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Athule Snanm
Athule Snanm

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Posted - 2003.06.29 09:28:00 - [1]

At the end of a night exploring the outer reaches of EVE my return journey was interrupted by those vermin of the galaxy, m0o. As Poitot made a convenient stopping off point I retired to my bed with a troubled spirit.

This was to be expected, but it was not the usual unease one feels in the presence of the anti-Emperor - the arch unholiness of Lord Zap - but instead the more queezy feeling one experiences in the presence of hidden and more obscure evil.

Dark omens abounded, the moon eclipsed the constellation of Fountain and was in its turned ecplised by the station. The augeries read the glancing space dust in ways that foretold woe. Rats and spiders infested the station, drawn by foul ethers sent by the Dark One. Most worryingly of all my milk had run sour, and my biscuits were running low.

After an uneasy night of sleep I awoke once more and felt it wise to check for the presence of the M0o spawn. Opening the bounty channel I saw many familiar faces, but there lurking at #9 in the most wanted list was that vilest of criminals, Ctaesis - a member of no other corporation than TTi. Here is the evidence, kindly provided by the Imperial Police:

You may also check for yourselves at any Concord or bounty interface equipped station.

Why is he in TTi? Doubtless he is increasing their coffers from the suffering of others. Perhaps he is sheltering temporarily to make M0o numbers seem smaller, or maybe if their alliance has truly crumbled it is of some other accursed pirate corp?

If TTi are indeed on the side of right and good, as they claim, then they should deliver Ctaesis, together with his blood stained equipment, to a neutral 3rd party of immediate and public execution.

Changed sceenshot (not allowed) to link to screenshot (allowed).


Doomheim - EVE's only hygiene!
Athule Snanm
Athule Snanm
Blue Apple Industries

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Posted - 2003.06.29 09:28:00 - [2]

At the end of a night exploring the outer reaches of EVE my return journey was interrupted by those vermin of the galaxy, m0o. As Poitot made a convenient stopping off point I retired to my bed with a troubled spirit.

This was to be expected, but it was not the usual unease one feels in the presence of the anti-Emperor - the arch unholiness of Lord Zap - but instead the more queezy feeling one experiences in the presence of hidden and more obscure evil.

Dark omens abounded, the moon eclipsed the constellation of Fountain and was in its turned ecplised by the station. The augeries read the glancing space dust in ways that foretold woe. Rats and spiders infested the station, drawn by foul ethers sent by the Dark One. Most worryingly of all my milk had run sour, and my biscuits were running low.

After an uneasy night of sleep I awoke once more and felt it wise to check for the presence of the M0o spawn. Opening the bounty channel I saw many familiar faces, but there lurking at #9 in the most wanted list was that vilest of criminals, Ctaesis - a member of no other corporation than TTi. Here is the evidence, kindly provided by the Imperial Police:

You may also check for yourselves at any Concord or bounty interface equipped station.

Why is he in TTi? Doubtless he is increasing their coffers from the suffering of others. Perhaps he is sheltering temporarily to make M0o numbers seem smaller, or maybe if their alliance has truly crumbled it is of some other accursed pirate corp?

If TTi are indeed on the side of right and good, as they claim, then they should deliver Ctaesis, together with his blood stained equipment, to a neutral 3rd party of immediate and public execution.

Changed sceenshot (not allowed) to link to screenshot (allowed).


Doomheim - EVE's only hygiene!
Capn Blood
Capn Blood

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Posted - 2003.06.29 10:23:00 - [3]

TTI are on the side of the almighty holy isk, good or evil doesn't enter the equation.

Perhaps if you Amarrians stoppped disembowling goats (after pleasuring yourself with them beforehand) to read their entrails, and started to use your own brains, then life would be less confusing for you all.

Capn Blood
Starbucks Intergalactic
"In space, everyone needs caffeine!"
"Trust no man who says to you that 'The ends justify the means' or who says that 'We will do whatever it takes...'.
These men have no honour, and are fit only to be politicians."

The book of Rab
Chapter 1, Verse 3.
Capn Blood
Capn Blood
Brutor tribe

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Posted - 2003.06.29 10:23:00 - [4]

TTI are on the side of the almighty holy isk, good or evil doesn't enter the equation.

