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Thread Statistics | Show CCP posts - 2 post(s) |

Dirt Nap Squad Dirt Nap Squad.
Posted - 2014.03.03 21:40:00 -
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Friends and EVE Community, I wish to announce my candidacy for the 9th Council of Stellar Management.
I am immensely grateful to my fellow EVE players and to CCP for this wonderful shared experience we call EVE, and humbly request that you, the players of EVE, support me as your voice before CCP. I look forward to championing your interests and keeping EVE as wonderful and rewarding as it has been for me for most of the last decade.
I have not made this decision lightly or without thought to what it may mean to me personally. I am fully cognizant of the immense amount of work that comes with a position on the CSM. My close personal friend and current CSM Chairman Trebor Daehdoow has made it all too clear how much work is expected. CSM is a volunteer position that requires much effort and provides little tangible reward. I want to serve because of my love of the game and what the broader EVE community means to me personally.
My name is Bradley King. I live and work in a college town in Michigan, and have a Bachelors of Science in Recreation Adminstration and Management. I earned that degree after serving 6 years in the Marine Corps. I presently work at Ferris State University in Michigan as a Grounds Chemical Specialist and Facility Manager. I am also currently a paid Chief Steward for my local Union, and have represented my fellow non-tenured employees for many years as a contract negotiator. In addition to these responsibilities, I coach a variety of sports including Wrestling, Rugby, Baseball and Football (American Soccer). I have been involved in online gaming since the mid-90's, including such titles as Combat Flight Simulator, Rogue Spear, Raven Shield, Ghost Recon, CSS, PS1 AOE, Warcraft, Starcraft and many more. As an avid PC gamer, I put a great deal of work and effort into the Punkbuster community back in the day (I despise cheaters).
My passion for EVE, commitment to achieving goals, and energy are just some of the positive personal virtues I can bring to the table as a member of the CSM. In particular, I have decades of experience as a Labor negotiator. Often in course of these duties[/b], I have had to reach equitable bargains with opposing parties with different needs. This is very much the case in EVE, as the needs of the community are often in conflict with CCP's corporate goals. Over the years, I have developed many close personal relationships with CCP's management and employees, and I hope to be able to use my influence for the good of the game of EVE and the community as a whole. My only goal is to help EVE to grow and thrive.
As a member of an enduring and successful non-bloc organization, I hope that my membership on the CSM will alleviate some of the fears that the community has in regards to Null-Sec being overly represented. My alliance has no fixed home and we strive to participate in all of the aspects of EVE. I have learned from some of the best in game what works and doesn't work in New Eden across the whole spectrum of play styles. These people, both inside and outside of my alliance, are some of the very best in the game at what they do. I do not seek to maintain the status quo, but to enhance the freedom, vitality, and dynamism that makes EVE unique.
My real-life talents in Labor organization, sports coaching, and leadership will bring a unique and useful package of skills to the CSM. My in-game experience as a non-bloc, non-Sov-holding, totally independent alliance leader gives me a perspective that is unbiased by personal ambition or need to protect personal in-game interests. I have no need to protect my alliance's position within the metagame. I do not seek personal reward. I only want what is best for the game and the community as a whole, because I truly love what this game is and means to all of us.
Please honor me with your vote. I will not let you down. |

Dirt Nap Squad Dirt Nap Squad.
Posted - 2014.03.03 21:40:00 -
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Reserve |

Dirt Nap Squad Dirt Nap Squad.
Posted - 2014.03.03 21:41:00 -
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Reserve |

Dirt Nap Squad Dirt Nap Squad.
Posted - 2014.03.03 21:42:00 -
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Reserve |

Dirt Nap Squad Dirt Nap Squad.
Posted - 2014.03.07 19:18:00 -
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BadAssMcKill wrote:Its not about the situation its about how he handled himself in the situation
Xander and BadAssMcKill
I am currently working on a reply to the Sommer Blink/RMT issue. Please understand that I still have to follow EULA guild lines when sharing CCP material on these forums. So I can better respond, please share with me what your concerns are about how I handled myself? If possible I'd like to speak with both of you (Xander, BadAssMcKill ) personally first and then share our discussion. Perhaps on my coms or Skype? I will do my best to respond and shed light into a number of matters that were addressed and resolved during the investigation of Sommer, myself, and other third party sites and the complete handling of the situation by the community/marketing team at CCP. Look for my coms info in your mail box tonight.

