Posted - 2011.06.26 23:11:00 -
Originally by: Narcissus Tombs Edited by: Narcissus Tombs on 26/06/2011 19:22:01 Edited by: Narcissus Tombs on 26/06/2011 18:40:27 So far you're pulling it right out of the PR handbook.
I'll just leave this here Linkage
Edit: And this lovely link tallying 4482 unsubbed accounts so far.
What you seem to be missing, Zulu, is that even thought the future of MT is the biggest rage issue here, it's just a symptom of the dissatisfaction and dissapointmend we've felt with you, CCP as a whole, for a while now. I am not trying to attack anyone at CCP, just convey my dissatisfaction and sadness, and what my view of CCP has degraded to.
This is not speculation, but quite well known now, that you are using Eve as a cash cow and forced alpha test for your new projects, both of which are progressing at a rate beyond slow and sucking money and resources out of your flagship product.
What is worse, you simply don't care about the game anymore. Investors and aesthetics come before gameplay. This is something you've been saying internally, and now that it's out there you send PR meatshields to delay things until they cool down. "If it looks good, it is good." Sound familiar? Because apparently it's said quite a bit around the CCP offices.
The fact is, you simply don't have a vision for Eve.
You have been flying by the seat of your pants for who knows how long, adding features on a whim and wasting colossal amounts of time and money on things players often don't want.
You are forcing unwanted content on us simply to gain free alpha testing for your next game.
You can't take negative criticism.
You ignore the playerbase that made you great.
You have a rockstar mentality that is completely unwarranted.
You are trying to push a niche game into the a mainstream market.
You lack professionalism.
You have no internal editing, or any that we can see, because of your childish dislike of negative criticism.
You release untested, half-baked expansions.
You ignore the mountains of information and suggestions and criticism your players give you to improve it.
You have ruined your image with new players. As seen here.
You push what you want, not what we want.
This is a service, if people dislike it, they'll stop paying for it.
You have been buying your own PR more than your players.
You have ignored the high-maintenance requirements for a game like Eve, instead adding more content itself in need of editing.
You set unrealistic goals, internally and externally, that you know you can't meet, but hype anyway.
You have yet to give a straight answer about non-vanity items. We don't want cute remarks or metaphors or comparisons or synecdoches, we want a YES OR NO ANSWER.
You assume stupidity on the part of your players, and it's just insulting. The average age of eve players is 29, if I recall correctly. Many are older, and none of them are going to fall for delay tactics and PR spin.
And most importantly, lost the love you once had for your universe.
Most of this post comes from a review by one of your own employees, linked here.
I love CCP and I love Eve, but now that you have other projects in the works, it seems like you have simply dropped the idea of improving Eve entirely, and for this reason, I have unsubbed, along with more than 4000 other accounts. I honestly hope you can set a worthwhile vision for Eve, and follow it, because without that, the game is going to start decaying. I am not being fanatical or defeatist, this is simply what is going to happen, and has happened to many other MMOs.
Best of Luck, and I hope Eve gets the attention and care it deserves.