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Jade Constantine
Posted - 2003.07.31 23:12:00 -
Edited by: Jade Constantine on 01/08/2003 00:20:37
Venal Alliance and Taggart Transdimensional Incorporated
Gentle readers; I have been asked by the owner captains of the Venal Alliance and the chief executive officer of Taggart: CEO Ragnar, to make a statement on the relationship between the largest corporation in eve and the free territories of Venal; specifically concerning cooperation methodology, aims and agendas, practical considerations and philosophical compatibility.
This is a complex issue, but I shall do my best to present a clear and unambiguous assessment of the current situation.
Taggart has roots in Venal, indeed, in the early days of the corporation the territory was a home and wellspring of early Taggart power and acquisition of wealth. Numerous tales of early strip-mining and exhaustive industrial process still abound, and there are yet many connections both positive and negative between the corporation that now exists and the loose societal infrastructure of the Venal systems and native interests.
Recent History tells us that Taggart moved wholesale from Venal to escape the early deprivations of the mindless ravagers of mOo and their cohorts, and seeking solace in Concord/Caldari space, used the protection of high security systems to lick their wounds and build strength for the conflicts ahead.
Now friends, the cycle has turned full-circle, for rather than protecting Taggart interests, the proximity of Concord and Imperial forces have hamstrung the corporationÆs ability to conduct effective defence of non-military assets, a truth painfully revealed in a series of daring raids by anticapitalist freedom fighters and ideological guerrillas combining to sting TaggartÆs pride all the while demonstrating the appalling frailty of Concord law in civilised space.
Faced with the bureaucratic nightmare of conducting formal warfare against swift moving well-armed guerrilla fractions in Caldari space, the Taggart executive committee authorised a radical and unconventional response to the threat, in effect ordering a wholesale return of major corporate assets to marginal space in the Venal territory with the intention of petitioning for membership as a full signatory of the Venal Alliance.
Logistical Implications
The primary advantage of this move for Taggart was the absence of corrupt inbred bribe-taking incompetent Concord police assets to interfere in the corporationÆs inalienable right to self defence. Since high security space provided zero protection to non-military Taggart assets, it follows that no tactical reason remained to limit response options by such proximity. In low security space Taggart would have the freedom to conduct pre-emptive and retaliatory military operations in defence of critical economic assets denied by legal morality in empire territories. The move necessarily entailed a high degree of risk and exposure to larger predator organisations, but the Mulligan Defence Division chiefs were agreed in their assessment that the increased operational freedom beyond the reach of Concord involvement was far more significant than the drawbacks of presence in illegal space.
Diplomatic Posture
Absolutely necessary to this strategy was a policy of diplomatic rapprochement to the owner captains of the Venal Alliance. The previous departure had left a bad taste in many mouths, and there were those in Venal who condemned the previous Taggart withdrawal as evidence of ôyellow-bellied-cowardiceö and indeed, ôcynical lack of guts and conviction in the face of the enemy.ö Yet others were more sanguine, and for every voice that spoke against the Taggart petition, another was raised in support of the possibility and potential for future cooperation.
And so to negotiation
For while Taggart is a significant corporation of wide influence and far flung specialisation, it is no single match to the military force of the Venal Alliance, whose own pilots are rated aces with vast combat experience and access to stockpiles of rare technology and puissant firepower.
What Taggart offered was friendship, cooperation, common cause and full membership of the brethren of Venal with all that such commitment full-entailed; Taggart could bring industrial power, applied research, additional battleships, money, personnel and a promise of enduring faith, while Venal could supply the war-prowess and cunning military skills to teach the once peacenik corporation the arts and talents of total engagement.
What Venal wanted was faith and the sure knowledge that Taggart would never abandon their allies again to poor circumstance and wide misfortune.
Discussion was broad and heated and lengthy, for no tyrants rule in Venal, and each Captain has a voice in the making of policy, and a responsibility to his peers and comrades to speak aloud full-mindful of the significance of whim and personal interest.
JF Public Forum |

