Statistics for thread
Incursion 1.1.1 Deployment on Friday, January 21
General statistics  
Total posts 430
First post 2011-01-21 10:16:00
Last post 2011-01-31 10:17:00
Duration 10 days (active period), 5163 days (since first post)
Daily average 43,0 posts/day (active period), 0,1 posts/day (since first post)
Typed characters 279 635
Longest post Mad Maulkin (3973 characters, posted 2011-01-21 13:43:00)
Average post length 650,3 chars/post
Unique authors 241 (avg 1,8 posts/author)
90-day posting graph
Top 50 posters in thread Posts (% of total)
MoondogSpot 18 (4,2%)
Mad Maulkin 13 (3,0%)
Milken Gekko 8 (1,9%)
nameless1q 8 (1,9%)
NiteassassinX 8 (1,9%)
Petunia666 8 (1,9%)
Cid Cahlahan 7 (1,6%)
Lord Ryan 7 (1,6%)
Phigmeta 7 (1,6%)
Radakos 7 (1,6%)
Teh Minez0r 7 (1,6%)
Arcana Mortis 6 (1,4%)
Dinta Zembo 6 (1,4%)
Ergion Thorn 6 (1,4%)
isk4trade 6 (1,4%)
Mrs Zor 6 (1,4%)
Draco Hart 5 (1,2%)
Wyte Ragnarok 5 (1,2%)
bitman 4 (0,9%)
Fluxsource 4 (0,9%)
solo 49er 4 (0,9%)
Blane Xero 3 (0,7%)
Bella Moon 3 (0,7%)
Ali Darc 3 (0,7%)
flapie 2 3 (0,7%)
Ganks Alot 3 (0,7%)
Isis Furion 3 (0,7%)
Jane Griffin 3 (0,7%)
Larodil 3 (0,7%)
PMolkenthin 3 (0,7%)
ReconRoach 3 (0,7%)
Slient Enforcer 3 (0,7%)
suckysuckyfivedollar 3 (0,7%)
VLAD VIRONS 3 (0,7%)
Zilero 3 (0,7%)
Amun Khonsu 2 (0,5%)
Ashra Tesh 2 (0,5%)
CooganV4 2 (0,5%)
Crash Prone 2 (0,5%)
Damiez 2 (0,5%)
Damarn Price 2 (0,5%)
Dasola 2 (0,5%)
Dremoirae 2 (0,5%)
Freedom1987 2 (0,5%)
Fulmar Muse 2 (0,5%)
Ghost Bringer 2 (0,5%)
ihcn 2 (0,5%)
Jane d'Arc 2 (0,5%)
Jegers 2 (0,5%)
Kaiden Le'Monte 2 (0,5%)
Top 25 alliance posters in thread Posts (% of total)
- 398 (92,6%)
The Spire Collective 3 (0,7%)
Nabaal Syndicate 2 (0,5%)
Nulli Secunda 2 (0,5%)
Nulli Tertius 2 (0,5%)
Sev3rance 2 (0,5%)
Test Alliance Please Ignore 2 (0,5%)
The Babylon Consortium 2 (0,5%)
Adeptus Arbites 1 (0,2%)
Blade. 1 (0,2%)
C0NVICTED 1 (0,2%)
Elysian Empire 1 (0,2%)
Flying Dangerous 1 (0,2%)
Imperius Legio Victrix 1 (0,2%)
Important Internet Spaceship League 1 (0,2%)
Kill It With Fire 1 (0,2%)
Majesta Empire 1 (0,2%)
Many Of Honour 1 (0,2%)
-Mostly Harmless- 1 (0,2%)
Ordo Magna 1 (0,2%)
Pandemic Legion 1 (0,2%)
Revival Of The Talocan Empire 1 (0,2%)
Superior Eve Engineering 1 (0,2%)
Systematic-Chaos 1 (0,2%)
United Front Alliance 1 (0,2%)
Top 25 corporation posters in thread Posts (% of total)
- 337 (78,4%)
Lions of Judah Incorporated 7 (1,6%)
New Phoenix Technologies 7 (1,6%)
Caldari Provisions 3 (0,7%)
Dark Chapter 3 (0,7%)
Galactic Express 3 (0,7%)
The Firestorm Cartel 3 (0,7%)
The Scope 3 (0,7%)
X-SENSE Technologies 3 (0,7%)
Ascendancy. 2 (0,5%)
AUF EX 2 (0,5%)
Degrees of Freedom 2 (0,5%)
Fatality. 2 (0,5%)
Fulmar's Anti-Caldari Club 2 (0,5%)
Martyr's Vengence 2 (0,5%)
New Eden Logistics 2 (0,5%)
Royal Order of Security Specialists 2 (0,5%)
22nd Black Rise Defensive Unit 1 (0,2%)
BIG 1 (0,2%)
Black Arrows 1 (0,2%)
Brothers of Destiny 1 (0,2%)
Ceptacemia 1 (0,2%)
Deviance Inc 1 (0,2%)
EdgeGamers 1 (0,2%)
Elite D.I.S Organisation 1 (0,2%)
Guerrilla Flotilla 1 (0,2%)
Guy Fawkes Trust Fund 1 (0,2%)
GWA Corp 1 (0,2%)
Hysteria Nexus 1 (0,2%)
I.M.M 1 (0,2%)
Ice Fire Warriors 1 (0,2%)
Iyen-Oursta Salvage 1 (0,2%)
Lead Farmers 1 (0,2%)
Legio Prima Victrix 1 (0,2%)
LifeLine Solutions 1 (0,2%)
Lonetrek Salvage and Scrap 1 (0,2%)
Masturbating Hand Social Club 1 (0,2%)
Naquatech Conglomerate 1 (0,2%)
New European Regiment 1 (0,2%)
North Eastern Swat 1 (0,2%)
Ordo Nigrorum Susurri 1 (0,2%)
Paramount Commerce 1 (0,2%)
Planetary Colony Construction 1 (0,2%)
QUNTZ 1 (0,2%)
Sinarity Industries 1 (0,2%)
Southern Cross Empire 1 (0,2%)
Talocan Vanguard 1 (0,2%)
The Elysian Horde 1 (0,2%)

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