Posted - 2011.04.06 12:10:00 -
Originally by: CommmanderInChief
Originally by: Brooks Puuntai Was longer then a few months ago. Try almost a year.
Fair enough a year - still not long ago tho was it m8? There was nothing at all before this. This idea of 0.0 space not occupied is not correct, renters still existed ALOT. Atlas, PL, Bob had masses of renters, to name a few.
But now renters have to pay billions, and your right logi and everything else, and support was just not going to help anyone.
Small alliances/corps where never ever going to be able to move into 0.0 space without being a renter - ever. Because 0.0 regions are controlled mainly by stations, you dont have access to anything your stuck. Thats why no one moved their before. You cant live in these regions when you got a 2000+ man alliance removing your ihub and tcu in a matter of seconds, and there is nothing you can do about it. All that hard work and isk gone in an instant. Thats the issue.
i only started playing this game about when they made this change. so i dont all of the changes that effect this. but one of the big differences that i know of is the insurance. before people could live in null and not need decent individual incomes because their losses were almost entirely covered by insurance. now ratting is the main stay for covering PvP. the way it should be IMO - since people have to work at least a little for their losses, instead of having them instantly replaced - or even having earned a profit.
but what option will there be for individuals? unless you;re allowed access to anything better than -0.4 you'll be better off running level 4 missions. or becoming an industrialist. there will still be alliances that use these systems for the moon goo ... but all in all they will end up much like low sec is currently - mostly empty; since the rewards aren't worth the risks. like low sec.
i think most people are up in arms because most systems are <-0.4 and all of those people (including myself) will no longer have ready access to a decent income after this change. i'll likely either start doing more indy stuff, or spending most of my time running missions for income.
considering all of that, this all equals less pew since people wont be able to replace their stuff so readily. less pew means less market demand. less pew also goes in the face of what CCP is after. but people not having rats to shoot will likely mean more people producing for income... so less demand AND more supply in an already saturated due to the my-ore-is-free crowd can't be good. i imagine that with time the market will balance itself out - but this balance will occur at a lower "level of energy," if you will.
so in that regard this change is plausibly bad for nearly everyone in the game.