Statistics for thread Celtic Anarchy - do not take any ex-member of this Alliance |
General statistics | |
Total posts | 100 |
First post | 2006-12-19 13:44:00 |
Last post | 2006-12-24 15:05:00 |
Duration | 5 days (active period), 6640 days (since first post) |
Daily average | 20,0 posts/day (active period), 0,0 posts/day (since first post) |
Typed characters | 76 638 |
Longest post | Rastelle (4655 characters, posted 2006-12-24 14:38:00) |
Average post length | 766,4 chars/post |
Unique authors | 60 (avg 1,7 posts/author) |
90-day posting graph |
Top 50 posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
Kanae | 8 (8,0%) |
Crax McGee | 5 (5,0%) |
Zaphod Jones | 5 (5,0%) |
Khavi Vetali | 4 (4,0%) |
Trak Cranker | 4 (4,0%) |
patteSatan | 3 (3,0%) |
Nymos | 3 (3,0%) |
Crellion | 3 (3,0%) |
Kabalevsky | 3 (3,0%) |
DanMck | 3 (3,0%) |
AlvynNevins | 2 (2,0%) |
Aerick Dawn | 2 (2,0%) |
Ice Breaker2 | 2 (2,0%) |
JaegerX | 2 (2,0%) |
MIGHTYDWC | 2 (2,0%) |
qantua gnartians | 2 (2,0%) |
Rehen | 2 (2,0%) |
Rastelle | 2 (2,0%) |
TylerJames | 2 (2,0%) |
Quintin Argooth | 1 (1,0%) |
Tjakka | 1 (1,0%) |
Ti Nsi | 1 (1,0%) |
Thor Xian | 1 (1,0%) |
Sky Fox | 1 (1,0%) |
Pepperami | 1 (1,0%) |
Nulvak CEO | 1 (1,0%) |
NiteOwl | 1 (1,0%) |
Nagilam | 1 (1,0%) |
Mutant Caldari | 1 (1,0%) |
Mito Rilo | 1 (1,0%) |
Matuk Grymwal | 1 (1,0%) |
Marn Prestoc | 1 (1,0%) |
Mang0o | 1 (1,0%) |
Laythun | 1 (1,0%) |
Kin'Tarr | 1 (1,0%) |
Kaar | 1 (1,0%) |
iggy6662k2 | 1 (1,0%) |
Hyllekjeks | 1 (1,0%) |
higleiberrie | 1 (1,0%) |
Hermia | 1 (1,0%) |
Hammy Sammy | 1 (1,0%) |
Gurney Halleck | 1 (1,0%) |
Grissem | 1 (1,0%) |
Graalum | 1 (1,0%) |
FowlPlayChiken | 1 (1,0%) |
eXtas | 1 (1,0%) |
EwokPoacher | 1 (1,0%) |
EnglishBob | 1 (1,0%) |
Darknesss | 1 (1,0%) |
dailyhazard | 1 (1,0%) |
Top 25 alliance posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
Anarchy Empire | 45 (45,0%) |
- | 22 (22,0%) |
Ratel Alliance | 20 (20,0%) |
R0ADKILL | 3 (3,0%) |
Ascendant Frontier | 2 (2,0%) |
Cruel Intentions | 1 (1,0%) |
E.A.R.T.H. Federation | 1 (1,0%) |
Interstellar Starbase Syndicate | 1 (1,0%) |
Lotka Volterra | 1 (1,0%) |
Mercenary Coalition | 1 (1,0%) |
Morsus Mihi | 1 (1,0%) |
RAZOR Alliance | 1 (1,0%) |
Triumvirate. | 1 (1,0%) |
Top 25 corporation posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
Celtic Anarchy | 27 (27,0%) |
Feral Tendency | 16 (16,0%) |
Kemono. | 8 (8,0%) |
Team Americas | 7 (7,0%) |
Art of War | 6 (6,0%) |
- | 4 (4,0%) |
Rionnag Alba | 3 (3,0%) |
Cosmic Odyssey | 2 (2,0%) |
Foundation | 2 (2,0%) |
PAX Interstellar Services | 2 (2,0%) |
Queens of the Stone Age | 2 (2,0%) |
Sha Kharn Corp | 2 (2,0%) |
0utbreak | 1 (1,0%) |
Cutting Edge Incorporated | 1 (1,0%) |
D00M. | 1 (1,0%) |
HIVE | 1 (1,0%) |
Interstellar eXodus | 1 (1,0%) |
ISS Navy Task Force | 1 (1,0%) |
KIA Corp | 1 (1,0%) |
Millennium | 1 (1,0%) |
Nubs. | 1 (1,0%) |
Point-Zero | 1 (1,0%) |
Quam Singulari | 1 (1,0%) |
Rage of Angels | 1 (1,0%) |
S.A.S | 1 (1,0%) |
Sharks With Frickin' Laser Beams | 1 (1,0%) |
The Rat Pack | 1 (1,0%) |
The Salieri Society | 1 (1,0%) |
The Warcry Corporation | 1 (1,0%) |
Warped Mining | 1 (1,0%) |
Vertigo One | 1 (1,0%) |
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