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Posted - 2003.08.14 05:00:00 -
It might get you a warning or a ban.
I wonder what happens when a mega corp invades a 1.0 hub out of roleplay? 100+ bans? ---
"Molly > funny thing is, if they warn me for attacking in 1.0, why does a GM wish me luck doing so? Jash Illian > perverse sense of humor? Molly > lol Jash Illian > honestly tho, because he prolly doesn't know bships" |

Veridet Faulk
Posted - 2003.08.14 05:33:00 -
Molly is pointing out something that pirates may or may not know.. Ive cleaned the crud out of this thread, please keep it clean..
Thankyou and be well...
Veridet Faulk
"Well I have seen the contestants and I feel that I am especially attracted to Veridet Faulk. I know that she is a member of the Polaris Corporation that operates inside Jove space, and JovianĘs are particularly hideous, but she is different. I feel particular heart warming friendliness from herą if you know what I mean"- Playboy Enterprises Forum Rules | EVE Online Support |

Lexington Cabot
Posted - 2003.08.14 05:35:00 -
"I wonder what happens when a mega corp invades a 1.0 hub out of roleplay? 100+ bans?"
For argument's sake, what if a mega corp did this? What if you took at least 100 ships and flew into a 1.0 area and started taking out everything you saw?
I think they still would ban everyone. It would have to be a much much larger group and there's no way enough people go along with that. But what if 500 or 1000 people started doing invasions? Honestly, that would improve the fun level in my book a tenfold, but that is me and again, no way that many people get organized.
Still would be fun to watch that's for sure. 

Posted - 2003.08.14 05:36:00 -
I'm really confused. Molly says combat is forbidden in 1.0 space and then a polaris member says Molly just pointed something out that pirates might not know. So am I to read this right that "Fighting is forbidden in 1.0" and you can get banned for doing it? ----------------------------------------- Sig rented by Drethen Nerevitas. |

Posted - 2003.08.14 05:39:00 -
"So am I to read this right that "Fighting is forbidden in 1.0" and you can get banned for doing it?"
"Molly > funny thing is, if they warn me for attacking in 1.0, why does a GM wish me luck doing so? Jash Illian > perverse sense of humor? Molly > lol Jash Illian > honestly tho, because he prolly doesn't know bships" |

Jash Illian
Posted - 2003.08.14 05:43:00 -
Quote: "For argument's sake, what if a mega corp did this? What if you took at least 100 ships and flew into a 1.0 area and started taking out everything you saw?
I think they still would ban everyone. It would have to be a much much larger group and there's no way enough people go along with that. But what if 500 or 1000 people started doing invasions? Honestly, that would improve the fun level in my book a tenfold, but that is me and again, no way that many people get organized.
Still would be fun to watch that's for sure. 
Honestly I think if a non-pirate megacorp did roll into 1.0 space and started an invasion, within the hour they'd be met by some diplomat/representative/general who'd roleplay with them.
Pirate megacorp doing the same? Roleplay is much simpler: Concord battleships with tech 5 gear and a "Loot N' Scoot" deal for all nearby newbies.
I mean its like you want corporations to oblige each other like its sex or something. Pffft I would rather **** my enemy.- Rohann
Be careful out there. That other guy waiting in the queue for the gate MIGHT be a baby-munching frock-burner, YOU JUST DON'T KNOW!- Lallante |

Posted - 2003.08.14 06:27:00 -
Why would any self respecting pirate fight in a 1.0 system? I find that the lowest form of pirating. THey are looking for the pathetic easy pickings. Sad really. At least let the n00bs step out of the cradle.
"The human species suffers from a dimensional limitation. They are not able to understand that matter and mind are just one aspect of something more fundamental. We must strive to expand our perspective so we can see what our true reality is." Deep toughts by Mr.Pops, while consuming large quantities of Blue Pill and staring at the EVE gate in Genesis.

Li ShangYin
Posted - 2003.08.14 06:47:00 -
Surely declarations of war are except from this no combat rule? I'd assume whenever a war goes down the newbies should better leave the system as a precaution, afterall you don't want those millions in bounties on your head because you happened to stay there to observe and got some damage of a stray missile....
___________________________________ A spring day at the edge of the world. On the edge of the world once more the day slants. The oriole cries, as though it were its own tears Which damp even the topmost blossoms on the tree.
-- Li Shang-yin, Exile, ninth century A.D. |

Posted - 2003.08.14 07:04:00 -
don't you mean that combat in 1.0 is forbidden if you're exploiting a bug? 