Dirt Nap Squad Dirt Nap Squad.
Posted - 2014.03.10 19:57:00 -
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roigon wrote:Hi there DNSBLACK.
I have read your initial post and it has left me wondering. You repeat a few times how you are essentially the non-bloc candidate. Then furthermore as far as what you do in eve you write "we strive to do everything".
This essentially tells me nothing. After reading that I have no real idea what you do in eve, where your interests lie or what aspects of the game you get passionate about.
Now about that passionate part. Not that many months ago you got rather passionate about the situation with SOMER blink. Now I'm not here to dredge that all up, the issue itself is not that important. But the actions you took, the things you said. In hindsight do you think you handled that well? Was that an example of DNSBLACK getting serious about an issue?
Let me end this post by saying that these are not intended as critiques, but simply honest questions to find out more about what you stand for, and what kind of person you are.
I apologize if I presumed that you were familiar with my history and the particular corner of the sandbox. I thought that I had hot-dropped most of EVE by now.
I am the CEO of Dirt Nap Squad, which is a member of the alliance of the same name. DNS is one of the longest-running and possibly oldest currently operating Black Ops corps in game. We specialize in Black Ops, but I have had the opportunity to participate in nearly every aspect of EVE due to real life friendships I have made in the community. Never an overly large corp or alliance, DNS has always striven to find those paper-thin PvP opportunities and exploit them. DNS as a corporation does not and never will seek to GÇ£do everything.GÇ¥ You can find out more in the roundtable discussion I co-hosted at Fanfest 2013. Danika has provided a link in this thread. Search Youtube for any number of videos posted by DNS members for what my corporation does in EVE.
You ask what aspects of EVE I am passionate about. I am most interested in the community that is EVE. EVE is and always has been about people cooperating and competing against one another. It is that competition that I am passionate about. As an athlete and coach the adrenaline rush of facing an equal or better player or FC is what I love about EVE. In the broadest of terms, I support people flying in space and shedding their virtual blood and real sweat and tears, and as a member of the CSM I will work hard to ensure EVE provides a fresh and innovative experience for current and future players for another decade or longer.

Dirt Nap Squad Dirt Nap Squad.
Posted - 2014.03.10 20:00:00 -
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Michele Bachmann wrote:Tcar wrote:
DNS coms are not the EVE Uni Mumble. Our IT is handled by a talented member and consist of an Amiga 4000 and a 56k baud modem. This is an upgrade from our old Tandy TRS-80 with a 300 baud modem. We are not set up for half of EVE to come and hang out on our TS.
On the other hand, I am sure that if you contacted Black and asked nicely, he'd be happy to get you on coms and talk, if that is what you truly desire.
It's not for my own efficacy as much as I'd like to see if he can put the reasons for his behavior down into writing. I'm sure others would like to see the same as well. Others can put snippets of their meetings or whatever with black but as far as I'm concerned it's hearsay and I'm not really interested in what people selectively remember from conversations they had months ago.
Lakshata Chawla, BadAssMcKill, Michele Bachmann:
I am glad you brought up the GÇ£SOMER-StinkGÇ¥ controversy. I remember the T20 scandal and how it led to the creation of the CSM. I was very concerned that things could escalate into a similar crisis. I did not act impulsively, without careful consideration, consultation with advisers and other leaders in the EVE community, or without thought of the possible repercussions which might occur. My stance was taken after a careful review of hard facts, and my post on the forums was intended to get CCP's attention and focus community attention on a problem that was getting a lot of heated arguments but not much emphasis on facts and fixes.
To remain silent would have allowed a cancer to grow that I feared would eventually kill EVE. In turn, scores of men and women in Iceland who I think of as friends would be unable to provide for their families. It would mean losing friends whom I have played this game with for years. It would mean that gaming would lose the special world that is EVE. The last time CCP seriously misjudged the needs of the EVE community, we got Incarna, and in the aftermath of that, many good people lost their jobs. I never want to have to see that happen again.
I would always prefer to advise, negotiate, and appeal to common sense, but sometimes -- as current and former CSM members will tell you -- you have to take a public stand. As a GÇ£private citizenGÇ¥ of EVE, my options were limited, but I made the best of them.
Had I the access and influence that is available to the current CSM -- made possible by the hard work of past CSMs -- I would have had many other ways to make my case, and taking a public stand would likely not have been necessary.
Whether or not I am elected to CSM, I will always tell you exactly where I stand on any particular issue, and I will make the best use of the influence available to me to make my case about what is best for all players of EVE. It is up to you and the rest of the community to decide if IGÇÖll be able to do that as a member of CSM9.