Perhaps if you Amarrians stoppped disembowling goats (after pleasuring yourself with them beforehand) to read their entrails, and started to use your own brains, then life would be less confusing for you all.

Capn Blood
Starbucks Intergalactic
"In space, everyone needs caffeine!"
"Trust no man who says to you that 'The ends justify the means' or who says that 'We will do whatever it takes...'.
These men have no honour, and are fit only to be politicians."

The book of Rab
Chapter 1, Verse 3.

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Posted - 2003.06.29 10:30:00 - [5]

I hate to point this out, but anyone can put a price on someones head, wether they attack you or not. As you seem so intent on slamming TTi it would'nt be unreasonable to think you put that price on his head to give you something to post about.

I know you need a -0.1 sec rating to have a bounty on you, but even i had that when i was a newbie just for blowing up convoys, or for attacking a PC pirate in higher sec systems <yawn>

Hunters Agency
Firmus Ixion

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Posted - 2003.06.29 10:30:00 - [6]

I hate to point this out, but anyone can put a price on someones head, wether they attack you or not. As you seem so intent on slamming TTi it would'nt be unreasonable to think you put that price on his head to give you something to post about.

I know you need a -0.1 sec rating to have a bounty on you, but even i had that when i was a newbie just for blowing up convoys, or for attacking a PC pirate in higher sec systems <yawn>


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Posted - 2003.06.29 15:02:00 - [7]

You ***** me up.

Ctaesis is one of our most proficient pirate-killers and he commonly leads squadrons to clear gates for our businessmen to conduct smooth travel. He has a high bounty not because he is a criminal, but because he kills so many criminals trying to annoy TTI in Empire space.

It's a sad day when TTI members are left to do the job of Concord and are in return branded with bounties. It shows the bureaucratic and ineffective nightmare that is Concord.

Edited by: Ragnar on 29/06/2003 15:03:53
Ragnar Danneskj÷ld
Taggart Transdimensional, Inc.
Deep Core Mining Inc.

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Posted - 2003.06.29 15:02:00 - [8]

You ***** me up.

Ctaesis is one of our most proficient pirate-killers and he commonly leads squadrons to clear gates for our businessmen to conduct smooth travel. He has a high bounty not because he is a criminal, but because he kills so many criminals trying to annoy TTI in Empire space.

It's a sad day when TTI members are left to do the job of Concord and are in return branded with bounties. It shows the bureaucratic and ineffective nightmare that is Concord.

Edited by: Ragnar on 29/06/2003 15:03:53
Ragnar Danneskj÷ld
Taggart Transdimensional, Inc.

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Posted - 2003.06.29 20:09:00 - [9]

Avast! Shiver me timbers! Fire the broad side.

Ya, anyway, I pod a pirate in Empire space and get a bounty on my head. I tried to ask customer support to fix it, but they are inept. Through their unbelievably poor judgement call, and sad implementation of CONCORD this has come about.

So ya, I've got a good clone. I think I'll just claim this free cash. You try and do some good, but end up getting screwed by the system.

"Warp to Desktop" -- American PCGamer

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Posted - 2003.06.29 20:09:00 - [10]

Avast! Shiver me timbers! Fire the broad side.

Ya, anyway, I pod a pirate in Empire space and get a bounty on my head. I tried to ask customer support to fix it, but they are inept. Through their unbelievably poor judgement call, and sad implementation of CONCORD this has come about.

So ya, I've got a good clone. I think I'll just claim this free cash. You try and do some good, but end up getting screwed by the system.

"Warp to Desktop" -- American PCGamer

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Posted - 2003.06.30 09:35:00 - [11]

After reviewing your paperwork, I have to conclude that your evidence doesn't completely sway me. Yes, he is in TTI, yes he has a bounty on his head For well over one million isk, but yet his security rating is only a -2.0. Obviously the man has been misjudged by the authorities and his files need to be opened for further scrutiny by a high ranking and impartial judge.

He is Gallente and it's only right that his trial be seen before a Gallantean jury. Can anyone step forth and claim that they have been attacked unprovoked by this man?

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Posted - 2003.06.30 09:35:00 - [12]

After reviewing your paperwork, I have to conclude that your evidence doesn't completely sway me. Yes, he is in TTI, yes he has a bounty on his head For well over one million isk, but yet his security rating is only a -2.0. Obviously the man has been misjudged by the authorities and his files need to be opened for further scrutiny by a high ranking and impartial judge.

