Gallente PPN United Against ALL Authorities
Posted - 2007.03.01 12:35:00 -
Very Nice, somebody needed to write this up! Dominix ftw! :-)
I just wante to endorse some points that are only mentioned in passing. The Webber and the Sentries for hunting/PvP. I have up to now a lot of experience with Sentrys and with Sanshas. (Hunted them for a few Billion ISK bounty only ), I have now about 6.4 Million SPs in Drones but that includes Fighters.)
1 Use Webber!!!
If you go ratting with a Domi always fit a (good) Webber. I use the True Sansha on with 14 km Range. With the mentioned Droneskills your Sentries (Garde) will kill any Cruiser (Webbed if in Webberrange)in recordtime. Even Frigs up to 8-9 Km orbit you can web and often Instapop with Sentrys. With Sharpshooting and Drone Navigation 5 and the two Omnidirectionals you do not need to bring small or Medium Drones. Just some Garde Sentrys, some Curator Sentrys and some Oger II and the Rats die in no Time (Even frigs) Sometimes you have to disengage the Webber because the Oger II have too much tracking for webbed Frigs. (Do not forget the Drone Link Augumentor)Just Warp to the Belt, wait for Aggro, deploy Sentries, enjoy. If you use Garde and Curator for Sanshas your Opti is from 30-55 Km and Sansha BS orbit you from 18-49 km.
In PvP the sentries can be of great value to. Agreed that a Domi or Ishtar is never used in Fleetfights but solo or in small Gangs everybody is happy to have a Nosdomi on their side to the additional damage the Drones can dish.
Sentries in PvP:
One of the usages is a prepared Gatecamp. You can carry up to 15 in your Domi and they are Cheap. Lets Take Wardens for Example, they have an optimal range of 50 Km, with Skills and Omnidirektionals they make very good Damage up to 80 km. So you could put them in 70-80 Km Range to the gate/Bubbel. With two Dronelinks you will have a Controllrange of 85 km. That means you can be up to 85 Km away from your Drones and still engage them on a Target. So you can MWD your Domi up to 165 Km away from the Gate and still engage with the Sentrys on halfway.
Another good point for Sentries is that they do not stray form your ship. OK, you have to stop your Ship, maybe align without speed to your Warpout point, but first you can make instantly Damage where other Drones have to get in Range first, secondly you can instascoop them if you have to warp out (even after pressing the "Warp to..." button, third you can scoop one and redeploy in a second if one of the sentrys is aggroed and fourth the Sentrys are much tougher to kill than normal Drones and highly underrated because it takes some training to use them.
Ever fought a Blastertron with your Nosdomi? Drop your Sentrys and mwd for the Mega comming for you. The plan ist to stop the Mega getting close to your Drones to shoot them. Blasters are Shortrange. Web and Nos the Mega till her Capboosters run out and the Sentries will kill her. (Doublerepairer/Booster setup yourself) It works!
I think one module, The Drone Navigation Computer, was not discussed. Fit one of those and you will never need to worry for Interceptors again. I still found nobody who coult tell me how this module mathematical affects dronespeed, but fact is that your Drones get a lot faster mwding to their target, small T IIs fly in access of 7000 m/s. Any Ceptor that tries to stay gets his share of Damage.
I love my Pets...:-) GrnŻe Damir
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