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Total posts 585
First post 2013-05-22 14:40:00
Last post 2013-08-21 16:58:00
Duration 91 days (active period), 3982 days (since first post)
Daily average 6,4 posts/day (active period), 0,1 posts/day (since first post)
Typed characters 565 743
Longest post Vladimir Norkoff (4605 characters, posted 2013-05-23 04:13:00)
Average post length 967,1 chars/post
Unique authors 176 (avg 3,3 posts/author)
90-day posting graph
Top 50 posters in thread Posts (% of total)
Johan Toralen 41 (7,0%)
Omnathious Deninard 31 (5,3%)
Alvatore DiMarco 30 (5,1%)
CCP Bayesian 23 (3,9%)
CCP Soundwave 23 (3,9%)
Saheed Cha'chris'ra 21 (3,6%)
Brooks Puuntai 15 (2,6%)
Wasilah 14 (2,4%)
Altrue 9 (1,5%)
Itis Zhellin 9 (1,5%)
Rob Crowley 9 (1,5%)
Terrorfrodo 9 (1,5%)
Abrazzar 8 (1,4%)
blink alt 8 (1,4%)
Killua Zoldyeck 8 (1,4%)
Mario delTorres 8 (1,4%)
Seth Asthereun 8 (1,4%)
Naomi Hale 7 (1,2%)
Nicola Arman 7 (1,2%)
Scuzzy Logic 7 (1,2%)
Vladimir Norkoff 7 (1,2%)
Brainless Bimbo 6 (1,0%)
James Amril-Kesh 6 (1,0%)
Mara Rinn 6 (1,0%)
mynnna 6 (1,0%)
Salpun 6 (1,0%)
Andreus Ixiris 5 (0,9%)
Bienator II 5 (0,9%)
M'aak'han 5 (0,9%)
Manssell 5 (0,9%)
Tsubutai 5 (0,9%)
Vincent Athena 5 (0,9%)
Circumstantial Evidence 4 (0,7%)
Der Rest 4 (0,7%)
Freyya 4 (0,7%)
Heinel Coventina 4 (0,7%)
Dax Buchanan 3 (0,5%)
Anela Cistine 3 (0,5%)
AutumnWind1983 3 (0,5%)
Atomic Option 3 (0,5%)
Hehaw Jimbojohnson 3 (0,5%)
Jommis 3 (0,5%)
Kalot Sakaar 3 (0,5%)
Kel hound 3 (0,5%)
kyofu 3 (0,5%)
marVLs 3 (0,5%)
Noonxo 3 (0,5%)
Raven Solaris 3 (0,5%)
Space Wanderer 3 (0,5%)
Sven Viko VIkolander 3 (0,5%)
Top 25 alliance posters in thread Posts (% of total)
- 303 (51,8%)
Gallente Federation 43 (7,4%)
C C P Alliance 28 (4,8%)
Caldari State 16 (2,7%)
Trifectas Syndicate 14 (2,4%)
Goonswarm Federation 13 (2,2%)
Minmatar Republic 12 (2,1%)
C0VEN 8 (1,4%)
Sleeper Social Club 8 (1,4%)
Yulai Federation 8 (1,4%)
RAZOR Alliance 7 (1,2%)
Talocan United 7 (1,2%)
United Federation of Commerce 7 (1,2%)
Amarr Empire 6 (1,0%)
Cosmic Consortium 6 (1,0%)
Aegis Solaris 5 (0,9%)
Polarized. 5 (0,9%)
RvB - RED Federation 5 (0,9%)
Insidious Associates 4 (0,7%)
Tri-Star Galactic Industries 4 (0,7%)
Curatores Veritatis Alliance 3 (0,5%)
Fatal Ascension 3 (0,5%)
Frater Adhuc Excessum 3 (0,5%)
Li3 Federation 3 (0,5%)
RvB - BLUE Republic 3 (0,5%)
Top 25 corporation posters in thread Posts (% of total)
- 52 (8,9%)
Clockwork X3 41 (7,0%)
The Scope 33 (5,6%)
Capricious Endeavours Ltd 30 (5,1%)
C C P 28 (4,8%)
Krautz WH Exploration and Production 21 (3,6%)
Solar Nexus. 15 (2,6%)
Big Diggers 14 (2,4%)
State War Academy 13 (2,2%)
GoonWaffe 12 (2,1%)
Exploration Frontier inc 9 (1,5%)
Renegade Hobbits for Mordor 9 (1,5%)
Science and Trade Institute 9 (1,5%)
Future Corps 8 (1,4%)
GBTeam 8 (1,4%)
Jump Zero 8 (1,4%)
Oscura Simmetria 8 (1,4%)
Vardaugas Family 8 (1,4%)
4S Corporation 7 (1,2%)
Children of New Eden 7 (1,2%)
Income Redistribution Service 7 (1,2%)
Midnight Elites 7 (1,2%)
Pator Tech School 7 (1,2%)
Saiph Industries 7 (1,2%)
Cosmic Goo Convertor 6 (1,0%)
Paramount Commerce 6 (1,0%)
University of Caille 6 (1,0%)
C-7 5 (0,9%)
Duty. 5 (0,9%)
Imperial Academy 5 (0,9%)
madmen of the skies 5 (0,9%)
OmiHyperMultiNationalDrunksConglomerate 5 (0,9%)
Red Federation 5 (0,9%)
V.I.C.E. 5 (0,9%)
CragCO 4 (0,7%)
Omni Galactic Resource Excavation Inc. 4 (0,7%)
Blue Republic 3 (0,5%)
CRICE Corporation 3 (0,5%)
Dreddit 3 (0,5%)
Federal Organization for Outerspace Freedom 3 (0,5%)
Frontier Explorer's League 3 (0,5%)
Lycosa Syndicate 3 (0,5%)
Multiplex Gaming 3 (0,5%)
Praetorian Black Guard 3 (0,5%)
Red-dormice 3 (0,5%)
Sebiestor Tribe 3 (0,5%)
Straya. 3 (0,5%)
Taggart Transdimensional 3 (0,5%)

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