Statistics for thread Sticky:New dev blog: Starbase happy fun time |
General statistics | |
Total posts | 1150 |
First post | 2011-11-07 15:11:00 |
Last post | 2012-01-24 00:14:00 |
Duration | 78 days (active period), 4866 days (since first post) |
Daily average | 14,7 posts/day (active period), 0,2 posts/day (since first post) |
Typed characters | 1 025 820 |
Longest post | Protheroe (5790 characters, posted 2011-11-09 05:20:00) |
Average post length | 892,0 chars/post |
Unique authors | 480 (avg 2,4 posts/author) |
90-day posting graph |
Top 25 alliance posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
- | 372 (32,3%) |
Goonswarm Federation | 80 (7,0%) |
Ivy League | 46 (4,0%) |
Caldari State | 44 (3,8%) |
BLACK-MARK | 43 (3,7%) |
Flying Dangerous | 38 (3,3%) |
BricK sQuAD. | 32 (2,8%) |
Gallente Federation | 28 (2,4%) |
K162 | 21 (1,8%) |
Amarr Empire | 18 (1,6%) |
C C P Alliance | 14 (1,2%) |
Talocan United | 13 (1,1%) |
Test Alliance Please Ignore | 12 (1,0%) |
F0RCEFUL ENTRY | 11 (1,0%) |
Intrepid Crossing | 11 (1,0%) |
Bloodbound. | 10 (0,9%) |
Minmatar Republic | 10 (0,9%) |
No Holes Barred | 10 (0,9%) |
IMPERIAL LEGI0N | 9 (0,8%) |
The Lostboys | 9 (0,8%) |
Fidelas Constans | 8 (0,7%) |
Morsus Mihi | 8 (0,7%) |
Northern Coalition. | 8 (0,7%) |
By Deliberate Means | 7 (0,6%) |
Fatal Ascension | 7 (0,6%) |
Top 25 corporation posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
- | 106 (9,2%) |
GoonWaffe | 75 (6,5%) |
EVE University | 46 (4,0%) |
Southern Cross Empire | 38 (3,3%) |
Science and Trade Institute | 29 (2,5%) |
Zebra Corp | 26 (2,3%) |
Aperture Harmonics | 21 (1,8%) |
Fine Goods for Fine Gentlemen | 20 (1,7%) |
King Wholesaling | 17 (1,5%) |
The Gentlemen of Low Moral Fibre | 17 (1,5%) |
C C P | 14 (1,2%) |
Center for Advanced Studies | 13 (1,1%) |
Imperial Academy | 13 (1,1%) |
Power of the Phoenix | 12 (1,0%) |
Federal Navy Academy | 11 (1,0%) |
Nasty Pope Holding Corp | 11 (1,0%) |
Apprentice Innovations | 10 (0,9%) |
Destined for Greatness Inc. | 10 (0,9%) |
Miranda United | 10 (0,9%) |
NorCorp Enterprise | 10 (0,9%) |
Conglomo | 9 (0,8%) |
Dreddit | 9 (0,8%) |
V.I.C.E. | 9 (0,8%) |
Deliberate Means | 7 (0,6%) |
Re-Awakened Technologies Inc | 7 (0,6%) |
Te'Rava Industries | 7 (0,6%) |
Zero Point Group | 7 (0,6%) |
Crypsus | 6 (0,5%) |
Dutch Powerrr | 6 (0,5%) |
Kitsune Industries | 6 (0,5%) |
Phoenix Propulsion Labs | 6 (0,5%) |
Ranger Corp | 6 (0,5%) |
Renegade Pleasure Androids | 6 (0,5%) |
South Park Development | 6 (0,5%) |
State War Academy | 6 (0,5%) |
Zirconia Trade Group | 6 (0,5%) |
Estrale Frontiers | 5 (0,4%) |
Mercatoris | 5 (0,4%) |
THORN Syndicate | 5 (0,4%) |
Are We There Yet | 4 (0,3%) |
Boundless Invention | 4 (0,3%) |
Clan Shadow Wolf | 4 (0,3%) |
Cloak and Daggers | 4 (0,3%) |
Gunpoint Diplomacy | 4 (0,3%) |
Hounds Of War | 4 (0,3%) |
JC Ferguson and Son Ltd | 4 (0,3%) |
Kriegsmarinewerft | 4 (0,3%) |
School of Applied Knowledge | 4 (0,3%) |
Tasman Universal Industries | 4 (0,3%) |
The Motley Crew Reborn | 4 (0,3%) |
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