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Take me to the EVE-Online forum thread View author posting habits View only posts by author
Posted - 2003.12.02 11:20:00 - [1]

It is. They're fantastic ideas. Unfortunately, because it will take a little bit of implementing, it will likely be ignored in favour of changing some minor and hitherto unnoticed but of interface, or making the lights on stations flash a different colour if there are ships docked.

I really don't want to be critical of the content. God knows we've all waited so long for it, and now it finally seems to be coming in - However, all I can really see is wasted potential, and nothing we can actually get our teeth into in any meaningful way, anywhere other than on the forums.

Masuat'aa Matari

Take me to the EVE-Online forum thread View author posting habits View only posts by author
Posted - 2003.12.02 11:20:00 - [2]

It is. They're fantastic ideas. Unfortunately, because it will take a little bit of implementing, it will likely be ignored in favour of changing some minor and hitherto unnoticed but of interface, or making the lights on stations flash a different colour if there are ships docked.

I really don't want to be critical of the content. God knows we've all waited so long for it, and now it finally seems to be coming in - However, all I can really see is wasted potential, and nothing we can actually get our teeth into in any meaningful way, anywhere other than on the forums.

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