Statistics for thread
An Idea: Because I am bored for the moment.
General statistics  
Total posts 724
First post 2016-12-09 16:03:32
Last post 2017-06-22 11:35:39
Duration 195 days (active period), 2687 days (since first post)
Daily average 3,7 posts/day (active period), 0,3 posts/day (since first post)
Typed characters 535 272
Longest post Neph (3405 characters, posted 2017-01-15 02:42:55)
Average post length 739,3 chars/post
Unique authors 95 (avg 7,6 posts/author)
90-day posting graph
Top 50 posters in thread Posts (% of total)
Elmund Egivand 100 (13,8%)
Aria Jenneth 49 (6,8%)
Jev North 43 (5,9%)
Neph 35 (4,8%)
Utari Onzo 29 (4,0%)
Mizhara Del'thul 20 (2,8%)
Arrendis 20 (2,8%)
Deitra Vess 18 (2,5%)
Diana Kim 15 (2,1%)
Tsao Aubbes 15 (2,1%)
Myxx 14 (1,9%)
Saya Ishikari 14 (1,9%)
Valerie Valate 14 (1,9%)
Lunarisse Aspenstar 13 (1,8%)
Merchant Rova 13 (1,8%)
Loai Qerl 13 (1,8%)
Agiri Falken 12 (1,7%)
Kolodi Ramal 11 (1,5%)
Matias Kurovassi 10 (1,4%)
Nana Skalski 10 (1,4%)
Tamiroth 10 (1,4%)
Templar Thal Vadam 10 (1,4%)
Che Biko 9 (1,2%)
Ibrahim Tash-Murkon 9 (1,2%)
Hetu Hegirin 9 (1,2%)
Persephone Alleile 9 (1,2%)
Slayer Liberator 9 (1,2%)
Hendrik Mishi 8 (1,1%)
Tyrel Toov 8 (1,1%)
Kairelle 7 (1,0%)
Jaret Victorian 7 (1,0%)
Sinjin Mokk 7 (1,0%)
Synthetic Cultist 7 (1,0%)
Teinyhr 7 (1,0%)
Makoto Priano 6 (0,8%)
Jason Galente 6 (0,8%)
Julianni Avala 6 (0,8%)
Khaotique Savage 6 (0,8%)
morion 6 (0,8%)
Tressith Sefira 5 (0,7%)
Kador Ouryon 4 (0,6%)
Morwen Lagann 4 (0,6%)
Val Kaleth 4 (0,6%)
Window Licker McTard 4 (0,6%)
Wren Villeneuve 4 (0,6%)
Maria Daphiti 3 (0,4%)
Mitara Newelle 3 (0,4%)
Kybernetes Moros 3 (0,4%)
Jade Blackwind 3 (0,4%)
Halcyon Ember 3 (0,4%)
Top 25 alliance posters in thread Posts (% of total)
- 325 (44,9%)
Gallente Federation 100 (13,8%)
Caldari State 36 (5,0%)
Heiian Conglomerate 35 (4,8%)
Enigma Project 27 (3,7%)
Goonswarm Federation 23 (3,2%)
Sani-Sabik 21 (2,9%)
Ishuk-Raata Enforcement Directive 20 (2,8%)
Mercenary Coalition 20 (2,8%)
Pandemic Horde 20 (2,8%)
Arataka Research Consortium 18 (2,5%)
Brothers of Tangra 13 (1,8%)
Amarr Empire 10 (1,4%)
Monyusaiya Industry Trade Group 10 (1,4%)
Minmatar Republic 9 (1,2%)
Praetoria Imperialis Excubitoris 7 (1,0%)
Phoenix Naval Systems 5 (0,7%)
WAFFLES. 5 (0,7%)
404 Alliance Not Found 2 (0,3%)
Haighare Pirates 2 (0,3%)
Ivy League 2 (0,3%)
Of Questionable Repute 2 (0,3%)
Test Alliance Please Ignore 2 (0,3%)
Ushra'Khan 2 (0,3%)
Top 25 corporation posters in thread Posts (% of total)
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque 111 (15,3%)
Federal Defense Union 88 (12,2%)
Crimson Serpent Syndicate 35 (4,8%)
Non-Hostile Target 28 (3,9%)
13. 27 (3,7%)
Hyperpredator Rest Home 26 (3,6%)
- 25 (3,5%)
Church of The Crimson Saviour 21 (2,9%)
Akagi Initiative 20 (2,8%)
Coreli Corporation 20 (2,8%)
GoonWaffe 20 (2,8%)
Pandemic Horde Inc. 19 (2,6%)
Itsukame-Zainou Hyperspatial Inquiries Ltd. 18 (2,5%)
Anshar Incorporated 17 (2,3%)
State Protectorate 17 (2,3%)
Imperial Mining Incorporated 13 (1,8%)
Pathway to the Next 13 (1,8%)
Sanxing 12 (1,7%)
State War Academy 12 (1,7%)
Alexylva Paradox 10 (1,4%)
Taisaanat Kotei 10 (1,4%)
Tartarus Covert Operations 9 (1,2%)
Otherwhere Circle 8 (1,1%)
Royal Amarr Institute 8 (1,1%)
Sebiestor Tribe 8 (1,1%)
Ourumur 7 (1,0%)
PIE Inc. 7 (1,0%)
Raven.Syndicate 7 (1,0%)
Science and Trade Institute 7 (1,0%)
Ishukone-Raata Corporate Investment Bank 6 (0,8%)
Lighting Build 6 (0,8%)
Sebestacny Circle 6 (0,8%)
Kurilaivonen 5 (0,7%)
Phoenix Naval Operations 5 (0,7%)
SniggWaffe 5 (0,7%)
The Scope 5 (0,7%)
Tyrathlion Interstellar 5 (0,7%)
Center for Advanced Studies 4 (0,6%)
Realm of Mischief 4 (0,6%)
Khushakor Clan 3 (0,4%)
Repracor Industries 3 (0,4%)
University of Caille 3 (0,4%)
Angelis Exploration 2 (0,3%)
Black Dog Shady Missionaries 2 (0,3%)
Black Eclipse Corp 2 (0,3%)
EVE University 2 (0,3%)
Hoi Andrapodistai 2 (0,3%)
Imperial Academy 2 (0,3%)
Ishukone-Raata Technological Research Institute 2 (0,3%)
Mirkur Draug'Tyr 2 (0,3%)

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