Posted - 2010.10.18 22:36:00 -
Im also a latecomer to this speculation, as well as entirely ignorant of the backstory (there are *books* you say? What are those Chronicles about??). I'm working on filling that in as fast as I can.
I came to this thread, which I have now read my way through, from the other similar thread I linked above. The start post from dropbear contains several lines that seemed specifically worded and have stuck with me through all of the reading here. Id like to mention them here as they still seem relevant to me.
"The complexity of the Sleeper's story runs so deeply that it may take some time to understand. Some time indeed, but you should think about it all the same, if you ever want to understand. The pieces of this puzzle are scattered across a wide area, and a stretch of time unlike any event in EVE has seen before. If you think anyone forgot about developing this storyline, if you think the "silence" right now is indicative of apathy or disregard at our end, then you're (quite understandably) assuming that all of this is being done on the traditional timescale - but that is not the case. All of this - all of it - is unfolding in real time, and it will take either a genius or a collective effort to make sense of the whole from the fragments that remain. We are watching and waiting for the day to come when the capsuleers will move this particular storyline forward. We are still waiting."
A couple of things stand out to me. Note how often the word 'time' is used here. Consider how time plays into several other aspects of this mystery (Cartesian Temporal Coordinates, The regular mention of data and coordinates being stored over time or timestamped in the descriptions of the sleeper bloot items, the growing theories around the locus signatures of the Wormhole Systems themselves and how they seem to array around a 24 hour clock). I'm not sure what it all means, but the usage in the post is unnaturally cumbersome, and to me, must be intentional.
The mention of this "unfolding in real time" makes me feel there is a doomsday clock ticking off the seconds somewhere toward some larger event, which I doubt will be full of sweetness and light.
Lastly, the lines "We are watching and waiting for the day to come when the capsuleers will move this particular storyline forward. We are still waiting." stay with me. Has anything like this been done previously over the course of the game? To me, this hints that the ball is in our court and that there is some trigger we need to pull. Although collective discussion of theories is a necessary part of the process, I am speculating that the discussion and consensus is simply a means to an end. We, the Capsuleers, will move this story forward, not the players behind the capsuleers. There is something we need to do (or perhaps something we need to stop doing?). What can it be? In what ways can we interract with the world? Shoot things? Speak in local at the sites, as they have spoken to us? A password perhaps? Engage a module of one kind or another on a sleeper drone or structure? Place something in space next to a sleeper drone or structure? There really arent that many possibilities in the game mechanic.
"Let me tell you now that if you look closely at all things Sleeper, you will be rewarded for it. Nothing was put anywhere by mistake, and very, very, little of it is what you could describe as "filler". When it comes to the Sleepers, each stroke on the canvas was meant to be there and each part serves a purpose, whether little or...big. There are depths to this storyline that nobody has explored, complexities that have not yet been understood, mysteries that are still waiting to be unraveled, and this is a year and half after the discovery of Anoik...wormhole space.
There's more out there than people have realized, and more in store than you might expect."
Hes mentioned here and in other posts that the information we need is there, in front of us, in game. I've been spending my time reading the descriptions of sleeper salvage (available for all to read in the market), sleeper loot (I live in a C3 and have been able to read all of that) and the descriptions of the sites and all of the structures in them.
One thing that also may be common knowledge, but I found fascinating... The Bloot itself. It's sold to NPCs. Who are they, and why do they want it? The ones I sell (my selling alt is stationed near jita) go to the Zainou corp. It's description is also of interest and seems related. "A biotech company founded by the eccentric Todo Kirkinen, the first man to have his mind transferred into a machine. Zainou has from its inception been at the forefront of bio-chemical and nano-mechanical research, its headquarters are described as a combination of a mad scientist's lab and a jungle zoo."
I dont have a clear idea of where to go with any of this. Right now, i'm still just looking at patterns in the chaos.