Statistics for thread
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General statistics  
Total posts 1259
First post 2014-08-03 11:50:00
Last post 2017-07-31 16:46:40
Duration 1093 days (active period), 3544 days (since first post)
Daily average 1,2 posts/day (active period), 0,4 posts/day (since first post)
Typed characters 847 679
Longest post Connor McLeod (4691 characters, posted 2015-09-20 18:34:24)
Average post length 673,3 chars/post
Unique authors 246 (avg 5,1 posts/author)
90-day posting graph
Top 50 posters in thread Posts (% of total)
Pete Butcher 582 (46,2%)
Rumbaldi 27 (2,1%)
Spcius Patrouette 24 (1,9%)
LSky NLX 17 (1,4%)
Somi Zulfi 13 (1,0%)
Tonic Baywater 11 (0,9%)
Zetsubou Gakusei 11 (0,9%)
Leandra Leal 10 (0,8%)
Aribeth Thiesant 9 (0,7%)
Syd Echerie 9 (0,7%)
CCP FoxFour 9 (0,7%)
6ie 8 (0,6%)
Dunpeal Hunter 8 (0,6%)
Elizabet Forgrave 8 (0,6%)
James Trevena 8 (0,6%)
Kallie Rae 8 (0,6%)
Saedi R'tha 8 (0,6%)
Tsufuri Ormand 8 (0,6%)
Andre Iv 7 (0,6%)
Malkys en Daire 7 (0,6%)
b3nny 6 (0,5%)
Celesta FenShungFa 6 (0,5%)
Dark Lady Sylvanas 6 (0,5%)
Frederica Bonas 6 (0,5%)
Mergency Warpout 6 (0,5%)
Rossonius Pun 6 (0,5%)
Sony Ichosira 6 (0,5%)
Dax Dahma 5 (0,4%)
DraconisAlpha 5 (0,4%)
Aaron Honk 5 (0,4%)
Gilbaron 5 (0,4%)
Iria Ahrens 5 (0,4%)
Mikail Thiesant 5 (0,4%)
Praal 5 (0,4%)
Triarii Aideron 5 (0,4%)
Xre Sloracknor 5 (0,4%)
Audovacar 4 (0,3%)
Dr FiLiN 4 (0,3%)
Elsy Strominger 4 (0,3%)
Hel O'Ween 4 (0,3%)
IEFtm 4 (0,3%)
Jennifer Spearshield 4 (0,3%)
Jonny Draper 4 (0,3%)
L0SER18q 4 (0,3%)
MiGLiuS 4 (0,3%)
Morbus Macademia 4 (0,3%)
Pindi buoy 4 (0,3%)
Raikia Nardieu 4 (0,3%)
Shee Mail 4 (0,3%)
Sugilite 4 (0,3%)
Top 25 alliance posters in thread Posts (% of total)
- 441 (35,0%)
Goonswarm Federation 398 (31,6%)
Caldari State 60 (4,8%)
Gallente Federation 50 (4,0%)
Brave Collective 41 (3,3%)
The Volition Cult 31 (2,5%)
Pandemic Horde 26 (2,1%)
Amarr Empire 24 (1,9%)
Minmatar Republic 16 (1,3%)
Ivy League 11 (0,9%)
C C P Alliance 9 (0,7%)
Test Alliance Please Ignore 9 (0,7%)
The Bastion 9 (0,7%)
I N F A M O U S 7 (0,6%)
Yulai Federation 7 (0,6%)
Anoikis Ronin 5 (0,4%)
Federation Uprising 5 (0,4%)
Northern Coalition. 5 (0,4%)
RvB - BLUE Republic 5 (0,4%)
Shadow Cartel 5 (0,4%)
Caldari Armed Forces. 4 (0,3%)
Curatores Veritatis Alliance 4 (0,3%)
Dirt Nap Squad. 4 (0,3%)
Out of Sight. 4 (0,3%)
Sleeper Social Club 4 (0,3%)
Top 25 corporation posters in thread Posts (% of total)
KarmaFleet 383 (30,4%)
Kiss My Shiny Metal Ass 182 (14,5%)
Brave Newbies Inc. 35 (2,8%)
Pandemic Horde Inc. 26 (2,1%)
AgonyOfChoice 25 (2,0%)
The Valiant Vanguard 24 (1,9%)
Science and Trade Institute 21 (1,7%)
University of Caille 16 (1,3%)
Center for Advanced Studies 15 (1,2%)
Hedion University 14 (1,1%)
State War Academy 14 (1,1%)
- 11 (0,9%)
EVE University 11 (0,9%)
The Scope 11 (0,9%)
Deep Core Mining Inc. 10 (0,8%)
C C P 9 (0,7%)
Fort Hill Cartel 9 (0,7%)
Perkone 9 (0,7%)
All-Out 8 (0,6%)
NE Procurement 8 (0,6%)
R'tha Syndicate 8 (0,6%)
The Kiwis 8 (0,6%)
Zervas Aeronautics 8 (0,6%)
Das Raumfahrer Syndikat 7 (0,6%)
Terra Supernova 7 (0,6%)
Blackwell Research 6 (0,5%)
Federal Navy Academy 6 (0,5%)
Fluffy Unicorn Corp. 6 (0,5%)
Lead Venture 6 (0,5%)
Banana Moon Industries 5 (0,4%)
Bearded BattleBears 5 (0,4%)
Blue Republic 5 (0,4%)
Distributed Denial of Service 5 (0,4%)
Free-Space-Ranger 5 (0,4%)
Mecha Enterprises Fleet 5 (0,4%)
Ministry of War 5 (0,4%)
Pator Tech School 5 (0,4%)
Sebiestor Tribe 5 (0,4%)
Sigin-tarag 5 (0,4%)
Space Perverts and Forum Pirates 5 (0,4%)
Conoco. 4 (0,3%)
Dreddit 4 (0,3%)
Future Corps 4 (0,3%)
Into The Fray. 4 (0,3%)
Least Fixed Point 4 (0,3%)
Malkys INC. 4 (0,3%)
Men On A Mission 4 (0,3%)
My Little Pony Industries Inc. 4 (0,3%)
Nexus Industries. 4 (0,3%)
No Mercy Incorporated 4 (0,3%)

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