Statistics for thread
POSs: Flogging the Dead Horse
General statistics  
Total posts 2389
First post 2006-09-08 22:54:00
Last post 2011-09-09 14:40:00
Duration 1827 days (active period), 6729 days (since first post)
Daily average 1,3 posts/day (active period), 0,4 posts/day (since first post)
Typed characters 1 232 758
Longest post TexasWARlord (5355 characters, posted 2009-10-18 11:40:00)
Average post length 516,0 chars/post
Unique authors 1092 (avg 2,2 posts/author)
90-day posting graph
Top 50 posters in thread Posts (% of total)
Syberbolt8 189 (7,9%)
Jinx Barker 138 (5,8%)
Esiel 66 (2,8%)
sg3s 36 (1,5%)
high star 29 (1,2%)
Evelgrivion 25 (1,0%)
Carniflex 19 (0,8%)
Khanak Hryad 19 (0,8%)
Kenpachi Viktor 18 (0,8%)
BeanBagKing 17 (0,7%)
CaptainSeafort 16 (0,7%)
Dr Prometheus 16 (0,7%)
Re'taka 15 (0,6%)
Hugh Ruka 14 (0,6%)
Taladool 14 (0,6%)
RedLion 13 (0,5%)
Danton Marcellus 12 (0,5%)
Mulco 12 (0,5%)
Xiese 12 (0,5%)
CCP Incognito 12 (0,5%)
Darod Zyree 11 (0,5%)
Sir Substance 11 (0,5%)
Cygnet Lythanea 10 (0,4%)
Marsha Greeves 10 (0,4%)
Alexander Vallen 9 (0,4%)
Bael Gar 9 (0,4%)
Covert Kitty 9 (0,4%)
Maya Rkell 9 (0,4%)
ServantOfMask 9 (0,4%)
TexasWARlord 9 (0,4%)
Xaziar Nortocus 9 (0,4%)
Annie Maye 8 (0,3%)
Lusulpher 8 (0,3%)
Miriam Letisse 8 (0,3%)
Naran Darkmood 8 (0,3%)
Nicoli Voldkif 8 (0,3%)
Abrazzar 7 (0,3%)
Dacryphile 7 (0,3%)
Drakoulia 7 (0,3%)
hellwarz 7 (0,3%)
Jint Hikaru 7 (0,3%)
Krennel Darius 7 (0,3%)
Mekela 7 (0,3%)
Opiboble Inte 7 (0,3%)
ShadowDraqon 7 (0,3%)
Zaiyo Modi 7 (0,3%)
Alfons Richthofen 6 (0,3%)
Gerard Deneth 6 (0,3%)
James Duar 6 (0,3%)
Morgs44 6 (0,3%)
Top 25 alliance posters in thread Posts (% of total)
- 1708 (71,5%)
Arcos Alliance 34 (1,4%)
Freedom of Elbas 30 (1,3%)
Wildly Inappropriate. 23 (1,0%)
Electus Matari 18 (0,8%)
Industrial Spearhead Alliance 18 (0,8%)
Fallout Project 17 (0,7%)
DEFI4NT 11 (0,5%)
Interstellar Alcohol Conglomerate 11 (0,5%)
FREGE Alliance 10 (0,4%)
Gypsy Nation 10 (0,4%)
Morsus Mihi 10 (0,4%)
SRS. 10 (0,4%)
AAA Citizens 9 (0,4%)
Ethereal Dawn 9 (0,4%)
North Domain Defense Forces 9 (0,4%)
Independent Faction 8 (0,3%)
RAZOR Alliance 8 (0,3%)
Triumvirate. 8 (0,3%)
101010 Alliance 7 (0,3%)
E.Y 7 (0,3%)
MagiTech Corp 7 (0,3%)
One Stop Research 7 (0,3%)
FOUNDATI0N 6 (0,3%)
GoonSwarm 6 (0,3%)
Top 25 corporation posters in thread Posts (% of total)
- 871 (36,5%)
GFB Scientific 133 (5,6%)
Gen Tec 56 (2,3%)
Renegade Serenity 32 (1,3%)
Knights of Kador 26 (1,1%)
Mercurialis Inc. 22 (0,9%)
Republic University 21 (0,9%)
The Sacred Order of the Space Weasels 19 (0,8%)
Gradient 18 (0,8%)
Deep Core Mining Inc. 16 (0,7%)
Gears of Construction 16 (0,7%)
The Fated 16 (0,7%)
Through the Looking Glass 16 (0,7%)
Fallout Research 14 (0,6%)
The Good the Bad and the UGLY Incorporated 14 (0,6%)
Nebula Rasa Holdings 13 (0,5%)
O.W.N. Corp 13 (0,5%)
State Constructions 13 (0,5%)
The Firestorm Cartel 13 (0,5%)
Ch3mic4l Warfare 12 (0,5%)
Exploratio et Industria Morispatia 12 (0,5%)
Zyree Holding 11 (0,5%)
Metalheads 10 (0,4%)
The Scope 10 (0,4%)
Forsaken Empire 9 (0,4%)
ISK Solutions 9 (0,4%)
Swallows And Amazons 9 (0,4%)
Aliastra 8 (0,3%)
Eye Bee Em 8 (0,3%)
One Stop Mining Shop 8 (0,3%)
Sebiestor Tribe 8 (0,3%)
Shamrock Technical Solutions 8 (0,3%)
D00M. 7 (0,3%)
Kangaroos With Frickin Lazerbeams 7 (0,3%)
Ominous Corp 7 (0,3%)
Battlestars 6 (0,3%)
Die Luftwaffe 6 (0,3%)
Di-Tron Heavy Industries 6 (0,3%)
First And Only 6 (0,3%)
M3 Co-Op 6 (0,3%)
Merch Industrial 6 (0,3%)
No Limit Soldiers 6 (0,3%)
Nova Security Systems 6 (0,3%)
OffWorld Exploration Inc 6 (0,3%)
Pavlov Labs GmBH 6 (0,3%)
Red Dwarf Mining Corporation 6 (0,3%)
StarHunt 6 (0,3%)
The Element Syndicate 6 (0,3%)
The Night Corporation 6 (0,3%)

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