He is Gallente and it's only right that his trial be seen before a Gallantean jury. Can anyone step forth and claim that they have been attacked unprovoked by this man?
Athule Snanm
Athule Snanm

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Posted - 2003.06.30 11:11:00 - [13]

Interesting isn't it how TTi pick and choose which laws to obey. The Law, as handed down through The Undying Word of His Imperial Majesty, Defender of Amarr, Lash of The Minmatar, etc, etc, Heideran VII (may his unswerving hand crush me into submission for mentioning his name) is to be obeyed.

And, very predicatably I might add, the arch-despoiler of innocent traders and miners, Ctaesis, now chooses to trample the entire bounty system into the mud through the double dealing scheme which he openly admits to using. One wonders how often he has done this in the past?

Quite how he expects CONCORD 'customer service' to remove his criminal record I do not know. Our own beloved Amarr Secret State Police, Department of Customer Services, does not deal with such things. The next time I visit the elektro-racks in the dungeons of the Throne Worlds, I will ask them.

Credo in Unam Imperium!


Doomheim - EVE's only hygiene!
Athule Snanm
Athule Snanm
Blue Apple Industries

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Posted - 2003.06.30 11:11:00 - [14]

Interesting isn't it how TTi pick and choose which laws to obey. The Law, as handed down through The Undying Word of His Imperial Majesty, Defender of Amarr, Lash of The Minmatar, etc, etc, Heideran VII (may his unswerving hand crush me into submission for mentioning his name) is to be obeyed.

And, very predicatably I might add, the arch-despoiler of innocent traders and miners, Ctaesis, now chooses to trample the entire bounty system into the mud through the double dealing scheme which he openly admits to using. One wonders how often he has done this in the past?

Quite how he expects CONCORD 'customer service' to remove his criminal record I do not know. Our own beloved Amarr Secret State Police, Department of Customer Services, does not deal with such things. The next time I visit the elektro-racks in the dungeons of the Throne Worlds, I will ask them.

Credo in Unam Imperium!


Doomheim - EVE's only hygiene!
Drakmarr Banyon
Drakmarr Banyon

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Posted - 2003.06.30 20:05:00 - [15]

Who are you I have never heard of you or your corporation before and yet you come in screaming heresy against TTI like you have some mad cow disease. You have made a few things clearly apparant to me, 1.) You are a person with a past who has posed as a newb to the empire and your hatred towards TTI is carried over from there.
2.) You are desperate for attention and wish to sit in the limelight so you can further absorb newbies to the empire who come in and see your ramblings. The whole David and Golliath scenario. Not working pal instead you just make your corporation tarnished.

- edited content **
Drakmarr Banyon
Drakmarr Banyon
Jericho Fraction

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Posted - 2003.06.30 20:05:00 - [16]

Who are you I have never heard of you or your corporation before and yet you come in screaming heresy against TTI like you have some mad cow disease. You have made a few things clearly apparant to me, 1.) You are a person with a past who has posed as a newb to the empire and your hatred towards TTI is carried over from there.
2.) You are desperate for attention and wish to sit in the limelight so you can further absorb newbies to the empire who come in and see your ramblings. The whole David and Golliath scenario. Not working pal instead you just make your corporation tarnished.

- edited content **

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Posted - 2003.06.30 20:48:00 - [17]

Out of the countless kills Ctaesis has accumulated only one of them was a mistake. That corporation petitioned us and after examining the evidence it was simply a matter of being in the wrong place at the wrong time for the victim. We did compensate that victim and that corporation 1 million ISK. All the others that Ctaesis killed were bad people and they needed to die, even if they were in Empire space. If Concord can't control their borders to keep our civilized businessmen safe, our military and good men like Ctaesis will do take care of their shortcomings.
Ragnar Danneskj÷ld
Taggart Transdimensional, Inc.
Deep Core Mining Inc.

