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1. WTS 8 tier 1 BC BPOs (2x Brutix, 2x Ferox 2x Prophecy, 2x Cyclone) - in Sell Orders [original thread]
Still got 6 for sale, still best prices on contract but willing to deal!
- by volhar - at 2013.02.05 13:47:00
2. WTS 8 tier 1 BC BPOs (2x Brutix, 2x Ferox 2x Prophecy, 2x Cyclone) - in Sell Orders [original thread]
One Cyclone sold in game. 6 BPs left.
- by volhar - at 2013.02.04 17:21:00
3. WTS 8 tier 1 BC BPOs (2x Brutix, 2x Ferox 2x Prophecy, 2x Cyclone) - in Sell Orders [original thread]
One Ferox sold in game.
- by volhar - at 2013.02.04 12:39:00
4. WTS 8 tier 1 BC BPOs (2x Brutix, 2x Ferox 2x Prophecy, 2x Cyclone) - in Sell Orders [original thread]
Syds Sinclair wrote: ..One Brutix and one Cyclone for 1B? 1.1 and you got a deal.
- by volhar - at 2013.02.03 19:04:00
5. WTS 8 tier 1 BC BPOs (2x Brutix, 2x Ferox 2x Prophecy, 2x Cyclone) - in Sell Orders [original thread]
Still available. Get your BCs in the oven before he build cost go up on the 12th!
- by volhar - at 2013.02.03 14:18:00
6. WTS 8 tier 1 BC BPOs (2x Brutix, 2x Ferox 2x Prophecy, 2x Cyclone) - in Sell Orders [original thread]
2x Brutix ME:15, PE:5 600m each 2x Ferox ME:15, PE:5 650m each 2x Prophecy ME:10 PE:5 425m each 2x Cyclone ME: 15, PE: 5 600m each They are on public contract, cheapest there at time of this writing but I will entertain any reasonable offers...
- by volhar - at 2013.02.02 16:17:00
7. CA-1 and CA-2 implants - in Market Discussions [original thread]
Maybe that's the guy who bought all of mine at 67m per unit 3 weeks ago :D
- by volhar - at 2012.12.21 01:48:00
8. WTS 24.6m sp toon - in Character Bazaar [original thread]
- by volhar - at 2012.12.16 15:05:00
9. PLEX - in Market Discussions [original thread]
Annoucements like this one should help keep prices down: Oh wait...
- by volhar - at 2012.11.28 14:53:00
10. BC and BS mineral changes. - in Market Discussions [original thread]
What would be hilarious is if they trolled us all by putting increased min reqs on the test server but then actually lowering them for the release.
- by volhar - at 2012.11.08 03:07:00
11. PL - in EVE Alliance Tournament Discussion [original thread]
Grath Telkin wrote: Yea not sure where Soundwave got the idea that another team can outright deny us the access to the next rounds, as far as I personally understand the rules we have that honor ourselves by fighting RvB last. If we can curbst...
- by volhar - at 2012.07.15 21:21:00
12. Music on ATX - in EVE Alliance Tournament Discussion [original thread]
Not sure why you'd even want to know, **** music was ****. Made me want to stab my eardrums with a rusty screwdriver
- by volhar - at 2012.07.08 01:54:00
13. Inferno: The Endless ISK Fountian Exposed - in Market Discussions [original thread]
Pyrox is not far from being the top ore in all of eve. That's pretty amusing
- by volhar - at 2012.06.22 14:00:00
14. C2 WH - J152801 - in Sell Orders [original thread]
I'm interested. You however appear not to be online anymore
- by volhar - at 2012.05.10 22:22:00
15. Dear CCP : Margin trading skill - it needs checkbox to enable or disable for buy... - in Market Discussions [original thread]
Not to long ago I bought 19 plexes at 49.99m per unit rather than 499m. Didn't even get hatemail, I was slightly dissapointed. I've also been on the other side of that mistake a few times for a couple bil though so I know how easy it is to make wh...
- by volhar - at 2012.04.05 23:06:00
16. Datacore Price hike!! - in Market Discussions [original thread]
Depends if there is an associated isk cost and also it'll cap the price around the other items in the store. If I can get more out of my LPs by buying a navy geddon, why would I buy datacores instead? Could go either way but I'm thinking up
- by volhar - at 2012.03.23 14:19:00
17. Getting a handle on corp finances - in Market Discussions [original thread]
I'm currently trying to make sense of a large corp (1K + members) finances, I need an idea of how much revenu we take in and what our expenses are. This should be doable with a director level API I assume, but which of the many wallet apps availa...
- by volhar - at 2012.03.14 15:32:00
18. WTS Covetor BPO - in Sell Orders [original thread]
- by volhar - at 2012.01.03 05:36:00
19. PLEX market - call to arms! - in Market Discussions [original thread]
If panick sets in they may collapse waaay down, either way, this is A LOT of fun to watch. I actually dumped at 475 after buying there when it bacame clear that I was wrong and it wasn't going to hold. Lost about 80m or so in the process but its w...
- by volhar - at 2011.11.18 22:15:00
20. PLEX market - call to arms! - in Market Discussions [original thread]
What's funny is that that order might belong to the person "helping you". Ok, probably not that one, its not low enough, but I bet someone is jumping on your bandwagon planning to pick up some cheap plexes and wait for you to go to bed
- by volhar - at 2011.11.18 20:48:00
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