Kain Rehel
Gallente Darkwave Technologies Blade.
Posted - 2010.06.09 11:49:00 -
Edited by: Kain Rehel on 09/06/2010 12:03:20 Edited by: Kain Rehel on 09/06/2010 11:58:55
LOTTO49 - 50
Mailing list : lotto-49 - must be on mailing list to qualify for secret bonus prize.
This Lottery is brought to you by Kain Rehel and secured by Grendell. I pride myself on having a well organized and scam proof lottery. I provide great prizes at affordable tickets prices. A total of 138 Billion ISK in prizes have been given away in my Lotteries over the last 5 months. Whether you are blue, red, or orange to me makes no difference, politics play no part in my lotteries. I have a loyal clientele that have helped my lottery's average 2 days to complete.
All my previous lottery's can be seen here.(new website under construction)
Main Prize Winner Wins(estimated Value of 2.2B isk) 1st place - Win a Faction Fitted Tengu, fit displayed here, Also includes 22k of Caldari Navy Terror Assault Missiles.
Consolation Prizes 2nd place - Wins any Carrier 3rd place - Wins any Tech III ship with 5 Subs 4th place - Wins a Cynabal(comes T2 fitted and T1 rigged) 5th place - Wins any Command Ship 6th place - Wins any Heavy Interdictor ship 7th place - Wins any Heavy Assault Ship 8th place - Wins a Gist X-Type 100mn Afterburner 9th place - Wins a Dramiel
*** Secret Bonus Prize (50-100M Value) that anyone can win!! Its easy, just post (an unedited) reply with a number in this thread between 1 and 1200. Whomever guesses closest to the main prize winning number wins a Bonus prize!!! To qualify you must be on my mailing list. ***
*****Multiple ticket holders can win more than 1 prize, except Main prize winner cannot win any additional consolation prizes.*****
This lottery will be using Chribba's Dice-API tool(Grendell will be). Its a tool that picks a random number(s) before the lottery starts and locks it (no one including myself or Grendell can see these number(s) until they are unlocked). Grendell my 3rd party service will hold the prize(s) as well as lock and unlock the winning number(s), which can be seen in his post below.
HOW IT WORKS * This lottery will consist of 1200 tickets. * Tickets for this Lottery are 5mil. * Lottery numbers will be unlocked once all tickets are purchased. * Ticket Numbers are given out randomly. * To purchase tickets, send isk to in game character Lotto49 with the reason field of Lotto49-50.
Ticket Holders List Automatic API Ticket Checker link
Click Above link to see all ticket related information. * - % in search engine will show all ticket holders * - your name in search engine will show your tickets in lottery. * - Tickets are given in out randomly with the software. PLEASE allow up to 1 hour for Software to update new ticket purchases.