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Posted - 2003.06.30 20:48:00 - [18]

Out of the countless kills Ctaesis has accumulated only one of them was a mistake. That corporation petitioned us and after examining the evidence it was simply a matter of being in the wrong place at the wrong time for the victim. We did compensate that victim and that corporation 1 million ISK. All the others that Ctaesis killed were bad people and they needed to die, even if they were in Empire space. If Concord can't control their borders to keep our civilized businessmen safe, our military and good men like Ctaesis will do take care of their shortcomings.
Ragnar Danneskj÷ld
Taggart Transdimensional, Inc.

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Posted - 2003.06.30 22:14:00 - [19]

*seems to remember that ANYONE can add a bounty to anyone else as long as they have a security rating of -1 or lower* course i could be wrong....
Lieutenant Commander SOG

"Oderint dum metuant"
Deep Core Mining Inc.

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Posted - 2003.06.30 22:14:00 - [20]

*seems to remember that ANYONE can add a bounty to anyone else as long as they have a security rating of -1 or lower* course i could be wrong....
Lieutenant Commander SOG

"Oderint dum metuant"

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Posted - 2003.07.01 00:17:00 - [21]

So, by that token, does that mean that if someone were to repeatedly kill pirates and the pirates put a bounty on him, the 'system' would treat that individual like the very pirates he kills?

That's ridiculous. There should be a separate forum to allow pirates to conduct that sort of bounty-levying. It should not be information available through standard CONCORD equipment and communication networks.

Violence is the last resort of the incompetent. - Isaac Asimov
The Scope

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Posted - 2003.07.01 00:17:00 - [22]

So, by that token, does that mean that if someone were to repeatedly kill pirates and the pirates put a bounty on him, the 'system' would treat that individual like the very pirates he kills?

That's ridiculous. There should be a separate forum to allow pirates to conduct that sort of bounty-levying. It should not be information available through standard CONCORD equipment and communication networks.

Violence is the last resort of the incompetent. - Isaac Asimov
Athule Snanm
Athule Snanm

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Posted - 2003.07.01 11:25:00 - [23]

...You are a person with a past who has posed as a newb to the empire and your hatred towards TTI is carried over from there...

I'm afraid you've lost me there...anyway...

So, let me get this straight - first off there are claims that the sec rating hit is from podding a pirate. Now Ctaesis' superiors claim that it was just an 'accident'. I suppose you accidently targetted his ship, then you brush against the fire button and maintained the attack until destroying the ship - maybe Ctaesis was not at the controls at the time? Must have been your unlucky day I suppose as then you stumbled on the targetting controls again, locking on to his pod. Whoops Apocalypse! One less innocent trader. I dare say traders feel far safer knowing that you are watching their backs.

A crime is a crime and the only person responsible for the sec hit is Ctaesis. Let us hope that he pays for his deeds - unless he crawls like a worm to the biomass recycling centre and uses underhand legal loopholes to pay for another clone.

Edit: the following has been brought to my attention - I suggest those who still question Ctaesis' guilt read Vega's heart-rending story. I must admit I've not heard of pirate hunters demanding 500K passage fees as a tactic before...

Credo in Unam Imperium!

Edited by: Athule Snanm on 01/07/2003 12:08:15

Doomheim - EVE's only hygiene!
Athule Snanm
Athule Snanm
Blue Apple Industries

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Posted - 2003.07.01 11:25:00 - [24]

...You are a person with a past who has posed as a newb to the empire and your hatred towards TTI is carried over from there...

I'm afraid you've lost me there...anyway...

So, let me get this straight - first off there are claims that the sec rating hit is from podding a pirate. Now Ctaesis' superiors claim that it was just an 'accident'. I suppose you accidently targetted his ship, then you brush against the fire button and maintained the attack until destroying the ship - maybe Ctaesis was not at the controls at the time? Must have been your unlucky day I suppose as then you stumbled on the targetting controls again, locking on to his pod. Whoops Apocalypse! One less innocent trader. I dare say traders feel far safer knowing that you are watching their backs.

A crime is a crime and the only person responsible for the sec hit is Ctaesis. Let us hope that he pays for his deeds - unless he crawls like a worm to the biomass recycling centre and uses underhand legal loopholes to pay for another clone.

Edit: the following has been brought to my attention - I suggest those who still question Ctaesis' guilt read Vega's heart-rending story. I must admit I've not heard of pirate hunters demanding 500K passage fees as a tactic before...

Credo in Unam Imperium!

