[edit]Edited by: Evelgrivion on 29/05/2011 04:48:41[/edit]
Images have been replaced. Unfortunately, I lost the originals with the forum debacle, but the ones that were linked are an acceptable substitute.
To put it simply, the current POS system is Butt-ugly, lagtacular, overpowered, underpowered, and completely, totally whacky, and fails to live up to the expectations of those who wish to see them for the first time.
This proposal at the very least aims to solve the first and last two issues, whilst providing a way for those who do not have 30 billion to blow on a station to get a suitable level of infrastructure for new 0.0 operations.
In a nutshell, its a modular POS with most of the functionality of a station, depending on the modules attached. How would this all go together? Today's idea comes with pictures!
The heart of the system is a simple interconnecting module. From this modular structure, all modules are referenced, attached, and based within a simple grid system.
Exhibit AThe four corridors allow for easy expansion of the station, and scalable infrastructure can grow with the needs of the corporation. or alliance in possession of it.
Exhibit BMuch like the current POS system, the heart and soul of the station would remain the control tower. For this example, let me introduce Exhibit C, for a small Caldari styled control tower.
Exhibit CFrom this control tower, everything else on the POS is referenced. Instead of giving us exact XYZ coordinates of every module in space, they can be instead referenced to the tower and the layout grid on which it is based. After deployment of the control tower, you can begin adding additional structures to the POS to give it the functionality you want it to have. Allow me to present Exhibits D and E.
Exhibits D & E (Large File)Exhibit D is a storage container module; these provide the storage capabilities for the POS. Exhibit E is a refinery module, which would obviously provide refinery capabilities for the station. Up a certain point, additional refinery modules would provide additional refinery efficiency, though logarithmically decreasing with each one while consuming the same amount of poewr. This could allow larger, more powerful, and more expensive designs to have a place in the universe.
Up to this point, the accessibility remains the same as it is for the current POS, with one user hovering outside the module at a time. To alleviate the issues inherent in that, I present exhibit F; the hangar module. This system is not limited to 1x1 modules, and "supermodules" are a distinct possibility with this system.
Exhibit FProviding a certain quantity of hangar space (Meters-¦) depending on size (and expense), the hangar module provides an interface to POS management just like standard stations, allowing simple refining, manufacturing, and possibly even clone bays, depending on the modules that you have installed.
Put it altogether, and you get a simple POS that is easy to manage, expandable, and ranging in capabilities and expense. In its most basic form, I present Exhibit G.
Exhibit GHere is an optional, more contraversial change that this system would make. If CCP wishes, they could integrate much of a POSs defense into this module system; rather than having free floating, invincible guns, large weapons battery modules could be introduced to the station. Presenting Exhibit H.
Exhibit HFully realized, Exhibit I.
Exhibit I (Fully Realised Modular POS)While this is just a simple example, the potential is there for leagues more complex and powerful bases than those demonstrated here.