Jade Constantine
Posted - 2003.07.31 23:13:00 -
Edited by: Jade Constantine on 31/07/2003 23:19:40
But at last it was agreed; Taggart would join the Venal Alliance as an ordinary member, and full participant to the defence of Venal territories and allied captains in times of war and ordinary sector security.
A criminal compact?
So it has been said and widely accused by the shrill voices of sensationalist rumourmongers at least. Yet it would be more accurate to describe the association as supralegal in that, the question of legality itself is moot when considering the interactions of Venal members within territory claimed as sovereign by the Venal alliance itself. Be under no illusion, the Venal Alliance does not respect the laws and enforcement methodology of Concord or Imperial States, and as such refuses to be bound by such conventions in word or deed or press analysis.
So while some would debate terminology with the endless enthusiasm of obsessional poets worrying the cadences of callow verse, let us instead turn to the mere facts of the association and implications therein;
Venal Membership
As a member corporation Taggart is no more nor less significant than any other power represented amongst the owner-captains of the Venal Alliance. The corporation is sworn to defend fellow members, to police the borders of Venal, to protect the interests of comrades-at-arms, and to provide for its own defence by the progressive training and deployment of frontline combat vessels and crews.
And as a member corporation Taggart has embraced and endorsed the Venal Alliance claim to sovereignty and independent status within the Venal region, and provision thence of self-declared authority and government as a confederation of allied corporations and owner-captains.
In this light the claims of cooperation and support of ôillegalsö and ôcriminalsö is entirely missing the point. By making common cause with the Venal Alliance and joining as a full member, Taggart has endorsed the VA rejection of Conduct authority and stands likewise dismissive of the accusations of illegal actions committed by VA member corporations and individuals.
At this time the Venal Alliance does not recognise nor entertain diplomatic relations nor support extradition treaties with Concord or Imperial powers. This means that the Concord definition of ôillegalityö ends at border of Venal space. It is meaningless to pretend the illusionary reach of a convention existing in flawed aspirations alone.
Forged in Flames
And so to the proving test of this new relationship; in the wake of the signing of membership terms Taggart entered Venal and began operations to transport equipment and manpower to bases in the heartland of the Alliance, however, other more malignant forces were abroad as well, and VA had come under attack from reactionary psychopaths of mOo Corp and Sinister.
No simple piracy this or cunning theft these maniacs intended, no menace nor acquisition of wealth à no indeed, simple murder and carnage was the sole desire and bloodshed, brutality and destruction of hope the coin to buy it.
But Venal is no conclave of mindless beasts to the slaughter, but a slaughterhouse instead for those who would take our liberty and freedom for politics or deadly jest besides.
So we fought and some paid a high price for the victory, but victory it was. And taking place in our ranks the warships and captains of Taggart proving to our joy that past sins may be forgiven, and mistakes of the past may be corrected by faith in the future. And though one of our battleships was turned to sheets of flame we returned the favour and demanded Shollos pay a cowardÆs price for his hasty retreat from the lines of battle to even the score at one capital ship apiece.
And elsewhere mOo proved that however effective their reputation may be in the conjuring of fear and menace in other places, it seems the foundation of that mystical prowess is truly built on running like the dinnerÆs chicken from the spectre of bold warriors united in fame and vigorous war-arts and violent talents.
Yes my friends, they ran, these ravagers fled like scolded mice from the Venal fleet assembled, and Taggart stood their duty and their watch and earned their place in the company of owner captains and annals of Venal triumph.
And that is the simple truth.
An official press release on behalf of the Venal Alliance; Jade Constantine (Freelance Publicist and Guerrilla Marketing Consultant)
JF Public Forum |

Posted - 2003.07.31 23:40:00 -
Jericho were so promising. Sorry to see you reduced to being TTI's mouthpiece.
"PVP = griefing" Papa Smurf |

Zaphod Robotnik
Posted - 2003.07.31 23:59:00 -
Then TTi does indeed consort with known Piratical elements. Thank you for clearing that up, Jade. --
Zaphod "Zaprobo" Robotnik President, Royal Communication Department |

Jade Constantine
Posted - 2003.08.01 00:04:00 -
Quote: Jericho were so promising. Sorry to see you reduced to being TTI's mouthpiece.
Since I slipped the noose of Amarri bond-servitude monsieur Macumba you may be assured I have done naught nor served no master nor mistress with aught but full intentioned grace and eye for the long-game and strange distraction thence and after.
I'd counsel a simple word of advice once taught by a friend, listen to thy heart beat thrice before replying in haste and flawed comprehension.
My compliments to your people and monsieur Sarkos yet beyond, a gentleman and a warrior of note.
Love and peace (in the ruins)
JF Public Forum |

Jade Constantine
Posted - 2003.08.01 00:05:00 -
Quote: Then TTi does indeed consort with known Piratical elements. Thank you for clearing that up, Jade.
The simple truth I promised monsieur .. nothing more nothing less.
JF Public Forum |

Posted - 2003.08.01 00:07:00 -
Speech, lurverly - mistake at the end, we have corrected:
And that is the truth for the simple
Now is accurate.