Edited by: Athule Snanm on 01/07/2003 12:08:15

Doomheim - EVE's only hygiene!
Calladen Nimitz
Calladen Nimitz

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Posted - 2003.07.01 19:21:00 - [25]

As the TTI Executive charged with investigating claims I had the pleasure of speaking on several occasions to the ONE ship that was inadvertently destroyed by a group of players Cteasis was ganged with.

While investigating I discovered he was ganged with some players, who were all hunting a pirate, when the others attacked this particular player.

Since Ctaesis was ganged his name appeared in the players "ship destruction" message. Thus he never targeted or fired on this ship but still took the security rating hit when the ship was attacked by the others in his gang.

So Athule as you can see he never actually participated in the "crime is a crime" as you put it. Because he was ganged they ALL took the hit for the actions of a couple of more violent players. Guilty by association and nothing more.

While Ctaesis didn't participate in the destruction itself it was decided that restitution would be paid to the individual to cover his losses. I then was issued payment by the TTI treasury and rendered such payment to this individual.

Accidents will happen but we strive to remedy them as fairly as possible. Above all else we are businessmen and are out for the "almighty isk" as someone put it. When we make a mistake we invite constructive criticism and we WANT people to contact our Executive committee to discuss problems.

We don't want people to "go away mad" that TTI did something wrong. If a mistake was made just let us know. We will investigate it impartially and render a just decision as in the case above.

I know Ctaesis to be an honorable and helpful player who works in our military hunting pirates and clearing systems for our traders. As a result he has a negative rating (-2.0) and someone placed a bounty on him. Given the fact there is a BIG difference between -2 and -9.9 I think its pretty clear what is going on here. This smear campaign really serves no purpose other then to show people how we will REALLY deal with problems... as I've done above.

TTI are a group of honest businessmen who are out to have fun, earn isk. We don't intentionally kill and pod people, dont demand ransoms and dont kill newbies. If you have an incident with a TTI player acting poorly or doing something that is against our norms please inform us so we can fix it.

I think that says it all.

Calladen Nimitz
TTI Executive

Edited by: Calladen Nimitz on 01/07/2003 19:26:16
Calladen Nimitz
Calladen Nimitz
Sovereign Enterprises

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Posted - 2003.07.01 19:21:00 - [26]

As the TTI Executive charged with investigating claims I had the pleasure of speaking on several occasions to the ONE ship that was inadvertently destroyed by a group of players Cteasis was ganged with.

While investigating I discovered he was ganged with some players, who were all hunting a pirate, when the others attacked this particular player.

Since Ctaesis was ganged his name appeared in the players "ship destruction" message. Thus he never targeted or fired on this ship but still took the security rating hit when the ship was attacked by the others in his gang.

So Athule as you can see he never actually participated in the "crime is a crime" as you put it. Because he was ganged they ALL took the hit for the actions of a couple of more violent players. Guilty by association and nothing more.

While Ctaesis didn't participate in the destruction itself it was decided that restitution would be paid to the individual to cover his losses. I then was issued payment by the TTI treasury and rendered such payment to this individual.

Accidents will happen but we strive to remedy them as fairly as possible. Above all else we are businessmen and are out for the "almighty isk" as someone put it. When we make a mistake we invite constructive criticism and we WANT people to contact our Executive committee to discuss problems.

We don't want people to "go away mad" that TTI did something wrong. If a mistake was made just let us know. We will investigate it impartially and render a just decision as in the case above.

I know Ctaesis to be an honorable and helpful player who works in our military hunting pirates and clearing systems for our traders. As a result he has a negative rating (-2.0) and someone placed a bounty on him. Given the fact there is a BIG difference between -2 and -9.9 I think its pretty clear what is going on here. This smear campaign really serves no purpose other then to show people how we will REALLY deal with problems... as I've done above.

TTI are a group of honest businessmen who are out to have fun, earn isk. We don't intentionally kill and pod people, dont demand ransoms and dont kill newbies. If you have an incident with a TTI player acting poorly or doing something that is against our norms please inform us so we can fix it.

I think that says it all.

Calladen Nimitz
TTI Executive

Edited by: Calladen Nimitz on 01/07/2003 19:26:16

Calladen Nimitz
Calladen Nimitz

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Posted - 2003.07.01 19:44:00 - [27]


If your wondering Vega was the player we dealt with and I have e-mailed him asking to post his "experience" dealing with the professional TTI claims process.

