Statistics for thread Fanfest 2008! |
General statistics | |
Total posts | 263 |
First post | 2008-06-09 14:57:00 |
Last post | 2008-11-29 22:20:00 |
Duration | 173 days (active period), 6121 days (since first post) |
Daily average | 1,5 posts/day (active period), 0,0 posts/day (since first post) |
Typed characters | 130 115 |
Longest post | Mirida (3094 characters, posted 2008-11-02 23:27:00) |
Average post length | 494,7 chars/post |
Unique authors | 131 (avg 2,0 posts/author) |
90-day posting graph |
Top 25 alliance posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
- | 134 (51,0%) |
Veto Corp | 25 (9,5%) |
GoonSwarm | 12 (4,6%) |
Band of Brothers | 10 (3,8%) |
Triumvirate. | 8 (3,0%) |
Electus Matari | 4 (1,5%) |
Executive Outcomes | 4 (1,5%) |
Rigor Mortis Mortalis | 4 (1,5%) |
Agony Empire | 3 (1,1%) |
Resurgency | 3 (1,1%) |
The Gurlstas Associates | 3 (1,1%) |
BlackWater. | 2 (0,8%) |
Clown Punchers Syndicate | 2 (0,8%) |
Curatores Veritatis Alliance | 2 (0,8%) |
Dawn of Transcendence | 2 (0,8%) |
Dirt Nap Associates | 2 (0,8%) |
Libertas Fidelitas | 2 (0,8%) |
Ministry of Information | 2 (0,8%) |
Mostly Harmless | 2 (0,8%) |
Namtz' aar K'in | 2 (0,8%) |
Pandemic Legion | 2 (0,8%) |
The Star Fraction | 2 (0,8%) |
Unaffiliated | 2 (0,8%) |
Wayward Alliance | 2 (0,8%) |
Aegis Militia | 1 (0,4%) |
Top 25 corporation posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
- | 67 (25,5%) |
Ma'adim Logistics | 13 (4,9%) |
GoonFleet | 12 (4,6%) |
Guiding Hand Social Club | 11 (4,2%) |
H A V O C | 9 (3,4%) |
Destructive Influence | 7 (2,7%) |
The Last Resort. | 7 (2,7%) |
Lunar Dawn | 6 (2,3%) |
Mad Hermit | 6 (2,3%) |
Serenity Inc | 6 (2,3%) |
An Eye For An Eye | 5 (1,9%) |
Celestial Apocalypse | 4 (1,5%) |
Meltd0wn | 4 (1,5%) |
The Causality | 4 (1,5%) |
Agony Unleashed | 3 (1,1%) |
The Black Rabbits | 3 (1,1%) |
the united | 3 (1,1%) |
BURN EDEN | 2 (0,8%) |
CAD Inc. | 2 (0,8%) |
Clown Punchers. | 2 (0,8%) |
Dirt Nap Squad | 2 (0,8%) |
Duty. | 2 (0,8%) |
Dynamic Data Distribution | 2 (0,8%) |
Encina Technologies | 2 (0,8%) |
FinFleet | 2 (0,8%) |
Forging Industries | 2 (0,8%) |
Freelancer Union | 2 (0,8%) |
Game Masters | 2 (0,8%) |
Jericho Fraction | 2 (0,8%) |
M. Corp | 2 (0,8%) |
Order of the Argent Shroud | 2 (0,8%) |
Raddick Explorations | 2 (0,8%) |
Splint Eye Probabilities Inc. | 2 (0,8%) |
Taintclan Industries | 2 (0,8%) |
Ta'liq | 2 (0,8%) |
THE FINAL STAND | 2 (0,8%) |
Veto. | 2 (0,8%) |
0utbreak | 1 (0,4%) |
Adult Entertainment | 1 (0,4%) |
An Tir | 1 (0,4%) |
BIG | 1 (0,4%) |
BSC LEGION | 1 (0,4%) |
C C P | 1 (0,4%) |
Caldari Provisions | 1 (0,4%) |
CrayC Inc. | 1 (0,4%) |
Criminal Element | 1 (0,4%) |
Cybergate Inc. | 1 (0,4%) |
Darkstorm Command | 1 (0,4%) |
Debitum Naturae | 1 (0,4%) |
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