Dirt Nap Squad Dirt Nap Squad.
Posted - 2014.03.11 03:42:00 -
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If you were elected to CSM and something like SOMER happened again what makes you think that your presence would change the way the CSM or CCP handled the situation? Would you risk your character in the same way again? If you were on the CSM8 how would you have approached CCP and your constituents regarding SOMER? Do you feel that you could have an opinion on it at all?
Those are some great follow up questions. Look forward to doing my best to win you over and shed some light on the Some and win your vote please stand by |

Dirt Nap Squad Dirt Nap Squad.
Posted - 2014.03.12 20:33:00 -
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Esha Amphal wrote:I've pored over your recent podcast interviews with particular interest - not having had the misfortune of a confrontation in New Eden nor the pleasure of a meeting in real life. Only having heard of you, your achievements and endeavors, and being one of the more controversial candidates this year I was determined to hear your side of the story. Not your side of the story second hand, third hand, passed along the chain where it's altered and misconstrued, but in your own words. Preferably multiple times on multiple podcasts so I might be able to detect any anomalies. Politicians tend to bend the truth to their own ends after all, say what the people want to hear, and boy can you ramble... rofl.
My sensors came up green. I don't personally know the details of how you are in Eve but in real life... when you're on the mic, being posed with the hard questions by other real people that have a passion and a drive for this game... you're genuine. The real deal. You love Eve Online as much as the people asking the questions. You have as much passion as those sinking a large majority of their spare time into podcasting, serving the game week after week, serving the players as you would do given the chance.
CSM9 needs people with your sense of commitment, your penchant for delving into every little detail and communicating them all back to the players clearly and elaborately. I wonder how efficiently and swiftly you can communicate also, but that's something I'm more than satisfied to give you the benefit of the doubt on - and that seems to be a key skill that CSM members acquire and nurture over time. I believe DNSBlack will be an even stronger candidate next year.
This year you get my vote. You earned it. You'll be very high on my list - not having a bloc to back you - most likely one below Psychotic Monk, I can promise you that much.
I've a few questions of my own. Whether you're elected or not, how may we keep in touch with what you have to say over the coming years? Do you write any blogs or post often on the forums? Are you going to pull an Azariah and ***** on every available podcast? =D I'd certainly like to keep tabs on you dude.
Thanks you for your support
1. I am not a blogger and my strengths are in the verbal. I am planning on starting a You Tube Q/A video blog instead of typing. I have to get my message out and this will work best for me.
2. Contacting me is simple. Send me a mail in game or email me at [email protected] . You can also continue to ask question in this post and I will do my best to answer them thru my video Blog.
3. Yes I will be hitting the pod cast tour and internet radio. I hope to sharpen my message and get it out.
4. I truly feel that my Bloc is the Sand box and the eve players who are in it. I know a lot of people are going to vote based on thier alliance leaders ballot and ingame meta Bloc ballets but having me near the top regardless of who or what you are voting for is a vote for the sand box.

Dirt Nap Squad Dirt Nap Squad.
Posted - 2014.03.13 01:47:00 -
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Here is my first attempt to develop my video blog please keep the questions coming.
CSM DNSBLACK VIDEO BLOG 1 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpkfTgjL7m8

Dirt Nap Squad Dirt Nap Squad.
Posted - 2014.03.14 22:17:00 -
[11] - Quote
Ripard Teg wrote:I'm in the midst of writing a series of blog posts about the changes I've seen over the last few years to EVE's culture. I feel we've become much quicker to embarrass and humiliate each other, much less likely to treat each other with respect, more inclined to see how far we can push another player... see if we can break him... see if we can drive him out of the game or make him snap.
And if successful, we crow "Go back to WoW, you *****!" and we celebrate our "victory."
1) Do you agree? 2) If so, why do you think it's happening? If you disagree, why? 3) What, if anything, do you feel CCP should do about it?
This is my second installment . I cant thank you enough for serving and hope if elected I can be as effective as you have been this year.

Dirt Nap Squad Dirt Nap Squad.
Posted - 2014.03.18 21:08:00 -
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Cavalira wrote:What do you think about projected effects get on killmails? Ship A kills Ship B. Ship C is remote repairing/projecting links/Rsebo/whatever on Ship A. Should Ship C be displayed on Ship A's killmail? Why / Why not?
CSM DNSBLACK VIDEO BLOG 3 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XU1OuQ--GpQ |

Dirt Nap Squad Dirt Nap Squad.
Posted - 2014.03.19 03:45:00 -
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Sephira Galamore wrote:DNSBLACK wrote:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPsUxIE_n7w
This is my second installment . I cant thank you enough for serving and hope if elected I can be as effective as you have been this year. Really appreciate the clips. But just realized something - while some CSM-CCP talk is done on Skype voice, apparently the big chunk is done via Skype text chat and the internal forums, including written 'homework'. You yourself admitted that you do not like writing / textual debate, how do you think that will affect your ability to contribute to those discussions?
Great question and thanks for asking. I link my response to this question below.
CSM DNSBLACK VIDEO BLOG 4 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=auqyQzgrvIc |

Dirt Nap Squad Dirt Nap Squad.
Posted - 2014.03.19 22:03:00 -
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ShamedOne wrote:Hopefully sobriety tests are given. Good luck Brad!
Shamed your correct in addressing my ability to drink as a major concern. After talking to the Icelandic state police, here is what they told me; DNSBlack has clearly demonstrated the ability to consume enough beer to survive any Icelandic winter and on top of that he is able to drink jager better then most Germans who live in Iceland. This combination will allow him to perform at a level that most humans who come to Iceland fail at.
I now have the police endorsement; Just waiting on the fireman and long shore man. Thanks for the support Shamed and I hope all is well in my home state.
Black |

