Statistics for thread KillBoards dont show the truth. |
General statistics | |
Total posts | 79 |
First post | 2008-09-19 22:58:00 |
Last post | 2008-09-22 19:08:00 |
Duration | 3 days (active period), 5984 days (since first post) |
Daily average | 26,3 posts/day (active period), 0,0 posts/day (since first post) |
Typed characters | 55 673 |
Longest post | Rajere (4677 characters, posted 2008-09-22 17:08:00) |
Average post length | 704,7 chars/post |
Unique authors | 64 (avg 1,2 posts/author) |
90-day posting graph |
Top 50 posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
Bruce Deorum | 5 (6,3%) |
Scagga Laebetrovo | 3 (3,8%) |
Butter Dog | 3 (3,8%) |
Doctor Oda | 2 (2,5%) |
Gnulpie | 2 (2,5%) |
Rajere | 2 (2,5%) |
PsychoBones | 2 (2,5%) |
Jehovah Cooper | 2 (2,5%) |
Veldya | 2 (2,5%) |
Veron Daerth | 2 (2,5%) |
Sepherim | 1 (1,3%) |
Ryuga VonRhaiden | 1 (1,3%) |
remo man | 1 (1,3%) |
Ishamel 1 | 1 (1,3%) |
Huan Hunglong | 1 (1,3%) |
Hey You | 1 (1,3%) |
Gumpy Nighthawk | 1 (1,3%) |
Greckor Monmouth | 1 (1,3%) |
Amuko | 1 (1,3%) |
Algey | 1 (1,3%) |
AIchemist | 1 (1,3%) |
Adeptus mecanicus | 1 (1,3%) |
128th ABC123 | 1 (1,3%) |
Niraco79 | 1 (1,3%) |
Natalia Duraldi | 1 (1,3%) |
Mr Digs | 1 (1,3%) |
Mihailo Great | 1 (1,3%) |
Megan Maynard | 1 (1,3%) |
Max Bauer | 1 (1,3%) |
Maverick 52 | 1 (1,3%) |
Lord Fitz | 1 (1,3%) |
Lieutenant Obvious | 1 (1,3%) |
Leuthispar | 1 (1,3%) |
killerco | 1 (1,3%) |
KIAEddZ | 1 (1,3%) |
Keeves | 1 (1,3%) |
Kathryn Inara | 1 (1,3%) |
Karbowiak | 1 (1,3%) |
Jenney | 1 (1,3%) |
Fred0 | 1 (1,3%) |
Fearless Kill | 1 (1,3%) |
Farham | 1 (1,3%) |
Faekurias | 1 (1,3%) |
Ethen Bejorn | 1 (1,3%) |
Esna Pitoojee | 1 (1,3%) |
Energon Avenger | 1 (1,3%) |
Dkiler | 1 (1,3%) |
Dirtball | 1 (1,3%) |
DeadDuck | 1 (1,3%) |
Darklin Eldaris | 1 (1,3%) |
Top 25 alliance posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
- | 40 (50,6%) |
RAZOR Alliance | 9 (11,4%) |
Pirate Coalition | 3 (3,8%) |
Triumvirate. | 3 (3,8%) |
A.X.I.S | 2 (2,5%) |
Band of Brothers | 2 (2,5%) |
KIA Alliance | 2 (2,5%) |
Notoriety Alliance | 2 (2,5%) |
The Cadre. | 2 (2,5%) |
Axiom Empire | 1 (1,3%) |
CORPVS DELICTI | 1 (1,3%) |
Curatores Veritatis Alliance | 1 (1,3%) |
Eternal Rapture | 1 (1,3%) |
Executive Outcomes | 1 (1,3%) |
G00DFELLAS | 1 (1,3%) |
GoonSwarm | 1 (1,3%) |
Liberty. | 1 (1,3%) |
Morsus Mihi | 1 (1,3%) |
Mostly Harmless | 1 (1,3%) |
OWN Alliance | 1 (1,3%) |
Shadow of xXDEATHXx | 1 (1,3%) |
Systematic-Chaos | 1 (1,3%) |
Vanguard. | 1 (1,3%) |
Top 25 corporation posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
Mythos Corp | 5 (6,3%) |
- | 4 (5,1%) |
The Littlest Hobos | 4 (5,1%) |
Evil Bastards | 3 (3,8%) |
Blood Meridian | 2 (2,5%) |
coracao ardente | 2 (2,5%) |
Guristari Freedom Fighters | 2 (2,5%) |
H A V O C | 2 (2,5%) |
Invicta. | 2 (2,5%) |
Miner Tech | 2 (2,5%) |
No Trademark | 2 (2,5%) |
R.E.C.O.N. | 2 (2,5%) |
Thundercats | 2 (2,5%) |
17th Minmatar Tactical Wing | 1 (1,3%) |
Amarr Border Defense Consortium | 1 (1,3%) |
Battlestars | 1 (1,3%) |
Black Legion Command | 1 (1,3%) |
Black Nova Corp | 1 (1,3%) |
Cutting Edge Incorporated | 1 (1,3%) |
D00M. | 1 (1,3%) |
Destructive Influence | 1 (1,3%) |
Digital assassins | 1 (1,3%) |
Disturbance Inc. | 1 (1,3%) |
Dkiller Delta Force Corp. | 1 (1,3%) |
Dutch T2 Production | 1 (1,3%) |
Entropy Systems Mining Co. | 1 (1,3%) |
Eve Liberation Force | 1 (1,3%) |
Federal Noob Mercs | 1 (1,3%) |
Freelancer Ltd | 1 (1,3%) |
Fusion Enterprises Ltd | 1 (1,3%) |
Garoun Investment Bank | 1 (1,3%) |
Happy Tree Friends | 1 (1,3%) |
Heavily Utilized Mechanic Mayhem | 1 (1,3%) |
Influence of Destruction | 1 (1,3%) |
Insurgent New Eden Tribe | 1 (1,3%) |
Intensive CareBearz | 1 (1,3%) |
KIA Corp | 1 (1,3%) |
Lyonesse. | 1 (1,3%) |
NAF | 1 (1,3%) |
O.W.N. Corp | 1 (1,3%) |
Oberon Incorporated | 1 (1,3%) |
Octavian Vanguard | 1 (1,3%) |
Omega Fleet Enterprises | 1 (1,3%) |
Ordo Quaesitoris | 1 (1,3%) |
Out of Order | 1 (1,3%) |
Pestilent Industries Amalgamated | 1 (1,3%) |
Phantom Squad | 1 (1,3%) |
Pillowsoft | 1 (1,3%) |
PinK TacO Inc. | 1 (1,3%) |
Project Amargosa | 1 (1,3%) |
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