Posted - 2003.08.14 07:15:00 -
"don't you mean that combat in 1.0 is forbidden if you're exploiting a bug?"
No, I am not.
Believe it or not, but I was never exploiting anything. If you wish to, I can E-Mail you some pictures of police response in 1.0 hubs.
CCP simply wants no attacks in in 1.0. That's what I have been told by a GM and a Polaris guy. I wish they would have communicated it this way earlier and not used this exploit warnings.
But well you can go on and still cry exploit. Basicly you can cry at every Battleship pilot and call him an exploiter for being able to handle CONCORD.
What you people need to do are some reality checks. I was passing Yulai today as a noob has passed the wrong information in the Help Channel that I am killing there.
Luckily GM White was at the gate as I was passing and the incoming Polaris inspector could aprove it too.
But you can put your big carebear grin on your face and still say: "Molly is griefing and exploiting". You people have nothing else to say. ---
"Molly > funny thing is, if they warn me for attacking in 1.0, why does a GM wish me luck doing so? Jash Illian > perverse sense of humor? Molly > lol Jash Illian > honestly tho, because he prolly doesn't know bships" |

Posted - 2003.08.14 07:51:00 -
and 1+1=2. nothing new here.
sigh, for the 6th time now molly, are you going to leave eve or what? shoo. shoo.

Posted - 2003.08.14 07:52:00 -
You *have* to be able to kill anyone, anywhere. Otherwise enemies, afk miners, 1.0 strip mining gangs, will all crowd into 1.0 systems, and never even need a civilian shield booster. A lot of them do it already.
If anyone is under the impression that *only* newbies use 1.0 systems, you're badly mistaken. Some of the greediest retards in the galaxy are there, in their BS's, powermining the starter systems because they are almost totally safe.
Anyway, there's some fixes in the patch, notably a Concord++ and a Shield--.
We'll just have to see how it pans out. .

Posted - 2003.08.14 08:17:00 -
I thought Concord was supposed to rally 'enforce' to what the agressor was using, and in a 1.0 system, they would come with overwhelming firepower. Now I know Concord has battleships, so why aren't they responding to a possible PC pirate in 1.0 sec space with BS's and cruisers, if that pirate is in a battleship?? This just doesn't make sense. Vice-Admiral
Executive Commanding Officer Military Command Hadead Drive Yards |

Posted - 2003.08.14 08:26:00 -
"I wonder what happens when a mega corp invades a 1.0 hub out of roleplay? 100+ bans?"
... I dunno, any chance of talking the Venal Alliance crews into roleplaying such invasion to test it out?.. :s (in order to overthrow corrupted Concord or whatever)
But this 'no combat in 1.0, period' rule is really... feh, can't find a passable word for it. Not only 'tis so out-of-game, but damn... if i have enough reasons to ignore the consequences and try to kill someone in such sector then bring the SWAT if you must and hand me my back on the platter for that, but still let me have a shot at them first... ¼¼;

Posted - 2003.08.14 08:31:00 -
It is not forbidden to fight in 1.0. It is just not smart seeing that the police is very active there. The way I understand it, some players have been exploiting there and have gotten in trouble with da GMs for that sake. That¦s how I see it anyway.

Alkad Mzu
Posted - 2003.08.14 08:36:00 -
I quite simply ***** up when i see griefers like yourself use the word combat. Sitting at a 1.0 gate popping indys has no relation to combat whatsoever, but you already know that.
You're just annoyed at GM's pulling the plug on another source of income, and as usual you try to twist the entire situation into your "CCP is kiling the game" relentless lamenting.
Has it even occured to you that getting popped in what was supposed to be a secure system might not be all too motivating for a new player? Do you care?
Yes, there are all kinds of players in 1.0, noobs and Greedy Old Bastards(tm), but since when were you picky about who you blow up?
Dignity, Molly. Get some. ________________________________________________
Head of Public Relations, Fountain Alliance |

Posted - 2003.08.14 09:12:00 -
Molly, If your truely leaveing like I've heard your loss *will* be noticed. You are one of the few people I was ever afraid of. here now... there's about 5 or 6 people that scare me. I hate to see good players like you leave. Too many are leaveing. You have my deepest sympthaies to whatever hobby you pick up if you leave EVE. and your best luck in it. (you should have sat at the training ground and podded every newbie that went there... heh heh heh... -rei _________________________ Trolling is bad. Please dont do it. -rei |

Posted - 2003.08.14 09:33:00 -
I think what the GM meant was that when Molly began the hostilities and the police did not show up, she should have understood that something was not working correctly. I think if you can attack in a 1.0 and take the heat from Concord, then its ok because the game mechanics are working the way they should. The lack of Concord response was the bug and by continuing to attack you would be exploiting that bug. All I know about this is what I've read on the boards, so I may not have all the facts. But this is my $0.02 on the matter --------------------------- (c) Copyright Saladin, 2005. Any editing of this post by a third party will be in violation United States Internet Copyright law 46525 of 2003. |

