Statistics for thread
General statistics  
Total posts 801
First post 2007-05-31 21:10:00
Last post 2007-10-24 05:55:00
Duration 146 days (active period), 6491 days (since first post)
Daily average 5,5 posts/day (active period), 0,1 posts/day (since first post)
Typed characters 848 054
Longest post Snowden Vel (6292 characters, posted 2007-06-02 14:57:00)
Average post length 1 058,7 chars/post
Unique authors 288 (avg 2,8 posts/author)
90-day posting graph
Top 50 posters in thread Posts (% of total)
eleuthereus 77 (9,6%)
Snowden Vel 43 (5,4%)
Elmo Noguchi 31 (3,9%)
State OFMInd 25 (3,1%)
Sir Lolle 22 (2,7%)
Terket 22 (2,7%)
Stoffer Ninjapirate 20 (2,5%)
Svaha Norbu 18 (2,2%)
Machine Delta 17 (2,1%)
AegriSomnia 14 (1,7%)
CrispyKritters 13 (1,6%)
sesanti 13 (1,6%)
Anille Kole 11 (1,4%)
DiuxDium 11 (1,4%)
Locus Bey 11 (1,4%)
DarkMatter 10 (1,2%)
Phelan Driscoll 10 (1,2%)
Potenza 10 (1,2%)
cal nereus 7 (0,9%)
Frug 7 (0,9%)
James Duar 7 (0,9%)
Thanos Draicon 7 (0,9%)
Cheval Blanc 6 (0,7%)
Itzena 6 (0,7%)
Stradiot 6 (0,7%)
Atari Party 5 (0,6%)
Haloskeeter 5 (0,6%)
Tortun Nahme 5 (0,6%)
Dark Kavar 4 (0,5%)
Dark Shikari 4 (0,5%)
deadtear 4 (0,5%)
Elenath 4 (0,5%)
Erichk Knaar 4 (0,5%)
Kaplanelle 4 (0,5%)
Kiih 4 (0,5%)
Kiko Goatbiter 4 (0,5%)
Sir Drake 4 (0,5%)
Swinton Wolsoncroft 4 (0,5%)
Tetsujin 4 (0,5%)
Urikko 4 (0,5%)
Adm Tecumseh 3 (0,4%)
Delors 3 (0,4%)
Guillaume Yu 3 (0,4%)
Ladyah Liandri 3 (0,4%)
Le Skunk 3 (0,4%)
Marvin 3 (0,4%)
Ms Freak 3 (0,4%)
Nikos Iscariot 3 (0,4%)
Rekindle 3 (0,4%)
Sicks Stringed 3 (0,4%)
Top 25 alliance posters in thread Posts (% of total)
- 405 (50,6%)
GoonSwarm 288 (36,0%)
Namtz'aar k'in 13 (1,6%)
Band of Brothers 11 (1,4%)
We Are Nice Guys 11 (1,4%)
Firmus Ixion 5 (0,6%)
Exuro Mortis 4 (0,5%)
The Makhai 4 (0,5%)
Aftermath Alliance 3 (0,4%)
Chaos Incarnate. 3 (0,4%)
Cruel Intentions 3 (0,4%)
Ghosts Syndicate 3 (0,4%)
The Star Fraction 3 (0,4%)
Triumvirate. 3 (0,4%)
Agony Empire 2 (0,2%)
Anarchy Empire 2 (0,2%)
Breidablik 2 (0,2%)
Cult of War 2 (0,2%)
Curse Alliance 2 (0,2%)
FATAL Alliance 2 (0,2%)
RAZOR Alliance 2 (0,2%)
Sparta Alliance 2 (0,2%)
Against ALL Authorities 1 (0,1%)
Axiom Empire 1 (0,1%)
Blind Beavers 1 (0,1%)
Top 25 corporation posters in thread Posts (% of total)
GoonFleet 246 (30,7%)
- 110 (13,7%)
Aliastra 63 (7,9%)
Imperial Academy 31 (3,9%)
Hedion University 25 (3,1%)
Band of Brolols 22 (2,7%)
Ultrapolite Socialites 19 (2,4%)
Gamma Haulers Against Drama 17 (2,1%)
Battlestars 14 (1,7%)
Universal Exports 13 (1,6%)
Merch Industrial 11 (1,4%)
Qalandar 11 (1,4%)
University of Caille 11 (1,4%)
Mineral Aquisition Group 10 (1,2%)
School of Applied Knowledge 7 (0,9%)
Zenithal Harvest 7 (0,9%)
Heimatar Services Conglomerate 5 (0,6%)
Aionios Diadochi 4 (0,5%)
Imperium Technologies 4 (0,5%)
Maelstrom Crew 4 (0,5%)
Black Nova Corp 3 (0,4%)
Black Omega Security 3 (0,4%)
coracao ardente 3 (0,4%)
Destructive Influence 3 (0,4%)
Freelance Assassins 3 (0,4%)
Guys With Strippers 3 (0,4%)
Intentional Negligence 3 (0,4%)
Jericho Fraction 3 (0,4%)
Low Sec Liberators 3 (0,4%)
NCN Corp 3 (0,4%)
North Star Networks 3 (0,4%)
Pyrrhus Sicarii 3 (0,4%)
Reikoku 3 (0,4%)
The Templars Knights 3 (0,4%)
VMF-214 Blacksheep 3 (0,4%)
Agony Unleashed 2 (0,2%)
Brutor tribe 2 (0,2%)
Cutting Edge Incorporated 2 (0,2%)
Di-Tron Heavy Industries 2 (0,2%)
Enterprise Estonia 2 (0,2%)
FarCry Inc 2 (0,2%)
German Cyberdome Corp 2 (0,2%)
Knowledge Industries Geological Research 2 (0,2%)
KVA Noble Inc. 2 (0,2%)
Lacks a Point Ltd 2 (0,2%)
Quam Singulari 2 (0,2%)
The Absolutely Amazing Fire Eaters 2 (0,2%)
The Theta Project 2 (0,2%)
0utbreak 1 (0,1%)
Acquire 1 (0,1%)

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