Bane Nucleus wrote:The support I have gotten regarding my run for CSM 8 has been touching and inspiring. It brings me great joy to see so many of rallying behind me in this time of great need. I even shed a tear knowing that The Anti-Fun Alliance (BITIN) managed to find the time to post here. I am truly blessed.
That said, I have given some thought to some of your ideas. Some additions are as follows:
a) Earning faction standing with sleepers. This would allow you to get not melted nanoribbons from the sleepers, if you have good standing. Call it a "Sleeper Social Club" if you will.
b) As a result of this, you can have the sleepers come to your aid when Exhale rolls up in your wormhole, all mean mugging and shooting your spaceships.
c) Have a central wormhole trading hub open up to your wh once a week. Everyone would get this connection once a week and would allow trade between all the wormhole corps/alliance. This would also allow more direct connections with each other, and turning into more conflict.
d) A wormhole strictly for Americans. Simply, I feel that men should not wear capri pants...EVER. It has caused such a fracture in the wormhole community that Americans simply wait to log on until all the capri wearing patsies go to bed. I would nominate Pell Helix for CEO of this wormhole, as he is a proud, gun toting American hillbilly. GET ER DONE.
e) A wormhole strictly for the Dutch. As all of you know, if you aren't Dutch, you aren't much. It's a shame that we have to fly with you lesser beings to begin with, so we might as well have a place of perfection which suits our culture and image. Hup Holland Hup.
f) Tunakross and the rest of his alliance go through anger management classes. I feel that their undying hate for anyone that isn't them is a black eye to the wormhole community. I have not given up on them and I would like to see them be fun once more. Support your local BITIN pilot and try and put a smile on his/her face. Laughter truly is the best medicine.
g) Forget the R&K voice over guy. I hereby decree that Djswitch47 does all voice-overs for any PvP videos. CCP shall provide him with sufficient amounts of the Lords favorite grass and man's finest alcohol so Mr. DJ can bring a level of excellence to PvP videos that has yet to be seen.
Thank you.