I hope once he does so you will realize your unwarranted attack is unnecessary. Perhaps you can link to some of the OTHER corporations who have people on the bounty list instead?

Asking some questions of how we do things and WHY Ctaesis is on that list rather then starting an entire thread just to slam a corporation is more considerate and professional. It would've gotten the same answers from me and wouldn't have made you look like some kind grief poster intent on slamming an entire corporation for no reason.

Calladen Nimitz
TTI Executive

Edited by: Calladen Nimitz on 01/07/2003 19:52:47
Calladen Nimitz
Calladen Nimitz
Sovereign Enterprises

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Posted - 2003.07.01 19:44:00 - [28]


If your wondering Vega was the player we dealt with and I have e-mailed him asking to post his "experience" dealing with the professional TTI claims process.

I hope once he does so you will realize your unwarranted attack is unnecessary. Perhaps you can link to some of the OTHER corporations who have people on the bounty list instead?

Asking some questions of how we do things and WHY Ctaesis is on that list rather then starting an entire thread just to slam a corporation is more considerate and professional. It would've gotten the same answers from me and wouldn't have made you look like some kind grief poster intent on slamming an entire corporation for no reason.

Calladen Nimitz
TTI Executive

Edited by: Calladen Nimitz on 01/07/2003 19:52:47


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Posted - 2003.07.02 00:31:00 - [29]

I have been living under a rock out in Caldari space since EVE went live- mining and running my humble corporation of 8 dedicated employees. I have not kept tabs on the "best corps" or the "largest corps" nor have we partnered with anyone. Until recently I did not even know who TTI was.

One night my ship was destroyed by a gang and a TTI member happened to be present. I noted that the corporation had a significant employee base so I decided to lodge a formal complaint hoping that an apology would be made. I did not expect to hear back from anyone.

The following day I was contacted by Calladen and emails were exchanged documenting the "event".

Not only did TTI apologize for the mistake, but they went out of their way to reimburse me for my ship and its cargo! This was not something I had considered, let alone requested.

In the game of Eve I am a nobody. TTI could have easily ignored me like most corps would have done but they didn't. I was treated with the utmost respect and this was handled in a very professional manner. Calladen went out of his way to make a gesture of good faith.

If there were more organizations like TTI, Tranquility would be a better place.


A.L.I.E.N Technologies


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Posted - 2003.07.02 00:31:00 - [30]

I have been living under a rock out in Caldari space since EVE went live- mining and running my humble corporation of 8 dedicated employees. I have not kept tabs on the "best corps" or the "largest corps" nor have we partnered with anyone. Until recently I did not even know who TTI was.

One night my ship was destroyed by a gang and a TTI member happened to be present. I noted that the corporation had a significant employee base so I decided to lodge a formal complaint hoping that an apology would be made. I did not expect to hear back from anyone.

The following day I was contacted by Calladen and emails were exchanged documenting the "event".

Not only did TTI apologize for the mistake, but they went out of their way to reimburse me for my ship and its cargo! This was not something I had considered, let alone requested.

In the game of Eve I am a nobody. TTI could have easily ignored me like most corps would have done but they didn't. I was treated with the utmost respect and this was handled in a very professional manner. Calladen went out of his way to make a gesture of good faith.

If there were more organizations like TTI, Tranquility would be a better place.


A.L.I.E.N Technologies

Athule Snanm
Athule Snanm

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Posted - 2003.07.02 09:30:00 - [31]

Guilty by ...

So...finally you admit it before all. Whilst you may be able to sweeten the victim with ISK, twist the legal system to reclaim the fine for yourselves by defiling the Holy Process - even though

"the scan must be instantaneous and efficient it brutalizes the brain in the process. In early tests, the subjects were left with permanent and severe brain damage after being scanned, a fact that is impossible to escape"

I shall await with cold anticipation reports of this punishment being inflicted on Ctaesis, even if it is imposed by his own guilt-racked hands.

Credo in Unam Imperium!