Dirt Nap Squad Dirt Nap Squad.
Posted - 2014.03.20 15:16:00 -
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Michele Bachmann wrote:Tcar wrote:Sephira Galamore wrote: . . . apparently the big chunk is done via Skype text chat and the internal forums, including written 'homework'. You yourself admitted that you do not like writing / textual debate, how do you think that will affect your ability to contribute to those discussions?
There are days we want to take his keyboard away. . . more often his mic, but . . .he may not like writing but Black can do it. The man managed to get a Bachelor's. . . i'd like to actually see this happen in this thread as opposed to you just covering
GÇïMichelle Bachman, you have raised some very reasonable questions that I first want to apologize for not answering you in better detail. I want to assure you I am neither avoiding your questions nor hiding in hole. I get enough Hobbit jokes as it is. I've shared a number of thoughts on communications, the CSM, and the written word in my latest video blog and in keeping with those thoughts want to elaborate on them. I thought that I had elaborated enough on these in past that the combined posts, pod casts, and video blogs would have answered your questions. Some of your concerns I thought I had specifically addressed in the Cap Stable podcast I did, which was released on 3/12.
GÇïSecondly I want to apologize for the aggressive tone taken by certain members of DNS who may have snapped back in offense, possibly take to you saying I was answering with GÇ£rhetorical bullshit.GÇ¥ Like me they are passionate EVE players who believe in the power of the community and the need for that community and CCP to take EVE to the next level while honoring the lore of the past.
GÇïTo begin with I want to expand a bit on my use of the forums, Skype, Twitter, and the written word. The written word does not come easily for me. It is not something I generally talk about but since I am an open and honest person I will go ahead and admit that I am a full blown dyslexic. I make letter substitutions and everything. Writing is not anything I truly enjoy. I do on the other hand enjoy reading. Some DNS members were shocked to hear I had actually read Enders Game while deployed in the Marine Corps in the early 90GÇÖs. Having admitted that I have a learning disability I will say that it is something which I have had to cope with my entire life and have overcame not only through my college education but in my personal and professional life. One of the great frustrations I have with writing is that my typing skills can't keep up with my mind as I labor turn thoughts into words on paper or a document. I feel that the written word is the perfect media for contracts, the Constitution and law, and writing down facts. I think that to truly gauge someone's intent, to know them as a person, you need to see them, hear them, and gauge their spoken words with your own mind. You need to be able to look them in the eye. The written word does not have the ability for you to hear the passion or see the conviction of someone's beliefs. If anything I think it gives someone the opportunity to conceal their true thoughts and feelings, or say something that they would never say in person. One thing as I mentioned in my fourth video blog I hope to change on the CSM is the manner in which feedback is given to the community by the CSM. I want to see increased use of video by the CSM and in particular in the use of reporting on the Summits. Not because I am illiterate or can't write, but in part because it's a more efficient way to reach the community with the message. As for my writing, as of right now I am blessed with friends who proof read my ramblings and make them look presentable with proper punctuation and spelling. I realize this won't be the case on the CSM. Personally, I'd like to see the ability to have GÇ£staffGÇ¥ on the CSM changed in a somewhat limited fashion as I think CCP is thinking too narrowly, but time will tell.
GÇïEvery member of the CSM has different strengths and no one is going to nominate me to produce the minutes. I'll do my fair share of the work, but I think that my place is that of the negotiator, the arbitrator, that voice for the newest newbie or bitterest of vets. That being said, I hear there is some really great text to speech software available which I may have to put to use if elected to the CSM.
Continue -----------> |

