Statistics for thread
Announcement:UNSCHEDULED DOWNTIME - 20:15 - 2016/02/26
General statistics  
Total posts 1164
First post 2016-02-26 20:12:21
Last post 2016-02-27 01:13:29
Duration 1 days (active period), 2981 days (since first post)
Daily average 1 164,0 posts/day (active period), 0,4 posts/day (since first post)
Typed characters 266 969
Longest post Allsales Final (2409 characters, posted 2016-02-26 23:17:37)
Average post length 229,4 chars/post
Unique authors 657 (avg 1,8 posts/author)
90-day posting graph
Top 50 posters in thread Posts (% of total)
mavrick1 17 (1,5%)
Runsha 15 (1,3%)
Bunny Ellecon 14 (1,2%)
Kirkof Silence 12 (1,0%)
Sophos Mileghere 12 (1,0%)
Irie Alixyar 10 (0,9%)
Pelea Ming 10 (0,9%)
Inky Erquilenne 9 (0,8%)
Jack Xristeu 9 (0,8%)
Tux Chellen 9 (0,8%)
Geralt Chakaid 8 (0,7%)
Brothuhbob 7 (0,6%)
ChYph3r 7 (0,6%)
Faruzen en Divalone 7 (0,6%)
Sybrea 7 (0,6%)
Tommaxx 7 (0,6%)
Archeos 6 (0,5%)
Arturus Etuul 6 (0,5%)
Atari Calamari 6 (0,5%)
Blaire Cas 6 (0,5%)
Blitz Hacker 6 (0,5%)
Daltzi 6 (0,5%)
Dirk Magnum 6 (0,5%)
Industrial Production Toon 6 (0,5%)
Lord Toecutter 6 (0,5%)
Psyhodad50 Jones 6 (0,5%)
Sobaan Tali 6 (0,5%)
Arekanderia Hara 5 (0,4%)
Fatal pewpew 5 (0,4%)
Kalnak Aumer 5 (0,4%)
Lan Wang 5 (0,4%)
Leo Augustus 5 (0,4%)
Murael Madjenko 5 (0,4%)
Quinn Barviainen 5 (0,4%)
Sarah Bryden 5 (0,4%)
Terminal Insanity 5 (0,4%)
Victor Parmala 5 (0,4%)
Alki'biades 4 (0,3%)
ApolloF117 HUN 4 (0,3%)
CarbonBond Shaishi 4 (0,3%)
Dirk Stetille 4 (0,3%)
Hibbe 4 (0,3%)
Induriel Lossey 4 (0,3%)
ISK IRON BANK 4 (0,3%)
John Crichton Farscape 4 (0,3%)
john sasha 4 (0,3%)
Kvozart 4 (0,3%)
LostinStatic 4 (0,3%)
Master Trinexallon 4 (0,3%)
Milla Goodpussy 4 (0,3%)
Top 25 alliance posters in thread Posts (% of total)
- 411 (35,3%)
Goonswarm Federation 101 (8,7%)
Gallente Federation 69 (5,9%)
Caldari State 47 (4,0%)
FETID 45 (3,9%)
Minmatar Republic 37 (3,2%)
SpaceMonkey's Alliance 33 (2,8%)
Amarr Empire 18 (1,5%)
The Volition Cult 17 (1,5%)
Static Collapse 14 (1,2%)
Fidelas Constans 13 (1,1%)
Phoenix Company Alliance 13 (1,1%)
Separatists 12 (1,0%)
Yulai Federation 11 (0,9%)
Mordus Angels 9 (0,8%)
I N F A M O U S 8 (0,7%)
RAZOR Alliance 8 (0,7%)
Tactical Narcotics Team 8 (0,7%)
Triumvirate. 8 (0,7%)
BlackNova Mercenary Alliance 7 (0,6%)
Brave Collective 7 (0,6%)
Ivy League 7 (0,6%)
P-A-T-R-I-O-T-S 7 (0,6%)
Circle-Of-Two 6 (0,5%)
Dominion Aerospace Systems 6 (0,5%)
Top 25 corporation posters in thread Posts (% of total)
KarmaFleet 46 (4,0%)
Knights of the Posing Meat 26 (2,2%)
Pator Tech School 19 (1,6%)
Run and Gun Mercenary Corps 19 (1,6%)
Federal Navy Academy 18 (1,5%)
Center for Advanced Studies 17 (1,5%)
waistland prospecters 17 (1,5%)
Pearlgate Associates 15 (1,3%)
The Scope 15 (1,3%)
State War Academy 14 (1,2%)
Suo-SHEE Browncoats 14 (1,2%)
University of Caille 14 (1,2%)
Ars Goetia Corporation 12 (1,0%)
Fedaykin Industries 12 (1,0%)
Amok. 11 (0,9%)
Relentless Terrorism 11 (0,9%)
Fusion Enterprises Ltd 10 (0,9%)
Hogyoku 10 (0,9%)
Space Dandies 10 (0,9%)
Frontier Adventurers 9 (0,8%)
Pwn 'N Play 9 (0,8%)
Science and Trade Institute 9 (0,8%)
- 8 (0,7%)
PLCOOP 8 (0,7%)
Caldari Provisions 7 (0,6%)
Das Raumfahrer Syndikat 7 (0,6%)
EVE University 7 (0,6%)
Imperial Academy 7 (0,6%)
Reborn Empire 7 (0,6%)
Wildly Inappropriate 7 (0,6%)
Aliastra 6 (0,5%)
Caldari Quick Reaction Force 6 (0,5%)
Critical Mass Inc. 6 (0,5%)
Federal Defense Union 6 (0,5%)
Gunpowder and Lead Foundries 6 (0,5%)
I Want ISK Corp 6 (0,5%)
Lone Wolf Union 6 (0,5%)
Malaeran Winter 6 (0,5%)
New Eden Shipwright LLC 6 (0,5%)
Perkone 6 (0,5%)
Republic University 6 (0,5%)
The Dwarves of Mercoxit 6 (0,5%)
Tim Finnegan Corp 6 (0,5%)
Arena Monstar mining corp 5 (0,4%)
Berzerks Inc. 5 (0,4%)
Brave Newbies Inc. 5 (0,4%)
Eleven Dimensions 5 (0,4%)
Guns N Butter 5 (0,4%)
Jennifer FanBoyz 5 (0,4%)

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