>> the following text should not exist on this forum, but you may choose to read it anyway :-)

<<cut OOC from passage - OOC is unauthorized for the summit>>

Doomheim - EVE's only hygiene!
Athule Snanm
Athule Snanm
Blue Apple Industries

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Posted - 2003.07.02 09:30:00 - [32]

Guilty by ...

So...finally you admit it before all. Whilst you may be able to sweeten the victim with ISK, twist the legal system to reclaim the fine for yourselves by defiling the Holy Process - even though

"the scan must be instantaneous and efficient it brutalizes the brain in the process. In early tests, the subjects were left with permanent and severe brain damage after being scanned, a fact that is impossible to escape"

I shall await with cold anticipation reports of this punishment being inflicted on Ctaesis, even if it is imposed by his own guilt-racked hands.

Credo in Unam Imperium!

>> the following text should not exist on this forum, but you may choose to read it anyway :-)

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Doomheim - EVE's only hygiene!

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Posted - 2003.07.09 15:49:00 - [33]

Athule, tell me - If you were to meet Ctaesis in space, would you expect him to fire on you?

Would you be surprised if he did not?

Would you fire on him if he did not fire on you, for the sake of the hefty bounty riding on his head?

Or are you spouting for the sake of reading your own diatribal missives?

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Posted - 2003.07.09 15:49:00 - [34]

Athule, tell me - If you were to meet Ctaesis in space, would you expect him to fire on you?

Would you be surprised if he did not?

Would you fire on him if he did not fire on you, for the sake of the hefty bounty riding on his head?

Or are you spouting for the sake of reading your own diatribal missives?
Jade Constantine
Jade Constantine

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Posted - 2003.07.09 19:30:00 - [35]

I think sir Vendris you do somewhat miss the point of what transpired here. Though doubtless the gentlemen in question was unfortunate to suffer the security loss he did, and doubtless yet beyond, TTI have managed to restore and recover reputation somewhat marginally tainted by this - the fact remains Athule was broadly correct in his claims; and this however much he may have rhetorically polished the principle.

I find it amusing to read to vastly contrasting accounts of the victim; one given before, and one given after the administration of the might isk. One might say the intercession of pure cash provided a salutary lesson in virtual battlefield triage.

However, 'tis largely by the by. If nothing else the TTI executives have behaved with admirable restraint and polite regard to civilised mores.

However much we of the Jericho Fraction despise the onetime "alliance" in all but name between this robust and wide esteemed corporate giant and the ravening murderers of mOo, the facts remain; that TTI have chosen to answer questions on these matters, have chosen to begin investigations, have chosen to provide recompense for victims, and have thus far avoided descent into purile namecalling and meanspirited jackaknavery.

I'd merely ask that same restraint from those to wish to add their own opinions.


JF Public Forum
Jade Constantine
Jade Constantine
Jericho Fraction
The Star Fraction

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Posted - 2003.07.09 19:30:00 - [36]

I think sir Vendris you do somewhat miss the point of what transpired here. Though doubtless the gentlemen in question was unfortunate to suffer the security loss he did, and doubtless yet beyond, TTI have managed to restore and recover reputation somewhat marginally tainted by this - the fact remains Athule was broadly correct in his claims; and this however much he may have rhetorically polished the principle.

I find it amusing to read to vastly contrasting accounts of the victim; one given before, and one given after the administration of the might isk. One might say the intercession of pure cash provided a salutary lesson in virtual battlefield triage.

However, 'tis largely by the by. If nothing else the TTI executives have behaved with admirable restraint and polite regard to civilised mores.

However much we of the Jericho Fraction despise the onetime "alliance" in all but name between this robust and wide esteemed corporate giant and the ravening murderers of mOo, the facts remain; that TTI have chosen to answer questions on these matters, have chosen to begin investigations, have chosen to provide recompense for victims, and have thus far avoided descent into purile namecalling and meanspirited jackaknavery.

I'd merely ask that same restraint from those to wish to add their own opinions.


JF Public Forum
Rodj Blake
Rodj Blake
PIE Inc.

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Posted - 2007.05.25 22:03:00 - [37]

Is there really a need to drag up four year old JF press releases?

Dulce et decorum est pro imperium mori.
Rauth Kivaro
Rauth Kivaro
Forum Moderator
Interstellar Services Department

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Posted - 2007.05.25 23:45:00 - [38]

Necro. locked.

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