Dirt Nap Squad Dirt Nap Squad.
Posted - 2014.03.20 15:18:00 -
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Now, as to your questions about SOMER. First, there is a reason I am being somewhat vague on certain aspects of the SOMER Stink. I can't disclose any communications between myself and CCP. You and I both know that is a clear violation of the EULA. Secondly, I did not GÇ£tryGÇ¥ to RMT my character. If I had wanted to RMT DNSBLACK I would have never done so on the forums and announced it to CCP and everyone else. My tactic, which you describe as raising GÇ£hell in every way possible (short of actually violating EULA)GÇ¥ was, to a certain degree, exactly that. Persons within CCP, contacts in the CSM, and contacts within the community showed me there was a lot of conflicting opinion on the legitimacy of Somer's RMT actions and what should be done about it. I had solid information backed by facts and hard numbers that was very critical to the issue at hand. My actions were no more against the EULA at that time them SOMER's were. SOMER, as far as I know, has suffered no sanction other than not being allowed to further RMT with its SOMERblink credits. They still exist in EVE and you can still bet your ISK there. In your opinion you say you believe GÇ£any regular Joe who legitimately tried raffle their character in the way you did would receive a swift kick in the pants.GÇ¥ In short I, as an in game entity, was the first one to GÇ£tryGÇ¥ the same mechanic that SOMER, an in game entity, had been using for years to make money off of CCP. A player by the name of Katarina Reid was the first successful person to implement that idea. Why did I GÇ£make such a big show of it,GÇ¥ you ask? I made that GÇ£big showGÇ¥ because I saw that conflicting opinion within the CSM and within CCP and I believed (and still believe) so strongly that what was happening was undermining the very foundations of our sandbox. You asked why I wasn't GÇ£taken seriously.GÇ¥ I was taken seriously. The CSM and the community were taken seriously. SOMER is not RMTing through SOMERblink credits any more. As for raising a big stink on the forums, you seem to forget a very successful past CSM member by the name of Two Step, who I hold in very high regard, did exactly that in his famous GÇ£threadnaughtGÇ¥ about POS changes. I had difficulty demonstrating to CCP that what SOMER was doing was wrong because of the very NDA and GÇ£CCP internal communicationsGÇ¥ issues that every other GÇ£private citizenGÇ¥ of EVE faces. If the situation was exactly the same as it was this summer with SOMER, I would face the sanctions I received all over again. I would accept them again as well because I feel that strongly about this game that you and I share. If I am elected to the CSM I hope that my presence will help eliminate the possibility for something GÇ£likeGÇ¥ SOMER to happen again. SOMER's RMT didn't GÇ£happenGÇ¥ overnight. SOMER had been quietly RMTing under CCP and the CSM's nose for years. It wasn't until community attention (including mine) was focused on SOMER due to the EVE Vegas giveaways. No one, myself included even thought to look at this in game entity that was being allowed to make real world money off of in game actions. Lastly, you are incorrect about me publishing an article on EV24. I never published an article on SOMER on EN24. A very passionate third party came and contacted me after my GÇ£hell raisingGÇ¥ on the forums and posted an anonymous and unsolicited opinion piece there. The individual seemed quite swayed by my arguments. Riverini ran it. By the same token, Noizygamer ran a piece on themittani.con which laid out the information that I in my own small way along with huge contributions by Argus Sorn, FunkyBacon, James315, and countless others, had helped to uncover. I can not take ownership of that EN24 piece any more than I can take credit for Noizygamer's. Was I involved in the situation? Yes. Would I like to think I helped to shape the discussion and focus attention? Of course. Would I hope to do so in a way that builds fellowship and accord within the community but skips the, as you call it GÇ£big stink?GÇ¥ Absolutely. Can I do that on the CSM? I certainly think so and ask for the EVE community's support in making that happen.
GÇïI regularly negotiate labor contracts and on matters that affect people's real life careers and their family's welfare. I intend to bring that same level of professional dedication to the CSM for the benefit of this little video game we play and hope that this can help make CCP more successful. EVE is still the only true money maker CCP has. DUST is, at best, where EVE was ten years ago. Valkyrie is still in development. The vampire thing is barely a maybe. To allow CCP to make a mistake that would destroy EVE. . . which is such a big part of my life now. . . or to destroy the livelihood of it's employees. . .would be unthinkable to me. I will strive to keep that in mind as I represent the EVE community and keep CCP from hopefully making another mistake. A mistake like SOMER, like Incarna, like T20. In addition to providing the voice of the human players of EVE I hope to work on the CSM with CCP to explore new and meaningful ways to communicate with my fellow EVE players. I want CCP to take EVE to the next level while honoring the past and staying true to the purest vision of the Sandbox.
GÇïI hope that I have answered your questions. Trust me when I say that I really didn't enjoy the process of writing this but since you appear to be a person who values the written word I hope that you value the effort I spent here.
GÇïhttps://forums.eveonline.com/default.aspx?g=posts&t=289554 |

Dirt Nap Squad Dirt Nap Squad.
Posted - 2014.03.20 15:53:00 -
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Sorry about that I will add them |

Dirt Nap Squad Dirt Nap Squad.
Posted - 2014.03.24 21:42:00 -
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Deiter Amsel wrote:Ok... so here's a question:
One of the big problems I feel we have in EVE is that you can hop 10,000 guys anywhere in New Eden pretty much instantly.
Materiel movement, supply lines, overstretching, flanking and pretty much any strategic movement and territorial control is irrelevant when you can Titan Bridge people anywhere you can get a cyno.
What's your thoughts on this problem and how would you propose fixing it? Do you think it needs fixing?
I am still looking for my eve 24 news article back to the gates.
DNSBLACK CSM9 5 Video Blog 1 March 24, 2014 5:13 PM