Posted - 2003.08.14 09:34:00 -
I hope people look back on *events* such as Molly's anti-concord mission in a few months.
Either the fuss she is making will lead to a better combat/security system, or it will end up as a mining paradise for the greedy.
Concord are being beefed up, and shields are being watered down. Which makes 1.0 easier for the AFK-squad.
At the same time MWD's are being fixed, and new gate security policies will come into place. Which makes it easier for the 0.0 pirate/gank-squads.
So it's gonna hold middle ground for a while, I hope.
Also, people are still throwing *griefing* around like it was the new catchphrase. Griefing is the act of causing grief to a third party.
However, there are many levels of 'third-party':
Strong - Will suck up their mistake, and carry on. (yes, the mistake is theirs. anyone paying attention can avoid 95% of conflicts)
Average - Not pleased about being robbed/killed, don't think it's their own fault, but 'it ain't no thing'
Weak - Would scream blue murder if you took 100isk off them, and consider anything that stops them from making 100% maximum cash per hour to be grief, be it MWD nerfing, being held up, dying.
I have some examples of the three types, all oddly enough from last night (6-7 man blockade):
Strong: I think he was from Hosokawa, and flying a Thorax. His corpmate was non-talkative, and had died for it shortly beforehand, so he knew what to expect. I charged him half the cost of a Thorax, which he accepted, and supplied (pretty good deal for him, seeing as we 7 pockets to fill). He handed over the cash, and we let him go. I wished him good luck on the remainder of his journey, and he wished me luck on the remainder of my camping. A nice guy. Sadly, I have no eve here at work, so can't check his name.
Average: Not happy about being shot at, but not surprised, either. Was going to pay, but we got jumped by someone else, and in the panic, he escaped. He closed negotiations by calling me an ass. Naturally, I told him he was lucky this time, and to have a safe journey.
Weak: Heavens above, I've never met anyone with a mouth so foul. The most heinous insults come from the mouths of these types. Forget Setec calling people retards, that's nothing (but true) I have had cancer wished upon my family, I have had sexual threats against my wife and kids (luckily for some people, I don't have any, or I would unleash the ******* fury) and I have had plenty of the usual "rude words plus RL violence threat".
The insults that spew from these imbeciles mouths is far more worthy of the title 'grief' than shooting people.
These are the sort of people who consider a waitress asking for a tip as grief. They are best ignored.
I don't know why I'm even gonna post this as, for the most part, the only people who will listen are the ones that already know... But I'll post it anyway. .

John Zeppe
Posted - 2003.08.14 09:38:00 -
"and shields are being watered down" Huh? 

Posted - 2003.08.14 09:41:00 -
drunkenmaster, you griefer  ----------------------------------------- Sig rented by Drethen Nerevitas. |

Posted - 2003.08.14 09:42:00 -
Quote: "and shields are being watered down" Huh? 
Well invulnerability fields are going from 40% down to 25% ----------------------------------------- Sig rented by Drethen Nerevitas. |

Posted - 2003.08.14 09:44:00 -
I wouldn't worry about it. Molly has 'left' this game so often now it's a regular feature on these boards. Someone ought to tell her the story of the boy who cried "Wolf".

The Daddy
Posted - 2003.08.14 09:46:00 -
The more I hear from Space Invaders Corp the more I like them, whether it be Setec, Drunkenmaster or Molly making a post.
I have yet to hear of them using a (proven) exploit. What I do hear on these threads are lots of people whinging about them having the balls to push the envelope a bit and actually do things in game that others are either too scared or just unimaginative enough to do. Whenever someone cries exploit, all I hear is rumour and hearsay.
I tend to spend a lot of time in high sec space as that is where my corp is based, however, I do spend a lot of time in 0.0 space as well and having the odd encounter with the likes of the space invaders, would not harm my gaming experience one jot. As I appreciate that Eve is a game and needs to be fun, nothing like a bit of danger to get the adrenaline flowing.
People...whatever your personal thoughts on Molly are do not push him or his ilk out of the game as it will be a poorer Eve for it!
Di! Ecce hora! Uxor mea me necabit! |

John Zeppe
Posted - 2003.08.14 09:48:00 -
Quote: "and shields are being watered down" Huh? 
Well invulnerability fields are going from 40% down to 25%
They're already useless IMHO. 40% isn't that much, using 2 is a lot of cap. 

Posted - 2003.08.14 09:49:00 -
Edited by: drunkenmaster on 14/08/2003 09:51:14
Quote: "and shields are being watered down" Huh? 
I was under the impression that the hardners were being given a shorter duration, like the invul field did before.
But I may be wrong. (It's been known)
<edit> okay, it was the invul field again. I also squeezed in a typo  .

Posted - 2003.08.14 10:59:00 -
EVE really needs something like this and this.
It can be overdone (in Jumpgate it's on the edge), but without some basic RoC GM's *will* be accused of acting wantonly again and again.

Posted - 2003.08.14 11:32:00 -
IT ****ES OFF THE NEWBIES AND THEY LEAVE THE GAME WHICH IS BAD FOR EVE FULL STOP!!!!!!!!!!! ---------------------------------------------------

Posted - 2003.08.14 11:32:00 -
You can get banned for attacking in 1.0 space? the hell do you even PROPOSE to attempt to roleplay that? CCP should ban half the playing population of EVE right now then i guess.
This is my first whine/moan/whatever..but damn thats lame.

Posted - 2003.08.14 11:35:00 -
Drunkenmaster: your categorisation is spot on the money in my experience (which isn't the same as yours) 
If anyone made any threats against my wife or kids in-game I'd involve the police. Might seem extreme but I used to help run some gameservers and forums associated with them last year and the "nick" I use is fairly well known (as is my email address). Couple that with the fact I have a /28 allocation (and hence you can use RIPE to find my real address and phone number) and I think you can see where I'm coming from.
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