Am I, as name suggests, Talpidae? |

Jade Constantine
Posted - 2003.08.01 00:12:00 -
Quote: And that is the truth for the simple
Ah but a truth for the simple would have to be clear and unambiguous and plain for all to see would it not kind sir?
JF Public Forum |

Morkt Drakt
Posted - 2003.08.01 00:17:00 -
Edited by: Morkt Drak on 08/08/2003 14:35:00

Posted - 2003.08.01 00:17:00 -
Quote: I'd counsel a simple word of advice once taught by a friend, listen to thy heart beat thrice before replying in haste and flawed comprehension.
We have let your Industrials go on at least three occassions now without engaging them as we feel no urge to destroy the Bestowers (although destroying their prospective loads worth millions of ISK is tempting) of fellow Amarrians in a war that was declared because of your vanity. You should probably stick to your own advice - others might not share our code of honor. I wish you luck in your endeavours nonetheless - taming the frontiers is a demanding task.

Harry Q
Posted - 2003.08.01 00:20:00 -
A message received while travelling through Venal (ostensibly to check on an unsubstantiated report of BS NPC pirates operating it the furthest reaches of M-OENA):
"you know that if you in Venal and your name isnt on the list some bad ass pirates will have you for dinner... just a friendly reminder that Venal is off limits to everybody except the alaince."
Is TTI hiding behind the skirts of these "bad ass pirates" or part of the program ??? Sounds like one happy family sleeping in the same bed with the same ethics (or lack of them) to me.
Nuff said |

Morkt Drakt
Posted - 2003.08.01 00:22:00 -
Edited by: Morkt Drak on 08/08/2003 14:40:02

Jade Constantine
Posted - 2003.08.01 00:24:00 -
Quote: Jade - what's it feel like to have a two page speech totally torn asunder by the smallest re-arrangement of your closing line?
All's fair in love and public relations m'dear, Morkh, one has to hand it to the man for a cutting barb. You'll not find me a mean-spirited debator ;)
JF Public Forum |

Morkt Drakt
Posted - 2003.08.01 00:31:00 -
Quote: Jade - what's it feel like to have a two page speech totally torn asunder by the smallest re-arrangement of your closing line?
All's fair in love and public relations m'dear, Morkh, one has to hand it to the man for a cutting barb. You'll not find me a mean-spirited debator ;)
He's done me a serious injury i think .. ooooh dear, need a glass of water..
I believe the correct "Pirate Parlance" is " pwned" - I'll check that with Ragnar though as I'm sure he's learning the new lingo as we speak.
"truth for the simple.."
oh my!

Posted - 2003.08.01 00:35:00 -
    Jade Pwned You all  

Morkt Drakt
Posted - 2003.08.01 00:43:00 -
So TTi didn't "need" to go to Venal, they went by choice, and allied with a group including known pirate corporations with "open eyes".
When these same Pirate Corporations kill law-abiding Empire citizens, they wll run back to Venal where they will shelter behind the protective cloak of TTi.
TTi know this and TTi don't care.
TTi are very happy with their new friends.
TTi will not only stand by their new firends they will kill for them.
TTi don't care that they just threw out half of their stated charter, aims and claims form their Corporate site, or that their reputation just went out the indow at C, nor that every single person who ever ventures to buy things from TTi will always be thinking....
"So - did the pirates say I was safe on the way in, or the way out?"
Col - yup thats cleared that up.
Means I don't need to change my sig~. 
- - -
PS: Somebody help Q-ball with the chronology of the post pls.

Jade Constantine
Posted - 2003.08.01 01:00:00 -
Quote: "truth for the simple.." oh my!
Now now, don't milk the punchline m'dear ;)
JF Public Forum |

Morkt Drakt
Posted - 2003.08.01 01:09:00 -
It's part of history now...
"And after an empassioned speech, wherein Miss Constantine almost had the gathered Assembly in the palm of her hand... a strange accent echoed across the room...
"I think ye mean "Truth for the Simple" lassie..."
and the potential for sympathy evaporated faster than TTi ran from 'Going Limp'..."
(Hmm, not sure if the Scots brogue works but I'm sure you get the drift)
I'm sure it won't affect the cntract with TTi though Jade, after all, its still a gazillion times better than their efforts (and lets face facts, you can't really put "The Gang" up front as your mouthpiece can you?)