Dirt Nap Squad Dirt Nap Squad.
Posted - 2014.03.27 16:24:00 -
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Hey guys I am working on answers and video blogs for all the current questions. Please keep the question coming. |

Dirt Nap Squad Dirt Nap Squad.
Posted - 2014.03.27 21:34:00 -
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Deiter Amsel wrote:Considering this post: https://forums.eveonline.com/default.aspx?g=posts&t=332182&find=unread (and the Ripard blog that inspired it) What is your stance on scamming and the harsh reality of EVE? Is there a line that can be crossed? Is there too far? (scamming newbs? podding for SP loss? Metagaming scams (using external resources like Teamspeak or Custom Websites (eve-bazaar I'm looking at you... ) ) Is out of game harrassment/bullying/emergent gameplay/comedy (pick your term) such as The Bonus Room on teamspeak published across the internet on youtube, soundlcoud, pastebin okay? Should CCP take a stand on this? any action? Should the community tolerate and encourage this behaviour? A TL/DR and IMO: Some scamming crosses a line from in-game ingenuity and fleecing the naive to being full on cyber bullying and harrasment and possibly even a criminal act. What does DNSBlack think about this situation and what we (players and CCP) should do about it?
Iam also working on a written reply it should be ready Fri. Thanks for watching |

Dirt Nap Squad Dirt Nap Squad.
Posted - 2014.03.29 13:47:00 -
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In response to Deiter AmselGÇÖs questions in regards to the post on the EVE O forums and RipardGÇÖs recent blog posts.
To begin with, I think Erotica 1GÇÖs actions were reprehensible when he crossed the line between real life and in game. This individual and his little buddies need to take a long hard look at themselves. I listened to the Teamspeak recording and what was taking place. I think what occurred goes far beyond the GÇ£harsh realityGÇ¥ that EVE and itGÇÖs community strives to promote. Online anonymity promotes very shallow ways to say things, and shallow ways to treat people, in ways you never would in the real world. I think it very cowardly to act in such a manner and hide behind the layer of security provided by the game. A line was crossed when the actions in game went beyond the game. When you cross the line between in game and real life then actions need to be taken. There are limits.
IGÇÖd also like to address RipardGÇÖs blog post. I am a big fan and you know that. I have the highest esteem for you and enjoy your blog, but I think you have overstepped in an attempt to make an emotional appeal with words like torture and comparisons to domestic violence or child abuse. Frankly and in my own opinion, I think both of the individuals on that Teamspeak are morons. One of my corp members used the term cupidity, which I had to have defined for me. Cupidity is greed for money or possessions, and I think your GÇ£victimGÇ¥ is the victim of his own greed in trying to get something for nothing and remaining there to be abused like that over space pixels. Erotica 1 is a moron for continuing to pursue, persuade, and manipulate not for any objective in game but for the pleasure of demeaning another human being. Moron is perhaps not the correct term, sociopath might be. I think there is culpability on both sides. The best scams are when the victim talks themselves into the scam with their own greed.
I take issue with the use of words like torture however. I understand, as someone who has used emotional appeal to bring CCPGÇÖs attention to something I felt was damaging to the sandbox, what you are trying to do. In real life however, people who are being tortured canGÇÖt get away. The victims of the Hanoi Hilton or Abu Ghraib would take issue with Erotica 1GÇÖs actions being compared to what they suffered. They did not have the luxury to log off of EVE or out of Teamspeak to make what they suffered stop. Neither were they placed in their circumstances simply by their own greed in a video game. I also think that children who suffer abuse at the hands of their parents, or spouses at the hands of their partners would take issue with this comparison.
I respect you drawing our attentions to this in our game, that game being a medium that brings people together. When people are brought together, invariably there are those who seek to boost their own esteem through tearing down others. It is CCPGÇÖs job as the creators and the maintainer of this medium to police it. We as players have to respect CCPGÇÖs decisions. IGÇÖm no expert on Icelandic law, but if someone was using this game for the purposes of illegal activity, say a human trafficking/ prostitution ring, CCP would be obligated to reveal that and take action, both civilly and criminally. Erotica 1GÇÖs and his little minions on that Teamspeak canGÇÖt ask the community to step up and protect or respect his actions under the aegis of GÇ£sandbox gameplay.GÇ¥ Having been through six months of trying to help prevent someone from committing suicide, I donGÇÖt think there is anyone on the staff at CCP that needs to go through the emotional highs and lows that I have gone through. I know what those employees would go through. If another player is driving another human being to those emotional levels and places through CCPGÇÖs game, shame on them. Thier punishment is in CCPGÇÖs hands and I hope that they get the punishment their actions deserve. As players we GÇ£ownGÇ¥ 2% of the EULA. CCP owns the other 98%. Erotica 1 has the right to unsubscribe if he does not respect CCPGÇÖs decisions, nothing else.
Continue ---------> |

