Statistics for thread
The Pendulum
General statistics  
Total posts 544
First post 2008-05-06 11:01:00
Last post 2008-05-11 13:23:00
Duration 5 days (active period), 6152 days (since first post)
Daily average 108,8 posts/day (active period), 0,1 posts/day (since first post)
Typed characters 339 039
Longest post Tetsujin (4230 characters, posted 2008-05-06 12:17:00)
Average post length 623,2 chars/post
Unique authors 310 (avg 1,8 posts/author)
90-day posting graph
Top 50 posters in thread Posts (% of total)
Angelonico 33 (6,1%)
MineralOel Steuer 17 (3,1%)
Doddy 10 (1,8%)
Marko Zhang 10 (1,8%)
KIATolon 8 (1,5%)
mama guru 8 (1,5%)
Martin VanBuren 8 (1,5%)
Aeon Yakati 7 (1,3%)
Proxay 7 (1,3%)
Dianabolic 6 (1,1%)
General Windypops 6 (1,1%)
Scavok 5 (0,9%)
slip66 5 (0,9%)
thoth foc 5 (0,9%)
Daniel zorg 4 (0,7%)
enjoi 4 (0,7%)
Hazrah Ni'Kunrah 4 (0,7%)
Idaeus 4 (0,7%)
Moran Trayga 4 (0,7%)
Orange Species 4 (0,7%)
Ponderous Thunderstroke 4 (0,7%)
Tarantelita 4 (0,7%)
Torhas 4 (0,7%)
Zeveron 4 (0,7%)
Avon 3 (0,6%)
Claire Lacombe 3 (0,6%)
ardik 3 (0,6%)
Alexi Kalashnikov 3 (0,6%)
Erik Amirault 3 (0,6%)
HydroSan 3 (0,6%)
Iroku Mata 3 (0,6%)
Iva Soreass 3 (0,6%)
Moe Sczyzlak 3 (0,6%)
Moonlight Express 3 (0,6%)
Mr McDee 3 (0,6%)
NOL Waiter 3 (0,6%)
OldPueblo 3 (0,6%)
Phrixus Zephyr 3 (0,6%)
Shadowsword 3 (0,6%)
Svett 3 (0,6%)
The Knight 3 (0,6%)
Waagaa Ktlehr 3 (0,6%)
Valkorsia 3 (0,6%)
VinkNut 3 (0,6%)
Ace Frehley 2 (0,4%)
AKULA UrQuan 2 (0,4%)
awebon 2 (0,4%)
Cptn Obvious 2 (0,4%)
DaiTengu 2 (0,4%)
Der Pfaffe 2 (0,4%)
Top 25 alliance posters in thread Posts (% of total)
- 221 (40,6%)
Band of Brothers 96 (17,6%)
GoonSwarm 79 (14,5%)
Executive Outcomes 14 (2,6%)
Cruel Intentions 13 (2,4%)
Insurgency 12 (2,2%)
Blade. 11 (2,0%)
Pandemic Legion 9 (1,7%)
R0ADKILL 7 (1,3%)
Triumvirate. 6 (1,1%)
Red Alliance 5 (0,9%)
SMASH Alliance 5 (0,9%)
Tau Ceti Federation 5 (0,9%)
Phalanx Alliance 4 (0,7%)
Digital Renegades 3 (0,6%)
New Eden Federation. 3 (0,6%)
RAZOR Alliance 3 (0,6%)
Against ALL Authorities 2 (0,4%)
Atrum Tempestas Foedus 2 (0,4%)
Black Hand. 2 (0,4%)
Black Scope Project 2 (0,4%)
Curatores Veritatis Alliance 2 (0,4%)
Ev0ke 2 (0,4%)
eXceed. 2 (0,4%)
G00DFELLAS 2 (0,4%)
Top 25 corporation posters in thread Posts (% of total)
GoonFleet 62 (11,4%)
Destructive Influence 40 (7,4%)
Series of Tubes 33 (6,1%)
- 18 (3,3%)
Black Nova Corp 17 (3,1%)
OP EC 17 (3,1%)
Evolution 16 (2,9%)
Black Eclipse Corp 14 (2,6%)
Omega Fleet Enterprises 14 (2,6%)
Fallen Angel's 11 (2,0%)
Destructive Flatulence 10 (1,8%)
Corp 1 Allstars 9 (1,7%)
Reikoku 8 (1,5%)
Art of War 7 (1,3%)
Skullduggery Inc 6 (1,1%)
DarkStar 1 5 (0,9%)
North Eastern Swat 5 (0,9%)
State War Academy 5 (0,9%)
UA Industry 5 (0,9%)
Asylum Logistics 4 (0,7%)
Carebear Academy 4 (0,7%)
D00M. 4 (0,7%)
Ragna Rok Corp 4 (0,7%)
Republic War Machine Industries 4 (0,7%)
The Greater Goon 4 (0,7%)
Ancient Crew 3 (0,6%)
COLSUP 3 (0,6%)
Digital Fury Corporation 3 (0,6%)
Dining in NOL Enterprises. 3 (0,6%)
Endovelicus Heavy Industries 3 (0,6%)
Moonlight Express Inc. 3 (0,6%)
Mythos Corp 3 (0,6%)
Personal Vendetta 3 (0,6%)
Prospero Incorperated 3 (0,6%)
Sniggerdly 3 (0,6%)
Spartan Industries 3 (0,6%)
Tha Squiddy Project 3 (0,6%)
The Illuminati. 3 (0,6%)
TunkbwahCorp 3 (0,6%)
All In Enterprise 2 (0,4%)
Anoint 2 (0,4%)
Asgard Schiffswerften 2 (0,4%)
Black Water. 2 (0,4%)
Children of the Wind 2 (0,4%)
Contraband Inc. 2 (0,4%)
Deep Space Productions 2 (0,4%)
Druuge Crimson Corporation 2 (0,4%)
E-Truth 2 (0,4%)
eXceed Inc. 2 (0,4%)
F.R.E.E. Explorer 2 (0,4%)

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