Garreth Vlox
Minmatar Obsidian Inc.
Posted - 2011.07.07 19:52:00 -
Originally by: Renan Ruivo For some reason i can't bring myself to play EVE anymore. This has happened to me before, and i stopped playing for a couple of months.
At this moment i really can't find any reasons to launch the game client. I simply can't. Specially after trying some other MMO's like Age of Conan, and trying new things on Star Trek Online. I feel as if somehow the latest weeks have really made me quite depressed about EVE.
But, like i said, this is something that has happened before and that i also knew it would happen again sooner or later. I can't play a game non-stop for over one year . However, i also noticed that a lot of my friends lost the motivation to play as well, and the space around my home has been pretty empty and devoid of visitors. It is as if a large chunk of the playerbase lost the motivation and the fire to play.
Is it just my impression?
i can't speak to everyone else's reasons, but for me my play time started declining when they released the PI expac, i stuck around but that made 2 patches in a row designed to make the game harder and more time consuming, then after incarna and zulu's screw you for not being smart enough to appreciate virtual pants costing more than real life clothes, i lost faith in CCP, then came their PR statement and for about 20 mins i was thrilled, then i read their following blogs about how we wont see anymore of the incarna features for "awhile" and then i remembered the last time i heard that answer it was almost 2 years ago at this point when they were giving us a date for the fixing of lag and dominion, awhile became 18 months and then dominion was swept under the carpet with pi and walking in stations being better, i just cant justify playing this game when all they use it for is a quick buck to fund their other stuff, I've started playing rift and perpetuum and between the monthly additions they do in rift to add content and the amazing lvl of customer service from perpetuum i just don't see any reason to stick with eve, im down to 1 account now from 5 a year ago and i don't know how much longer ill have even that, i just cant believe they killed eve to fund 2 other games, they have almost 0 preorders for dust and no interest in their other work in progress.