Vuk Lau
4S Corporation Morsus Mihi
Posted - 2010.01.27 21:31:00 -
Brought to you by J'inn
Quote: Patch notes for EVE Online: Dominion 1.1.1, to be released on January 28, 2010.
Table of Contents CHANGES FIXES
* Pilots will now be able to customize their ships with respect to color and signage. This change is in response to the unceasing requests from NC High Command that their ships be either pink or sport the “Rainbow Warrior Alternative Lifestyle Banner.” Pilots who abuse this modification and create ship designs that are in poor taste or otherwise offensive will be given a warning. A second offense will result in permanent transfer to the NC.
* Fighter bombers have been tweaked to insure they add more lag upon launch. Otherwise they would be over powered in comparison to other lag inducing features such as: ships, missiles, shuttles, cans, POSes, logging into the game, moving your mouse, etc.
Player Owned Structures, Outposts and Stations
* POS warfare has been improved through lag. When you combine our recent nerfs to offensive weapons, with the game and enjoyment extending feature of lag, POS sieges can now be expected to take hours. This will allow pod pilots to handle various chores around the home while sieging a POS. This will insure a more peaceful home experience. Just one more way we at CCP show we care!
Graphics General
* Once again Graphic have been improved. Our award winning graphics can be enjoyed by players at anytime with the following conditions: Not for use in a system with more than one player. Not for use in combat. Not for use while mining. Not for use while in warp. Not for use while having fun. FIXES
* You can make them pink!! ‘Nuff said.
* CCP ANNOUCNES OUR NEW AND IMPROVED STRESS REDUCTION FEATURE!! Many behind the scenes optimizations and fixes have been implemented. As hinted at above, “lag” ----- “which we at CCP call the “Stress Reduction Feature” has been improved. SRF will now allow the game to slow down during fleet battles so as to avoid undue player stress. You will now have a good 15 minutes . . . or even longer! . . . to make critical decisions during battle. Such was when to fire your weapons. When to move your ship. When to change targets. AND!!! If your ship gets destroyed you won’t even see it happen. After your system crashes you will simply log back into game and appear within a nice calm station. That’s right!! Less stress and more quality brought to you from CCP!!!
* Next Patch
We are currently working on bringing the SRF to small fleet engagements as well. Currently they are just too fast and too stressful.