Statistics for thread
Sovereignty and starbases, the future!
General statistics  
Total posts 882
First post 2007-11-13 14:49:00
Last post 2009-07-06 10:10:00
Duration 601 days (active period), 6001 days (since first post)
Daily average 1,5 posts/day (active period), 0,1 posts/day (since first post)
Typed characters 1 683 346
Longest post Archivian Specialatus (6951 characters, posted 2007-11-19 22:28:00)
Average post length 1 908,6 chars/post
Unique authors 410 (avg 2,2 posts/author)
90-day posting graph
Top 50 posters in thread Posts (% of total)
Archivian Specialatus 49 (5,6%)
Goumindong 36 (4,1%)
Tzesaeia 30 (3,4%)
MotherMoon 15 (1,7%)
Thera Romana 15 (1,7%)
Zaiyo Modi 15 (1,7%)
Cailais 14 (1,6%)
Kerfira 13 (1,5%)
Ramirez Dora 11 (1,2%)
Somealt Ofmine 10 (1,1%)
Dorvil Barranis 9 (1,0%)
Jifai 9 (1,0%)
Veng3ance 9 (1,0%)
Alski 8 (0,9%)
Ellaine TashMurkon 8 (0,9%)
Cker Heel 7 (0,8%)
Kelsin 7 (0,8%)
Koala Bare 7 (0,8%)
Patriak Marlowe 7 (0,8%)
Rod Blaine 7 (0,8%)
von Mannstein 7 (0,8%)
Hilly22222 6 (0,7%)
Nemtar Nataal 6 (0,7%)
Niko Lorenzio 6 (0,7%)
Thargat 6 (0,7%)
Vitrael 6 (0,7%)
ardik 5 (0,6%)
Bu Jinkan 5 (0,6%)
Belidonna 5 (0,6%)
Ernest Graefenberg 5 (0,6%)
Esiel 5 (0,6%)
Vyktor Abyss 5 (0,6%)
Zareph 5 (0,6%)
CCP Nozh 5 (0,6%)
Dianabolic 4 (0,5%)
Gerome Doutrande 4 (0,5%)
Maliber 4 (0,5%)
Maverick Ice 4 (0,5%)
Morcam 4 (0,5%)
Nyphur 4 (0,5%)
Serena Hennessy 4 (0,5%)
silken mouth 4 (0,5%)
TheDevilsJury 4 (0,5%)
Vladimir Tinakin 4 (0,5%)
CCP Zulupark 4 (0,5%)
Bein Glorious 3 (0,3%)
Bob Niac 3 (0,3%)
Astria Tiphareth 3 (0,3%)
Adunh Slavy 3 (0,3%)
Cemial 3 (0,3%)
Top 25 alliance posters in thread Posts (% of total)
- 455 (51,6%)
GoonSwarm 79 (9,0%)
FOUNDATI0N 60 (6,8%)
Band of Brothers 40 (4,5%)
The Star Fraction 17 (1,9%)
Brutally Clever Empire 16 (1,8%)
Triumvirate. 14 (1,6%)
Atlas Alliance 11 (1,2%)
Chain of Chaos 10 (1,1%)
Interstellar Starbase Syndicate 10 (1,1%)
Imperial Republic Of the North 6 (0,7%)
Mostly Harmless 6 (0,7%)
Un-Natural Selection 6 (0,7%)
Ev0ke 5 (0,6%)
eXceed. 5 (0,6%)
Interstellar Alcohol Conglomerate 5 (0,6%)
RAZOR Alliance 5 (0,6%)
Archaean Cooperative 4 (0,5%)
Pure. 4 (0,5%)
Total Comfort 4 (0,5%)
Vanguard. 4 (0,5%)
Abyss Alliance 3 (0,3%)
Free Trade Zone. 3 (0,3%)
Hydra Alliance 3 (0,3%)
Insurgency 3 (0,3%)
Top 25 corporation posters in thread Posts (% of total)
- 317 (35,9%)
Fairlight Corp 49 (5,6%)
Merch Industrial 40 (4,5%)
GoonFleet 32 (3,6%)
Jericho Fraction 17 (1,9%)
VITOC 13 (1,5%)
Reikoku 11 (1,2%)
The Dead Parrot Shoppe Inc. 11 (1,2%)
Di-Tron Heavy Industries 10 (1,1%)
Huang Yinglong 10 (1,1%)
Evolution 9 (1,0%)
CBC Interstellar 8 (0,9%)
Prophets Of a Damned Universe 8 (0,9%)
Art of War 7 (0,8%)
Black Nova Corp 7 (0,8%)
Destructive Influence 7 (0,8%)
North Star Networks 7 (0,8%)
Interstellar Starbase Syndicate Operations 6 (0,7%)
Tarnak inc. 6 (0,7%)
United Eve Directorate 6 (0,7%)
Cutting Edge Incorporated 5 (0,6%)
eXceed Inc. 5 (0,6%)
TunkbwahCorp 5 (0,6%)
Deep Core Mining Inc. 4 (0,5%)
Demonic Retribution 4 (0,5%)
Hadean Drive Yards 4 (0,5%)
Koshaku 4 (0,5%)
Pillowsoft 4 (0,5%)
Rue Morgue 4 (0,5%)
School of Applied Knowledge 4 (0,5%)
The Knights Templar 4 (0,5%)
Ammatar Trade Syndicate 3 (0,3%)
Ars ex Discordia 3 (0,3%)
Black Eclipse Corp 3 (0,3%)
Eve University 3 (0,3%)
FinFleet 3 (0,3%)
Khaos Wielders 3 (0,3%)
PAX Technologies 3 (0,3%)
Stormlord Battleforce 3 (0,3%)
The Abyss Corporation 3 (0,3%)
The Nietzian Way 3 (0,3%)
The X-Trading Company 3 (0,3%)
Tri Optimum 3 (0,3%)
Advanced Logistics 2 (0,2%)
Angel of War 2 (0,2%)
Argent Group 2 (0,2%)
Caldari Independent Navy Reserve 2 (0,2%)
Catalyst Corporation 2 (0,2%)
Chosen Path 2 (0,2%)
Dark Sun Collective 2 (0,2%)

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