Dirt Nap Squad Dirt Nap Squad.
Posted - 2014.03.29 13:56:00 -
[22] - Quote
Jake Rivers wrote:DNSBLACK wrote:Deiter Amsel wrote:Considering this post: https://forums.eveonline.com/default.aspx?g=posts&t=332182&find=unread (and the Ripard blog that inspired it) What is your stance on scamming and the harsh reality of EVE? Is there a line that can be crossed? Is there too far? (scamming newbs? podding for SP loss? Metagaming scams (using external resources like Teamspeak or Custom Websites (eve-bazaar I'm looking at you... ) ) Is out of game harrassment/bullying/emergent gameplay/comedy (pick your term) such as The Bonus Room on teamspeak published across the internet on youtube, soundlcoud, pastebin okay? Should CCP take a stand on this? any action? Should the community tolerate and encourage this behaviour? A TL/DR and IMO: Some scamming crosses a line from in-game ingenuity and fleecing the naive to being full on cyber bullying and harrasment and possibly even a criminal act. What does DNSBlack think about this situation and what we (players and CCP) should do about it? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4qELuPyDfIkIam also working on a written reply it should be ready Fri. Thanks for watching You took a very passionate stance on the somerblink issue but I am wondering why you sat on the fence for so long on this matter. Why did you wait for CCP to make an official statement before you took a stance on this issue? I still think you are obnoxious when you have a few beers under your belt, but you have my 5 votes, if you take the golden tour again this year, don't **** off the tour guide. =p I am sure that guy from brazil needed a new gall bladder by the time we made it back to the harpa center. See you at fanfest.
1. My written response is above. It is here as promised in my video blog.
2. If you check the video blog date, it was done 2 days ago before CCP response.
3. As for your 5 votes I cant thank you enough
4. The guy driving the bus was my uncle and he is always pissed off. He was really mad cause he could not drink my free beer.
5. As for my Portugal friends from DNS gull bladder; It is fine but his liver is still in re-hab.
6. Can't wait to see you at Fanfest it is going to be awesome |

Dirt Nap Squad Dirt Nap Squad.
Posted - 2014.03.29 13:59:00 -
[23] - Quote
Xolve wrote:I'll trade you my CSM vote if you promise to never, ever, everrrrrr do another Alliance Panel at Fan Fest again (this deal also applies to Kesper North who may or may not be running at all, ever).
Ok the vote plus 1 beer and no more alliance panels. |

Dirt Nap Squad Dirt Nap Squad.
Posted - 2014.03.30 01:37:00 -
[24] - Quote
Xolve wrote:DNSBLACK wrote:Xolve wrote:I'll trade you my CSM vote if you promise to never, ever, everrrrrr do another Alliance Panel at Fan Fest again (this deal also applies to Kesper North who may or may not be running at all, ever). Ok the vote plus 1 beer and no more alliance panels. I'll even toss you a bottle of Jaeger, serious offer.
Done |

Dirt Nap Squad Dirt Nap Squad.
Posted - 2014.04.01 20:39:00 -
[25] - Quote
Annaeliza wrote:You have described yourself as a champion for the community & players in all areas of EVE.
Do you think that CCP needs better engagement with it's customers ie the players? If so, what proposals or plans do you have to improve on this? . Being that so much of the SOMER thing came out of mishandling a community event (in game swag @ EVE Vegas), what are your feelings on CCP's community events and what improvements would you recommend to CCP? What role do you see for the CSM in CCP's community relations? Should the CSM be involved in community relations beyond it's current role? Last, what do you think about in game live events and should CCP bother to devote resources towards them?
Thanks for the question.

Dirt Nap Squad Dirt Nap Squad.
Posted - 2014.04.02 23:55:00 -
[26] - Quote
CYL0N72 wrote:Trebor Daehdoow wrote:CYL0N72 wrote:I only have 1 short, pointed question, so this should be a pretty easy "yes" or "no" answer. IMHO, anyone who demands easy "yes" or "no" answers to complex and nuanced questions is either a fool or a troll, and any candidate who actually gives such an answer is unfit to be a member of the CSM. Wow, right to name calling and w/ a CSM tag to boot. Interesting. I'll leave that alone and address the issue of my question. However I believe this to be an interesting response from a candidate for CSM. Back to the matter at hand. The question is neither "nuanced" or "complex", as the whole "question" is now a matter of fact, and I am asking about that specific incident. Secondly, I simply asked if the candidate supports what happened in said facts, not if the agree w/ the TOS, EULA. So I ask again..... Do you support banning players, for actions, like Erotica 1 ?
I am willing to except what ever decision CCP makes. If the fate of a player becomes known and I don't agree with CCP; I will take my $150.00 dollars to another business and then you will have your answer.

