Statistics for thread
there is no bob~~~
General statistics  
Total posts 2236
First post 2009-02-05 01:38:00
Last post 2009-02-15 10:36:00
Duration 10 days (active period), 5556 days (since first post)
Daily average 223,6 posts/day (active period), 0,4 posts/day (since first post)
Typed characters 1 149 064
Longest post Gorfob (5543 characters, posted 2009-02-05 07:48:00)
Average post length 513,9 chars/post
Unique authors 1074 (avg 2,1 posts/author)
90-day posting graph
Top 50 posters in thread Posts (% of total)
Scorpio Hollanda 83 (3,7%)
The Mittani 49 (2,2%)
Gekigami 37 (1,7%)
Devian 666 27 (1,2%)
Cyrrus Ex 23 (1,0%)
Fire Ants 21 (0,9%)
Breaky Uzumaki 20 (0,9%)
Daoi Sith 19 (0,8%)
CEO Pyrex 18 (0,8%)
Himo Amasacia 17 (0,8%)
Petar Quaresma 16 (0,7%)
Zell Shadowcast 16 (0,7%)
Daviclond 15 (0,7%)
Gorfob 15 (0,7%)
rValdez5987 15 (0,7%)
Sworn Absent 15 (0,7%)
Lady Lard 14 (0,6%)
Tasya Voogo 14 (0,6%)
Elecktra Blue 13 (0,6%)
Orange Faeces 12 (0,5%)
Captain Thunk 11 (0,5%)
Courthouse 11 (0,5%)
Haargoth Agamar 11 (0,5%)
Mecinia Lua 11 (0,5%)
Animenick 10 (0,4%)
Brobuck 10 (0,4%)
Omeega 10 (0,4%)
Snowden Vel 10 (0,4%)
Zemi Dahut 10 (0,4%)
Ess Erbe 9 (0,4%)
Kami Rikiushi 9 (0,4%)
Murodeeznuts 9 (0,4%)
Razzor Death 9 (0,4%)
Darius JOHNSON 8 (0,4%)
Popperr 8 (0,4%)
Will Hunter 8 (0,4%)
Visceroth 8 (0,4%)
Dungar Loghoth 7 (0,3%)
Ferocitana 7 (0,3%)
fishblades 7 (0,3%)
Maitsu 7 (0,3%)
Ni Gaplees 7 (0,3%)
Puncher 7 (0,3%)
Valius Altmer 7 (0,3%)
xVx dreadnaught 7 (0,3%)
D4rkF4lcon 6 (0,3%)
Gneeznow 6 (0,3%)
Hubris 6 (0,3%)
Mittenz 6 (0,3%)
Top 25 alliance posters in thread Posts (% of total)
GoonSwarm 788 (35,2%)
- 456 (20,4%)
Pandemic Legion 88 (3,9%)
Interstellar Forces 83 (3,7%)
Sons of Tangra 51 (2,3%)
Tau Ceti Federation 31 (1,4%)
Arcane Alliance 30 (1,3%)
Goodfellas. 29 (1,3%)
RAZOR Alliance 29 (1,3%)
Shadow of xXDEATHXx 25 (1,1%)
Morsus Mihi 21 (0,9%)
Privateer Alliance 20 (0,9%)
Against ALL Authorities 17 (0,8%)
Frontal Impact 16 (0,7%)
Minor Threat. 16 (0,7%)
Force Of Evil 14 (0,6%)
Burning Horizons 13 (0,6%)
B.L.A.C.K. 12 (0,5%)
DEFI4NT 12 (0,5%)
PuPPet MasTers 11 (0,5%)
Atlas Alliance 10 (0,4%)
Otherworld Empire Productions 10 (0,4%)
FOUNDATI0N 9 (0,4%)
Sylph Alliance 9 (0,4%)
Top 25 corporation posters in thread Posts (% of total)
GoonFleet 556 (24,9%)
THE INTERNET. 86 (3,8%)
Crusaders of Darkness 83 (3,7%)
Igneus Auctorita 60 (2,7%)
Divine Retribution 40 (1,8%)
The Greater Goon 40 (1,8%)
DarkStar 1 38 (1,7%)
Battlestars 35 (1,6%)
Merch Industrial 35 (1,6%)
The Illuminati. 32 (1,4%)
Sniggerdly 27 (1,2%)
North Eastern Swat 24 (1,1%)
Intergalactic Peace Organization 23 (1,0%)
Ultrapolite Socialites 23 (1,0%)
Blueprint Haus 22 (1,0%)
The Greater Moon 20 (0,9%)
Vale Tudo. 16 (0,7%)
32nd Amarrian Imperial Navy Regiment. 15 (0,7%)
Suicidal Intentions 14 (0,6%)
Band of Brothers 13 (0,6%)
Destructive Influence 13 (0,6%)
Galactic Express 13 (0,6%)
Section XIII 13 (0,6%)
Ars ex Discordia 12 (0,5%)
Black Nova Corp 12 (0,5%)
Cutting Edge Incorporated 11 (0,5%)
hirr 11 (0,5%)
The Collective 11 (0,5%)
Guiding Hand Social Club 10 (0,4%)
Mobius Rising 10 (0,4%)
The Athiest Syndicate 9 (0,4%)
Universal Business Systems 9 (0,4%)
Valor Inc. 9 (0,4%)
- 8 (0,4%)
Epsilon Lyr 8 (0,4%)
Celtic Anarchy 7 (0,3%)
Evolution 7 (0,3%)
Noir. 7 (0,3%)
Pillowsoft 7 (0,3%)
Thundercats 7 (0,3%)
Xcellence Vs Xtreme 7 (0,3%)
Altruism. 6 (0,3%)
Federation 6 (0,3%)
Ore Mongers 6 (0,3%)
Shut Up And Play 6 (0,3%)
Comply Or Die 5 (0,2%)
Cruoris Seraphim 5 (0,2%)
Dark Materials 5 (0,2%)
Demonic Retribution 5 (0,2%)

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