Statistics for thread
Sticky:New dev blog: Your EVE client needs YOU!
General statistics  
Total posts 359
First post 2012-01-18 15:36:00
Last post 2012-04-14 12:54:00
Duration 87 days (active period), 4480 days (since first post)
Daily average 4,1 posts/day (active period), 0,1 posts/day (since first post)
Typed characters 257 565
Longest post Xander Hunt (5255 characters, posted 2012-01-19 04:35:00)
Average post length 717,5 chars/post
Unique authors 238 (avg 1,5 posts/author)
90-day posting graph
Top 50 posters in thread Posts (% of total)
Bloodpetal 11 (3,1%)
Atum 8 (2,2%)
Alx Warlord 8 (2,2%)
BeanBagKing 7 (1,9%)
Corn daLite 7 (1,9%)
Tork Norand 7 (1,9%)
CCP Masheen 7 (1,9%)
NoxiousPluK 5 (1,4%)
Scrapyard Bob 5 (1,4%)
Averyia 4 (1,1%)
Daneel Trevize 4 (1,1%)
Shasz 4 (1,1%)
Xander Hunt 4 (1,1%)
Bumbel 3 (0,8%)
Andrea Griffin 3 (0,8%)
Gilbaron 3 (0,8%)
Grady Eltoren 3 (0,8%)
Hakaru Ishiwara 3 (0,8%)
Lolmer 3 (0,8%)
Nova Fox 3 (0,8%)
Reten Kip 3 (0,8%)
Sentient Blade 3 (0,8%)
Sieges 3 (0,8%)
Vincent Athena 3 (0,8%)
Alberik 2 (0,6%)
Alundil 2 (0,6%)
AMirrorDarkly 2 (0,6%)
Catho Sharn 2 (0,6%)
Damassys Kadesh 2 (0,6%)
davidnorell 2 (0,6%)
Florestan Bronstein 2 (0,6%)
glepp 2 (0,6%)
Heathkit 2 (0,6%)
Jack Tronic 2 (0,6%)
Jahn Ntago 2 (0,6%)
John McCreedy 2 (0,6%)
KayTwoEx 2 (0,6%)
Liang Nuren 2 (0,6%)
Liu Ellens 2 (0,6%)
Mashie Saldana 2 (0,6%)
mkint 2 (0,6%)
Morfig 2 (0,6%)
Nalha Saldana 2 (0,6%)
nawor100 2 (0,6%)
Neo Agricola 2 (0,6%)
Noriko Mai 2 (0,6%)
Orisa Medeem 2 (0,6%)
Pilk 2 (0,6%)
Rixiu 2 (0,6%)
Shaalira D'arc 2 (0,6%)
Top 25 alliance posters in thread Posts (% of total)
- 130 (36,2%)
Caldari State 13 (3,6%)
Gallente Federation 12 (3,3%)
Intrepid Crossing 9 (2,5%)
C C P Alliance 8 (2,2%)
Minmatar Republic 8 (2,2%)
Quantum Forge 8 (2,2%)
Tribal Conclave 8 (2,2%)
Amarr Empire 7 (1,9%)
Ivy League 7 (1,9%)
The Ancients. 7 (1,9%)
Goonswarm Federation 6 (1,7%)
Ev0ke 5 (1,4%)
Jovian Empire 5 (1,4%)
Ab Jove Principium 4 (1,1%)
0ccupational Hazzard 3 (0,8%)
Against ALL Authorities 3 (0,8%)
Art of War Alliance 3 (0,8%)
BLACK-MARK 3 (0,8%)
Caffeine Nicotine and Hate 3 (0,8%)
Cascade Imminent 3 (0,8%)
Coalition of the Unfortunate 3 (0,8%)
Comic Mischief 3 (0,8%)
Fatal Ascension 3 (0,8%)
The Kadeshi 3 (0,8%)
Top 25 corporation posters in thread Posts (% of total)
- 22 (6,1%)
Mimidae Risk Solutions 11 (3,1%)
C C P 8 (2,2%)
Eclipse Industrials 8 (2,2%)
EVE University 7 (1,9%)
Mechanical Eagles Inc. 7 (1,9%)
Shadow Naval Industries 7 (1,9%)
Terra Incognita 7 (1,9%)
The Scope 6 (1,7%)
Jovian Legacy 5 (1,4%)
State War Academy 5 (1,4%)
Angels of Anarchy 4 (1,1%)
Free-Space-Ranger 4 (1,1%)
Imperial Academy 4 (1,1%)
Republic Military School 4 (1,1%)
Association of Commonwealth Enterprises 3 (0,8%)
Aviation Professionals for EVE 3 (0,8%)
Deep Core Mining Inc. 3 (0,8%)
Eternity INC. 3 (0,8%)
Eve Defence Force 3 (0,8%)
Everset Dropbears 3 (0,8%)
Novafox Shipyards 3 (0,8%)
Open University of Celestial Hardship 3 (0,8%)
Quantum Cats Syndicate 3 (0,8%)
Science and Trade Institute 3 (0,8%)
University of Caille 3 (0,8%)
V.I.C.E. 3 (0,8%)
Walk It Off 3 (0,8%)
Yahoo Inc 3 (0,8%)
Agony Unleashed 2 (0,6%)
Bene Gesserit ChapterHouse 2 (0,6%)
Blame The Bunny 2 (0,6%)
borkedLabs 2 (0,6%)
De Re Metallica 2 (0,6%)
Die Missionrunner von heute 2 (0,6%)
Di-Tron Heavy Industries 2 (0,6%)
Don't Die Interstellar Enterprises 2 (0,6%)
Dreddit 2 (0,6%)
Ekchuah's Shrine Comporium 2 (0,6%)
Endless Corporation 2 (0,6%)
Eternal Damnation of the Woken Mind 2 (0,6%)
Eusebius Corporation 2 (0,6%)
EVE Mercantile Exchange 2 (0,6%)
Evolution 2 (0,6%)
Hedion University 2 (0,6%)
Heretic Army 2 (0,6%)
Macabre Votum 2 (0,6%)
Merch Industrial 2 (0,6%)
North Star Networks 2 (0,6%)

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