Statistics for thread
Sticky:[Winter] Ewar Tweaks for Retribution
General statistics  
Total posts 551
First post 2012-11-02 18:17:00
Last post 2012-12-04 12:15:00
Duration 32 days (active period), 4192 days (since first post)
Daily average 17,2 posts/day (active period), 0,1 posts/day (since first post)
Typed characters 533 633
Longest post Bubanni (6189 characters, posted 2012-11-05 07:52:00)
Average post length 968,5 chars/post
Unique authors 215 (avg 2,6 posts/author)
90-day posting graph
Top 50 posters in thread Posts (% of total)
Bouh Revetoile 29 (5,3%)
fukier 21 (3,8%)
Michael Harari 20 (3,6%)
Sean Parisi 20 (3,6%)
Fon Revedhort 18 (3,3%)
Lili Lu 16 (2,9%)
CCP Fozzie 13 (2,4%)
Morrigan LeSante 11 (2,0%)
serras bang 11 (2,0%)
Marlona Sky 10 (1,8%)
Mortimer Civeri 10 (1,8%)
Rek Seven 10 (1,8%)
Goldensaver 9 (1,6%)
Harvey James 9 (1,6%)
Bubanni 7 (1,3%)
OT Smithers 7 (1,3%)
Sizeof Void 6 (1,1%)
Colonel Xaven 5 (0,9%)
Eridanii 5 (0,9%)
Garviel Tarrant 5 (0,9%)
Gizznitt Malikite 5 (0,9%)
Louis deGuerre 5 (0,9%)
Milton Middleson 5 (0,9%)
So'Cari 5 (0,9%)
Takeshi Yamato 5 (0,9%)
Viribus 5 (0,9%)
Captain CarlCosmogasm 4 (0,7%)
Giribaldi 4 (0,7%)
Iam Widdershins 4 (0,7%)
Jerick Ludhowe 4 (0,7%)
Julius Foederatus 4 (0,7%)
Scatim Helicon 4 (0,7%)
Super Stallion 4 (0,7%)
Veshta Yoshida 4 (0,7%)
Zarnak Wulf 4 (0,7%)
Demolishar 3 (0,5%)
Desert Ice78 3 (0,5%)
Benny Ohu 3 (0,5%)
Gypsio III 3 (0,5%)
Ioci 3 (0,5%)
Kesi Raae 3 (0,5%)
Lin-Young Borovskova 3 (0,5%)
Mara Rinn 3 (0,5%)
Nova Satar 3 (0,5%)
Omnathious Deninard 3 (0,5%)
Pinky Denmark 3 (0,5%)
Sarah Schneider 3 (0,5%)
Turelus 3 (0,5%)
Valleria Darkmoon 3 (0,5%)
Warde Guildencrantz 3 (0,5%)
Top 25 alliance posters in thread Posts (% of total)
- 194 (35,2%)
Caldari State 30 (5,4%)
Flatline. 21 (3,8%)
Caldari State Capturing 20 (3,6%)
Gallente Federation 20 (3,6%)
Team Liquid 20 (3,6%)
C C P Alliance 14 (2,5%)
Agony Empire 11 (2,0%)
Northern Coalition. 10 (1,8%)
Project Wildfire 10 (1,8%)
Goonswarm Federation 9 (1,6%)
Test Alliance Please Ignore 9 (1,6%)
Against ALL Authorities 8 (1,5%)
DarkSide. 8 (1,5%)
Pandemic Legion 8 (1,5%)
RAZOR Alliance 8 (1,5%)
Shadow Cartel 8 (1,5%)
Amarr Empire 7 (1,3%)
Transmission Lost 7 (1,3%)
The Fourth District 6 (1,1%)
Casoff 5 (0,9%)
Confederation of xXPIZZAXx 5 (0,9%)
Damu'Khonde 5 (0,9%)
RvB - BLUE Republic 5 (0,9%)
Terra-Incognita 5 (0,9%)
Top 25 corporation posters in thread Posts (% of total)
- 49 (8,9%)
Barricade. 29 (5,3%)
Project Cerberus 20 (3,6%)
The Hatchery 20 (3,6%)
Monks of War 18 (3,3%)
C C P 14 (2,5%)
Deep Core Mining Inc. 13 (2,4%)
Agony Unleashed 11 (2,0%)
Lucien Coven 11 (2,0%)
The Lost and Forgotten Troopers 11 (2,0%)
Aliastra 10 (1,8%)
D00M. 10 (1,8%)
Probe Patrol 10 (1,8%)
Vorbild Industries Inc. 9 (1,6%)
BLOMI 7 (1,3%)
Center for Advanced Studies 7 (1,3%)
ElitistOps 7 (1,3%)
GoonWaffe 7 (1,3%)
Beyond Divinity Inc 6 (1,1%)
The Kairos Syndicate 6 (1,1%)
Blue Republic 5 (0,9%)
Caldari Provisions 5 (0,9%)
Chaotic Tranquility 5 (0,9%)
Decadence. 5 (0,9%)
Firebird Squadron 5 (0,9%)
Imperial Academy 5 (0,9%)
Love Squad 5 (0,9%)
Rifterlings 5 (0,9%)
The Dark Tribe 5 (0,9%)
Cosmogasm 4 (0,7%)
Hyper-Nova 4 (0,7%)
Imperial Outlaws 4 (0,7%)
Perkone 4 (0,7%)
PIE Inc. 4 (0,7%)
Project Nemesis 4 (0,7%)
School of Applied Knowledge 4 (0,7%)
Science and Trade Institute 4 (0,7%)
The Nyan Cat Pirates 4 (0,7%)
Bad Girl Posse 3 (0,5%)
Caldari Independent Navy Reserve 3 (0,5%)
Chemikals 3 (0,5%)
Cobra Kai Dojo 3 (0,5%)
Cosmic Goo Convertor 3 (0,5%)
Extrinsic Operations 3 (0,5%)
Heretic Army 3 (0,5%)
Lollipops for Rancors 3 (0,5%)
Murientor Tribe 3 (0,5%)
PonyWaffe 3 (0,5%)
Rekall Incorporated 3 (0,5%)
Repercussus 3 (0,5%)

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