Statistics for thread
Sticky:Dev Blog: Back to the balancing future!
General statistics  
Total posts 1005
First post 2012-11-06 14:48:00
Last post 2013-06-12 17:30:00
Duration 218 days (active period), 4189 days (since first post)
Daily average 4,6 posts/day (active period), 0,2 posts/day (since first post)
Typed characters 904 654
Longest post Trinkets friend (6030 characters, posted 2012-11-08 02:45:00)
Average post length 900,2 chars/post
Unique authors 433 (avg 2,3 posts/author)
90-day posting graph
Top 50 posters in thread Posts (% of total)
Harvey James 48 (4,8%)
Ranger 1 26 (2,6%)
Grath Telkin 25 (2,5%)
CCP Fozzie 24 (2,4%)
Marlona Sky 22 (2,2%)
Tippia 18 (1,8%)
Tyberius Franklin 15 (1,5%)
Jorma Morkkis 13 (1,3%)
Dracko Malus 11 (1,1%)
Fon Revedhort 11 (1,1%)
Forlorn Wongraven 9 (0,9%)
Sgt Napalm 9 (0,9%)
Takeshi Yamato 9 (0,9%)
nikon56 8 (0,8%)
Pinky Denmark 8 (0,8%)
Ravcharas 8 (0,8%)
Rek Seven 8 (0,8%)
Sinzor Aumer 8 (0,8%)
Warde Guildencrantz 8 (0,8%)
Berendas 7 (0,7%)
Gypsio III 7 (0,7%)
I'm Down 7 (0,7%)
Irregessa 7 (0,7%)
Lors Dornick 7 (0,7%)
Maximus Andendare 7 (0,7%)
Qaidan Alenko 7 (0,7%)
Terik Deatharbingr 7 (0,7%)
Creat Posudol 6 (0,6%)
Denegrah Togasa 6 (0,6%)
MinefieldS 6 (0,6%)
Moraguth 6 (0,6%)
Ribikoka 6 (0,6%)
Ethan Revenant 5 (0,5%)
Foolish Bob 5 (0,5%)
Keko Khaan 5 (0,5%)
Lipbite 5 (0,5%)
Maeltstome 5 (0,5%)
Markus Reese 5 (0,5%)
Milton Middleson 5 (0,5%)
MIrple 5 (0,5%)
Tess La'Coil 5 (0,5%)
xo3e 5 (0,5%)
Alara IonStorm 4 (0,4%)
Daneel Trevize 4 (0,4%)
Debir Achen 4 (0,4%)
Destriouth Hollow 4 (0,4%)
fukier 4 (0,4%)
Garviel Tarrant 4 (0,4%)
Gilbaron 4 (0,4%)
Krell Kroenen 4 (0,4%)
Top 25 alliance posters in thread Posts (% of total)
- 321 (31,9%)
Caldari State 88 (8,8%)
Pandemic Legion 37 (3,7%)
Gallente Federation 33 (3,3%)
Northern Coalition. 32 (3,2%)
C C P Alliance 26 (2,6%)
Amarr Empire 21 (2,1%)
RAZOR Alliance 21 (2,1%)
Minmatar Republic 15 (1,5%)
RvB - BLUE Republic 12 (1,2%)
Test Alliance Please Ignore 12 (1,2%)
Damu'Khonde 11 (1,1%)
Ivy League 11 (1,1%)
Shadow Cartel 11 (1,1%)
Nulli Secunda 10 (1,0%)
Brushie Brushie Brushie 9 (0,9%)
Aerodyne Collective 8 (0,8%)
Goonswarm Federation 8 (0,8%)
Ministry of Inappropriate Footwork 8 (0,8%)
Project Wildfire 8 (0,8%)
Reverberation Project 8 (0,8%)
Adhocracy 7 (0,7%)
Against ALL Authorities 7 (0,7%)
Circle-Of-Two 7 (0,7%)
Top 25 corporation posters in thread Posts (% of total)
Deep Core Mining Inc. 50 (5,0%)
- 48 (4,8%)
Ranger Corp 32 (3,2%)
C C P 26 (2,6%)
Sniggerdly 26 (2,6%)
State War Academy 26 (2,6%)
D00M. 25 (2,5%)
Federal Navy Academy 18 (1,8%)
Sunshine and Lollipops 18 (1,8%)
Lightbringer's Sanctuary 16 (1,6%)
Blue Republic 12 (1,2%)
EVE University 11 (1,1%)
Monks of War 11 (1,1%)
Rifterlings 11 (1,1%)
Center for Advanced Studies 9 (0,9%)
Creative Cookie Procuring 9 (0,9%)
Habitual Euthanasia 9 (0,9%)
Royal Amarr Institute 9 (0,9%)
TunDraGon 9 (0,9%)
Atlas Research Group 8 (0,8%)
Probe Patrol 8 (0,8%)
The Cursed Navy 8 (0,8%)
UnSkilleD Inc. 8 (0,8%)
Adhocracy Incorporated 7 (0,7%)
Beyond Divinity Inc 7 (0,7%)
Chemikals 7 (0,7%)
Clandestine Vector 7 (0,7%)
Future Corps 7 (0,7%)
Kallisti Industries 7 (0,7%)
Macabre Votum 7 (0,7%)
Obfuscation and Reflections 7 (0,7%)
Redhogs 7 (0,7%)
1 Sick Duck Standss on something 6 (0,6%)
Aperture Harmonics 6 (0,6%)
Dreddit 6 (0,6%)
German Oldies 6 (0,6%)
Science and Trade Institute 6 (0,6%)
BSC LEGION 5 (0,5%)
Express Hauler 5 (0,5%)
GoonWaffe 5 (0,5%)
Incertae Sedis 5 (0,5%)
Red Federation 5 (0,5%)
The Deliberate Forces 5 (0,5%)
The Dirty Rotten Scoundrels 5 (0,5%)
The Scope 5 (0,5%)
the unified 5 (0,5%)
Born-2-Kill 4 (0,4%)
Dysfunctional Nocturnal Rejects 4 (0,4%)
Extrinsic Operations 4 (0,4%)

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