Statistics for thread
member removed from csm
General statistics  
Total posts 787
First post 2010-07-07 17:11:00
Last post 2011-01-25 01:27:00
Duration 202 days (active period), 5033 days (since first post)
Daily average 3,9 posts/day (active period), 0,2 posts/day (since first post)
Typed characters 940 301
Longest post FinnAgain Zero (6300 characters, posted 2011-01-19 09:40:00)
Average post length 1 194,8 chars/post
Unique authors 280 (avg 2,8 posts/author)
90-day posting graph
Top 50 posters in thread Posts (% of total)
FinnAgain Zero 58 (7,4%)
Sokratesz 33 (4,2%)
Windjammer 32 (4,1%)
Delilah Wild 29 (3,7%)
Cobalt Sixty 21 (2,7%)
Malcanis 19 (2,4%)
Furb Killer 13 (1,7%)
Liang Nuren 13 (1,7%)
Thrasymachus TheSophist 13 (1,7%)
Helicity Boson 12 (1,5%)
Meissa Anunthiel 12 (1,5%)
Hairy Bum 11 (1,4%)
Troeg Artheon 11 (1,4%)
Dariah Stardweller 10 (1,3%)
JC Anderson 9 (1,1%)
Shakon 9 (1,1%)
Barakkus 7 (0,9%)
captain foivos 7 (0,9%)
Captain Megadeath 7 (0,9%)
Mazzarins Demise 7 (0,9%)
Mel Lifera 7 (0,9%)
Abrazzar 6 (0,8%)
Ildryn 6 (0,8%)
Misanth 6 (0,8%)
Timathai 6 (0,8%)
Tippia 6 (0,8%)
Zenst 6 (0,8%)
Allant Doran 5 (0,6%)
Dramaticus 5 (0,6%)
FOEHAMMER006 5 (0,6%)
Killer Gandry 5 (0,6%)
Madner Kami 5 (0,6%)
Squat Hardpeck 5 (0,6%)
TeaDaze 5 (0,6%)
Clovermite 4 (0,5%)
Andrea Griffin 4 (0,5%)
Ebisu Kami 4 (0,5%)
Krecian 4 (0,5%)
Ky Vatta 4 (0,5%)
mazzilliu 4 (0,5%)
Miyamoto Isoruku 4 (0,5%)
Shaemell Buttleson 4 (0,5%)
Taladool 4 (0,5%)
Titanius Bridge 4 (0,5%)
Tolis Irithel 4 (0,5%)
Trebor Daehdoow 4 (0,5%)
Turdilious 4 (0,5%)
Yuki Kulotsuki 4 (0,5%)
AterraX 3 (0,4%)
Ban Doga 3 (0,4%)
Top 25 alliance posters in thread Posts (% of total)
- 553 (70,3%)
RAZOR Alliance 59 (7,5%)
The Initiative. 19 (2,4%)
War.Pigs. 14 (1,8%)
The Jerk Cartel 12 (1,5%)
Infinite Conflux 11 (1,4%)
Goonswarm Federation 8 (1,0%)
-Mostly Harmless- 7 (0,9%)
Tear Extraction And Reclamation Service 7 (0,9%)
Asset Liberation Front. 6 (0,8%)
DEFI4NT 5 (0,6%)
Gentlemen's Interstellar Nightclub 5 (0,6%)
Black Cartel. 4 (0,5%)
Kamikaze Project 4 (0,5%)
Noir. Mercenary Group 4 (0,5%)
Pandemic Legion 4 (0,5%)
Black Star Alliance 3 (0,4%)
Cry Havoc. 3 (0,4%)
Gentlemen's Club 3 (0,4%)
Initiative Mercenaries 3 (0,4%)
Nabaal Syndicate 3 (0,4%)
R.A.G.E 3 (0,4%)
The Gurlstas Associates 3 (0,4%)
Underworld Excavators 3 (0,4%)
Top 25 corporation posters in thread Posts (% of total)
- 353 (44,9%)
Roving Guns Inc. 59 (7,5%)
Intercision 21 (2,7%)
Vanishing Point. 19 (2,4%)
Parsec Flux 14 (1,8%)
The Python Cartel. 12 (1,5%)
Starfire Oasis 11 (1,4%)
Gung-Ho 10 (1,3%)
State Protectorate 8 (1,0%)
Caelestis Iudicium 7 (0,9%)
GoonWaffe 7 (0,9%)
Profit Development and Research Association 7 (0,9%)
Suddenly Ninjas 7 (0,9%)
Aliastra 6 (0,8%)
Center for Advanced Studies 6 (0,8%)
Deep Core Mining Inc. 6 (0,8%)
do you 6 (0,8%)
Populist Manufacturing and Exploration 6 (0,8%)
Reaper Industries 6 (0,8%)
Sunshine and Lollipops 6 (0,8%)
Durendal Ascending 5 (0,6%)
Fraternitas Renatas 5 (0,6%)
TerraNovae 5 (0,6%)
Black Forest Operatives 4 (0,5%)
Domini Umbrus 4 (0,5%)
Essence of Decay 4 (0,5%)
Euphoria Released 4 (0,5%)
Kamikaze Fleet Command 4 (0,5%)
Majority 12 4 (0,5%)
Noir. 4 (0,5%)
Original Sin. 4 (0,5%)
Science and Trade Institute 4 (0,5%)
Sniggerdly 4 (0,5%)
Agent-Orange 3 (0,4%)
Association of Commonwealth Enterprises 3 (0,4%)
Brutor tribe 3 (0,4%)
C C P 3 (0,4%)
CTRL-Q 3 (0,4%)
Doom Guard 3 (0,4%)
EMIX INC 3 (0,4%)
Eye of God 3 (0,4%)
Northstar Cabal 3 (0,4%)
PAX Interstellar Services 3 (0,4%)
Sane Industries Inc. 3 (0,4%)
The Black Rabbits Academy 3 (0,4%)
The IMPERIUM of LaZy NATION 3 (0,4%)
Trust Doesn't Rust 3 (0,4%)
Ajo Heavy Industries 2 (0,3%)
Caldari Provisions 2 (0,3%)
Confrerie de Kaedri 2 (0,3%)

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