Dirt Nap Squad Dirt Nap Squad.
Posted - 2014.04.04 13:47:00 -
[27] - Quote
I just add this link to the front of my CSM election page. This was an article I was interviewed for enjoy.
http://www.polygon.com/features/2014/2/24/5419788/eve-online-thrilling-boring |

Dirt Nap Squad Dirt Nap Squad.
Posted - 2014.04.04 15:47:00 -
[28] - Quote
I have received my confirmation email today. It is official and I am a candidate. |

Dirt Nap Squad Dirt Nap Squad.
Posted - 2014.04.05 16:22:00 -
[29] - Quote
great question video response on the way

Dirt Nap Squad Dirt Nap Squad.
Posted - 2014.04.07 18:32:00 -
[30] - Quote
Thank you Trebor and may I never fail you. |

Dirt Nap Squad Dirt Nap Squad.
Posted - 2014.04.07 23:00:00 -
[31] - Quote
Just thought I would share the latest video enjoy

Dirt Nap Squad Dirt Nap Squad.
Posted - 2014.04.08 18:35:00 -
[32] - Quote
Khaldem wrote:Edward Dionysos wrote:Khaldem wrote: Your speech seems like you are not really sure what you do in eve. How high is your ship spin counter sir? Also it seems you and Kujo share a speech writer. If you want to actually tells us something about yourself other than that you strongarm labor disputes to a close please do so.
TLDR; Why should we vote for you? Your Bloc is not non partisan at all and has quite a significant foothold on all territories that are controlled by Dust players. Don't lie to the community outright sir, it doesn't make you a prime candidate it makes you a fink and a worm. Go find some honesty, I am sure there is an app you can steal for that...Cheers!
Before you go criticizing him by focusing on semantics and stooping to the level of petty insults based on what you read in a wall of text think about what you actually know about the guy. Watch his videos and maybe some of the things he has linked to find out that who he is what why anyone should vote for him. (I know that you haven't because of your comments) I believe that DNS has said before how impersonal and unshowing the walls of text in the CSM forums are. He makes the videos for you to be able to be informed about who he is as a person so use that resource instead of complaining that you don't know. I apologize that I feel the need to avoid watching propaganda for a bloc player who feels the need to insult our intelligence by thinking we are all stupid enough not to check the accuracy of statements made in supplication for our support for his candidacy. It's clearly one of the things that he has said to "set our minds at ease" but if he has to lie about it there must be a reason. I may find the videos sometime later today to confirm my opinion of someone who has already lied to me and you but I may not. I still think it is a petty man who needs to hide his inadequacies behind semantics in one game with the I'm not part of it here attitude. One Universe//One War. I am still not clear on what I lied to you about. I want to address this more then you can imagine so please help me understand the break in communication you feel is a lie. Edit: As much as you claim to be non-partisan sir, they are only claims. I am not sure that given your association with the group of individuals who continue to have a very self serving interest in eliminating competition by bluing up with them how am I to believe that you would fight for anything I believe in? You sound like a very "nice" guy but I really don't think there is anything you could possibly say to me that would change my opinion of you, your alliance or any of your cronies based on plenty of time spent with some of the members in your alliance. Actions in game do have ramifications out of game as you say sir. Your associates do matter. Edit: Reviewed many of the video blogs, fell asleep during the podcast, my position is still unchanged, lie to me once and you lose my respect, lie multiple times to the community about the same thing, lose my vote.

Dirt Nap Squad Dirt Nap Squad.
Posted - 2014.04.12 12:58:00 -
[33] - Quote
Sorry for the late response. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4F2aIGwrRTU |

Dirt Nap Squad Dirt Nap Squad.
Posted - 2014.04.12 13:22:00 -
[34] - Quote
Mallak Azaria wrote:Hello DNSBLACK, this is your biggest fan here o7o7o7o7o7!!!!!!!11!!!!!1!
If elected, how will you bring the principles of the DNS video to the CSM body?
Thanks for the question and the support
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YsZK4xaDDjw |

Dirt Nap Squad Dirt Nap Squad.
Posted - 2014.04.12 13:46:00 -
[35] - Quote
Crasniya wrote:So, DNSBLACK, if elected to the CSM, how close interaction would you expect or like to have with the CPM?
Great Question enjoy.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ADPm7e0ltE |

Dirt Nap Squad Dirt Nap Squad.
Posted - 2014.04.12 13:47:00 -
[36] - Quote
bunmastahflex wrote:Hi, I would like to know your stance on multiboxing and use of third party applications such as isboxer.
Thanks for the question - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ADPm7e0ltE |

Dirt Nap Squad Dirt Nap Squad.
Posted - 2014.04.23 13:40:00 -
[37] - Quote
Thanks for the support and fun this CSM election season. Hope to see all of you in Iceland and now I am off to take care of the airline stirke looming over the party. |