would be placed into the bounty lists of rich clients, and they'd compete with eachother as well. This way the current disfunctional bounty system would start working.

Better Location Services: Lets not kid ourselves, finding people is a pain. Yes agents are nice, you can find the one time location of a person. But unless he's offline, you have a very small chance of actually catching him, since he'll be 9375 jumps away when you get there. Then you have to travel Y jumps back to the ass end of nowhere to ask your agent again, so he can run away by the time you get there again... The location service is crap, and useless for bounty hunters.

So Viceroy, you say, you whine a lot and you are bald, but what do you suggest?

I suggest make advanced location services avaliable from Concord (Aka avaliable to people with high sec status), or replace the current location system with the new system that works like this;

Viceroy gets a bounty for a Carebear, but Viceroy has no idea where Carebear is. He goes to his agent Takikioschi Okiato Makochumato and asks, but Taki-san can only give a current location on a constantly moving target (The Carebear has heard rumours that Viceroy is after him), so he's useless. Thus Viceroy goes to his Uncle ****ula, who, for a good cost, places a tracking becon on the Carebear, making his location avaliable on the map for X hours (If this system is to be based on ISK only, I suggest that agents charge hourly, and like 5x more for every hour after the first, making it horribly expensive after a few hours of tracking, and you can only use this ability once every 24 hours, AND X is limited to your standing with the agent. If it is to be based on Concord standing, then your sec status should define X, so if you have +2, you can track someone for 2 -maybe more- hours or something like that. But since SS is based on stupid NPC pirate killing, this is a bad idea.)

This way Viceroy can see where the Carebear is for X hours, and goes hunting for him. Being l33t and having an electronic parrot Viceroy podkills the Carebear and his bounty is paid to him via the new improved bounty service, that disallowes self-claiming. Happy, Viceroy returns home.

Also note that for this system to be effective manuel-refreshing for the map must be implemented.

Hmm, I'd thought of some more things but i think i forgot Neutral

Feel free to state opinions, flame, troll etc.

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Posted - 2004.04.23 07:01:00 - [3]

Well the main problem with bounty hunting is that if you make "kill-based", as in giving a bounty hunter sec boosts every time he kills a target, it can be abused by an alt or friend of a potential bounty, who can elevate himself to the position of th emost "feared" bounty hunter in the universe just by asking his bounty buddy to come out and die to him over and over. This way a "point based" (aka SS based) bounty system would be very abusable.

Imo killing PC bounties should give you a significant sec boost, but it should be based on the amount of SP the PC has and once you kill someone, there should be a timer that prevents you from getting another sec boost for a week or something. Even this makes it pretty abusable imo.

Also I agree that sec rating based bounty hunting would be crap, since sec rating has little to do with bounty hunting and more to do with farming capabilities. But as I said, anything that involves killing PCs to get sec boost is simply abusable.

Band of Brothers

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Posted - 2004.04.23 07:01:00 - [4]

Well the main problem with bounty hunting is that if you make "kill-based", as in giving a bounty hunter sec boosts every time he kills a target, it can be abused by an alt or friend of a potential bounty, who can elevate himself to the position of th emost "feared" bounty hunter in the universe just by asking his bounty buddy to come out and die to him over and over. This way a "point based" (aka SS based) bounty system would be very abusable.

Imo killing PC bounties should give you a significant sec boost, but it should be based on the amount of SP the PC has and once you kill someone, there should be a timer that prevents you from getting another sec boost for a week or something. Even this makes it pretty abusable imo.

Also I agree that sec rating based bounty hunting would be crap, since sec rating has little to do with bounty hunting and more to do with farming capabilities. But as I said, anything that involves killing PCs to get sec boost is simply abusable.

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Posted - 2004.04.27 12:46:00 - [5]

Bounty hunting should be illegal imo. Bounty hunters arent "good-guys". They're ambitious fighters that kill people for money. I'm a pirate and I bounty hunt too. So bounty hunting should still be partially illegal imo.

And allowing bounty hunters to kill people in secure systems even if they have a 5k bounty wouldnt be right.

Band of Brothers

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Posted - 2004.04.27 12:46:00 - [6]

Bounty hunting should be illegal imo. Bounty hunters arent "good-guys". They're ambitious fighters that kill people for money. I'm a pirate and I bounty hunt too. So bounty hunting should still be partially illegal imo.

And allowing bounty hunters to kill people in secure systems even if they have a 5k bounty wouldnt be right.

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Posted - 2004.04.27 13:22:00 - [7]

1) Yes, but if someone is -3 sec status, bounty hunters shouldnt be able to hunt him everywhere. Thus the good bald guys will wait for him to go to 0.0 space, whilst the bad bald guys, being ambitious and greedy and all, will risk breaking the law for some ISK.

2) What if a npc farming meany who has +4 sec status gets a bounty hunting licence? He could just kill Jack the Carebear, who got a 10k bounty from some random person when he was -1.1 (Hardly a status for an outlaw) because he "can". This would leave people who have small bounties on their heads and relativly good security status totally defenceless (Including people who got the sec hit/bounty while trying to defend their corpmembers or by making a mistake as a noob). And since bounties dont go away even if you get a +10 sec status after you get a bounty, you'll be defenceless against a certain breed of killers in empire space no matter what you do.

Band of Brothers

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Posted - 2004.04.27 13:22:00 - [8]

1) Yes, but if someone is -3 sec status, bounty hunters shouldnt be able to hunt him everywhere. Thus the good bald guys will wait for him to go to 0.0 space, whilst the bad bald guys, being ambitious and greedy and all, will risk breaking the law for some ISK.

2) What if a npc farming meany who has +4 sec status gets a bounty hunting licence? He could just kill Jack the Carebear, who got a 10k bounty from some random person when he was -1.1 (Hardly a status for an outlaw) because he "can". This would leave people who have small bounties on their heads and relativly good security status totally defenceless (Including people who got the sec hit/bounty while trying to defend their corpmembers or by making a mistake as a noob). And since bounties dont go away even if you get a +10 sec status after you get a bounty, you'll be defenceless against a certain breed of killers in empire space no matter what you do.
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