Statistics for thread
The Pendulum.
General statistics  
Total posts 961
First post 2006-09-28 15:37:00
Last post 2006-09-30 01:36:00
Duration 2 days (active period), 6737 days (since first post)
Daily average 480,5 posts/day (active period), 0,1 posts/day (since first post)
Typed characters 735 874
Longest post Nez Perces (4277 characters, posted 2006-09-28 20:04:00)
Average post length 765,7 chars/post
Unique authors 436 (avg 2,2 posts/author)
90-day posting graph
Top 50 posters in thread Posts (% of total)
Nez Perces 26 (2,7%)
Reddari 26 (2,7%)
Kryztal 15 (1,6%)
Butter Dog 13 (1,4%)
Goberth Ludwig 13 (1,4%)
Cyleth 12 (1,2%)
ponieus 12 (1,2%)
Chip2k3 10 (1,0%)
Randay 10 (1,0%)
Riddari 10 (1,0%)
Blacklight 9 (0,9%)
End Yourself 9 (0,9%)
Fi T'Zeh 9 (0,9%)
Grimpak 9 (0,9%)
Louisa Torres 9 (0,9%)
Omeega 9 (0,9%)
Devoras2 8 (0,8%)
DTee 8 (0,8%)
Malachon Draco 8 (0,8%)
BoinKlasik 7 (0,7%)
Coasterbrian 7 (0,7%)
TheTruth1 7 (0,7%)
welsh wizard 7 (0,7%)
Virtuozzo 7 (0,7%)
Yazoul Samaiel 7 (0,7%)
Yodaron Ballsithor 7 (0,7%)
zyphentits 7 (0,7%)
Amthrianius 6 (0,6%)
Coranor 6 (0,6%)
Daald 6 (0,6%)
Ediz Daxx 6 (0,6%)
fire 59 6 (0,6%)
SirMolle 6 (0,6%)
C4w3 5 (0,5%)
Darko1107 5 (0,5%)
DigitalCommunist 5 (0,5%)
Doomsday Machine 5 (0,5%)
Fitz Chivalry 5 (0,5%)
Gierling 5 (0,5%)
Hast 5 (0,5%)
KSUDruid 5 (0,5%)
Lianhaun 5 (0,5%)
Nafri 5 (0,5%)
NeoTech 5 (0,5%)
thoth foc 5 (0,5%)
Bazan Kor 4 (0,4%)
Beringe 4 (0,4%)
Afonso Henriques 4 (0,4%)
Alasse Cuthalion 4 (0,4%)
CEO Pyrex 4 (0,4%)
Top 25 alliance posters in thread Posts (% of total)
- 276 (28,7%)
Ascendant Frontier 246 (25,6%)
Band of Brothers 229 (23,8%)
Axiom Empire 40 (4,2%)
Dusk and Dawn 25 (2,6%)
Lotka Volterra 25 (2,6%)
Against ALL Authorities 22 (2,3%)
Firmus Ixion 15 (1,6%)
Mercenary Coalition 10 (1,0%)
Imperial Republic Of the North 9 (0,9%)
iPOD Alliance 5 (0,5%)
Chimaera Pact 4 (0,4%)
Interstellar Services Department 4 (0,4%)
Morsus Mihi 4 (0,4%)
RAZOR Alliance 4 (0,4%)
Barracudas. 3 (0,3%)
Cult of War 3 (0,3%)
EVE Animal Control 3 (0,3%)
R i s e 3 (0,3%)
Muffins of Mayhem 2 (0,2%)
New Eve Order 2 (0,2%)
Pure. 2 (0,2%)
Ratel Alliance 2 (0,2%)
Rule of Three 2 (0,2%)
Tau Ceti Federation 2 (0,2%)
Top 25 corporation posters in thread Posts (% of total)
Black Nova Corp 86 (8,9%)
Celestial Fleet 64 (6,7%)
eXceed Inc. 56 (5,8%)
Evolution 55 (5,7%)
Destructive Influence 49 (5,1%)
Reikoku 39 (4,1%)
- 29 (3,0%)
Black Spot. 26 (2,7%)
Celestial Apocalypse 24 (2,5%)
Celestial Horizon Corp. 23 (2,4%)
0utbreak 21 (2,2%)
Eye of God 15 (1,6%)
Rage and Terror 15 (1,6%)
Ars Caelestis 13 (1,4%)
The Dead Miners Society 13 (1,4%)
Confederation of Red Moon 12 (1,2%)
No Quarter. 12 (1,2%)
Out Siders 12 (1,2%)
DarkStar 1 10 (1,0%)
Eve Defence Force 10 (1,0%)
Core Domination 9 (0,9%)
FinFleet 9 (0,9%)
Dirty Deeds Corp. 8 (0,8%)
E X O D U S 8 (0,8%)
TAOSP 8 (0,8%)
Asgard Schiffswerften 7 (0,7%)
Black Avatar 7 (0,7%)
God's of Eve 7 (0,7%)
Sector 7 7 (0,7%)
Species 5618 7 (0,7%)
AWE Corporation 6 (0,6%)
Black Lance 6 (0,6%)
Body Count Inc. 6 (0,6%)
Cataclysm Enterprises 6 (0,6%)
Sha Kharn Corp 6 (0,6%)
Shinra 6 (0,6%)
Solidline Enterprise 6 (0,6%)
STK Scientific 6 (0,6%)
The Syndicate Inc 6 (0,6%)
Imperium Technologies 5 (0,5%)
Jovian Labs 5 (0,5%)
Phantom Squad 5 (0,5%)
The Collective 5 (0,5%)
The Older Gamers 5 (0,5%)
adeptus gattacus 4 (0,4%)
Beagle Corp 4 (0,4%)
Dragon's Rage 4 (0,4%)
Forum Moderator 4 (0,4%)
Low Grade Ore 4 (0,4%)

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