Statistics for thread
Sticky:Reserved #5
General statistics  
Total posts 330
First post 2014-08-06 12:57:00
Last post 2014-10-14 16:41:00
Duration 69 days (active period), 3873 days (since first post)
Daily average 4,8 posts/day (active period), 0,1 posts/day (since first post)
Typed characters 321 555
Longest post Nendail Smith (4324 characters, posted 2014-08-07 03:32:00)
Average post length 974,4 chars/post
Unique authors 171 (avg 1,9 posts/author)
90-day posting graph
Top 50 posters in thread Posts (% of total)
epicurus ataraxia 18 (5,5%)
Pavel Sohaj 14 (4,2%)
Derath Ellecon 11 (3,3%)
Nendail Smith 8 (2,4%)
Anize Oramara 7 (2,1%)
Axloth Okiah 7 (2,1%)
Alundil 7 (2,1%)
Ang Min 7 (2,1%)
CCP Fozzie 7 (2,1%)
Rroff 6 (1,8%)
Serendipity Lost 6 (1,8%)
Winthorp 6 (1,8%)
Kaerakh 5 (1,5%)
Klarion Sythis 5 (1,5%)
Valenthe de Celine 5 (1,5%)
Qalix 4 (1,2%)
Traiori 4 (1,2%)
Udonor 4 (1,2%)
umnikar 4 (1,2%)
Bleedingthrough 3 (0,9%)
Buba Neagra 3 (0,9%)
Adrienn Tiwake 3 (0,9%)
Lenroc Elisav 3 (0,9%)
Meytal 3 (0,9%)
Phoenix Steele 3 (0,9%)
Saisin 3 (0,9%)
Verran Skarne 3 (0,9%)
AssassinationsdoneWrong 2 (0,6%)
calaretu 2 (0,6%)
Budrick3 2 (0,6%)
Dasani Waters 2 (0,6%)
Andarriel 2 (0,6%)
Constans Macob 2 (0,6%)
ExookiZ 2 (0,6%)
Fireflynine 2 (0,6%)
Jack Miton 2 (0,6%)
Jezza McWaffle 2 (0,6%)
Kadm 2 (0,6%)
Kyra Kurai 2 (0,6%)
Loan--Wolf 2 (0,6%)
Moe Lesture 2 (0,6%)
Mr Floydy 2 (0,6%)
Necharo Rackham 2 (0,6%)
Newt BlackCompany 2 (0,6%)
Rei Moon 2 (0,6%)
Rek Seven 2 (0,6%)
Ren Kavik 2 (0,6%)
Rob Cobb 2 (0,6%)
Samsara Nolte 2 (0,6%)
sansem 2 (0,6%)
Top 25 alliance posters in thread Posts (% of total)
- 143 (43,3%)
Ministry of Inappropriate Footwork 14 (4,2%)
Situation: Normal 11 (3,3%)
Caldari State 10 (3,0%)
Sleeper Social Club 10 (3,0%)
Gallente Federation 9 (2,7%)
C C P Alliance 8 (2,4%)
Carthage Empires 8 (2,4%)
Bloodline. 7 (2,1%)
Try Rerolling 7 (2,1%)
Adhocracy 6 (1,8%)
Amarr Empire 6 (1,8%)
Minmatar Republic 6 (1,8%)
Brothers of Tangra 4 (1,2%)
Disavowed. 4 (1,2%)
Ixtab. 4 (1,2%)
Brawls Deep 3 (0,9%)
Codec Forum 3 (0,9%)
RAZOR Alliance 3 (0,9%)
Verge of Collapse 3 (0,9%)
Arctic Light 2 (0,6%)
Fidelas Constans 2 (0,6%)
Ishuk-Raata Enforcement Directive 2 (0,6%)
No Holes Barred 2 (0,6%)
Scary Wormhole People 2 (0,6%)
Top 25 corporation posters in thread Posts (% of total)
Lazerhawks 19 (5,8%)
Anoikis Exploration 15 (4,5%)
- 11 (3,3%)
Washburne Holdings 11 (3,3%)
Future Corps 10 (3,0%)
Isogen 5 10 (3,0%)
Questionable Ethics. 10 (3,0%)
C C P 8 (2,4%)
Center for Advanced Studies 8 (2,4%)
Hard Knocks Inc. 8 (2,4%)
Lockheed Nighthawk 8 (2,4%)
CPD Adventures Pte. Ltd. 7 (2,1%)
EVE Protection Agency 7 (2,1%)
Adhocracy Incorporated 6 (1,8%)
Repo Industries 6 (1,8%)
Literally Solo 5 (1,5%)
State War Academy 5 (1,5%)
Surprisingly Deep Hole 5 (1,5%)
The Red Circle Inc. 5 (1,5%)
Fishbone Industries 4 (1,2%)
Four Pillars 4 (1,2%)
Native Freshfood 4 (1,2%)
Probe Patrol 4 (1,2%)
School of Applied Knowledge 4 (1,2%)
Sky Fighters 4 (1,2%)
4 Marketeers 3 (0,9%)
AQUILA INC 3 (0,9%)
Hedion University 3 (0,9%)
No Vacancies 3 (0,9%)
Oberon Incorporated 3 (0,9%)
Raptor Navy 3 (0,9%)
Serene Vendetta 3 (0,9%)
Stargate SG-ONE 3 (0,9%)
Ace's And 8's 2 (0,6%)
Aperture Harmonics 2 (0,6%)
Arctic Light Inc. 2 (0,6%)
Astroketeers 2 (0,6%)
Cascading Failure 2 (0,6%)
Catfish Gumbo 2 (0,6%)
Gallente Embassy 2 (0,6%)
Honestly We didnt know 2 (0,6%)
Murderous Inc 2 (0,6%)
Nolan Heavy Industries 2 (0,6%)
Pandora Sphere 2 (0,6%)
Royal Amarr Institute 2 (0,6%)
Satori Inc. 2 (0,6%)
Sefem Velox 2 (0,6%)
Sternenschauer AG 2 (0,6%)
The Dark Space Initiative 2 (0,6%)
The Nexus 7's 2 (0,6%)

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