Jade Constantine
Posted - 2003.08.01 01:23:00 -
Quote: and the potential for sympathy evaporated faster than TTi ran from 'Going Limp'..."
mmmmm, you've lost me there, at which point in the press release did I look for the sympathy vote again?
now really Morkt, do be a good chap and try to stop drooling ... its most unbecoming ;)
JF Public Forum |

Posted - 2003.08.01 02:17:00 -
Quote: you've lost me there
easily done it would appear unlike the truth which was not sighted merely slighted
 Am I, as name suggests, Talpidae? |

Jade Constantine
Posted - 2003.08.01 02:21:00 -
Quote: easily done it would appear unlike the truth which was not sighted merely slighted
Oh now I get it, you are one of those;
Quote: endless(ly) enthusiastic obsessional poets worrying the cadences of callow verse ...
That I mentioned in the press release.
Say no more monsieur *nudge nudge*
Love and peace (in the ruins)
JF Public Forum |

Jade Constantine
Posted - 2003.08.01 02:29:00 -
... and I do apologise in advance for quoting myself, but it seemed so fortuitously apt...
But seriously, unpalatable as aspects of that briefing may have been, it was truthful to the best of my understanding.
If you would allege otherwise then please make factual notes of points of disagreement and I shall address them or retract if your contention is upheld.
But simply alleging blanket falsehood without providing specific example is a mite disingenuous.
Faith (and bombs)
JF Public Forum |

Morkt Drakt
Posted - 2003.08.01 02:31:00 -
Edited by: Morkt Drak on 08/08/2003 14:35:10

Jade Constantine
Posted - 2003.08.01 02:37:00 -
[Morkt gurgled]
Quote: Give up Jade, having grasped the guy's name i'd say he's pwned you, and TTi, from start to finish. I'd even go so far as to say he may well have had us all dancing to his tune.
I hate to be the one to interrupt the tender moment between one man and his boggarted dog-end monsieur Morkt ... but ...
Can I have a toke on whatever it is you are smoking?
Love and peace (in the ruins)
JF Public Forum |

Posted - 2003.08.01 02:39:00 -
Edited by: Astaroth on 01/08/2003 02:41:11 "When these same Pirate Corporations kill law-abiding Empire citizens, they wll run back to Venal where they will shelter behind the protective cloak of TTi."
erm morkt u really need to get your facts straight the venal alliance stood against all comers before tti joined so with or without em anyone coming to fight the alliance better have a good clone.

Morkt Drakt
Posted - 2003.08.01 02:43:00 -
Edited by: Morkt Drak on 08/08/2003 14:35:22

Morkt Drakt
Posted - 2003.08.01 02:47:00 -
Edited by: Morkt Drak on 08/08/2003 14:35:33

Jade Constantine
Posted - 2003.08.01 02:50:00 -
Morkh declaimed with ponderous significance;
Quote: Family of mammals including desmans and moles
Yes m'dear I know, and was indeed so informed from a routine AI search from the first appearence of this nocturnal visitor.
But what exactly is your point ?
You are hardly so witlessly banal as to believe that a deep cover mole in a organisation would play such games in the full view of public attention?
I fear it will take more than linguistic reversals and callow poetry to convince me of that.
Love and peace (in the ruins)
JF Public Forum |

Morkt Drakt
Posted - 2003.08.01 02:53:00 -
Edited by: Morkt Drak on 08/08/2003 14:35:45

Jade Constantine
Posted - 2003.08.01 03:08:00 -
(Morkh remarked with fertile aplomb)
Quote: I think you've had enough help for one night, check your eve-mail and you can , at least, claim to have worked out that part (and have someone believe you)
Come come m'dear Morkh, 'tis not the greatest of brain-teasers - a peculiar little man makes cryptic comments and asks you to consider his sig ...
"Onboard Comp Datasearch ... [Talpidae]
"Search results returned ...
It's a mole ma'am."
Oh really,
When all along I thought it was a red herring.
But in truth Morkh, I think what truly overplayed the hand was your own selfless and somewhat ludicrous cheerleadering of the "moles" destruction of my factual presentation armed only with two words and five lines of bad poetry.
Come on sir, you can admit it ... can we have an ancient earther 2d cartoon moment where I can play Thelma and unmask the mole to reveal your own charming features squinting in the light of sudden noteriety?
Ah you tease!
Bon chance monsieur mole ... maybe another time?
Love and peace (in the ruins)
JF Public Forum |
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