Caldari Magnetar Ltd Dark Synergy
Posted - 2007.02.22 18:11:00 -
Originally by: c0rn1
Originally by: Khayman33 Edited by: Khayman33 on 22/02/2007 16:15:46
Originally by: c0rn1 stuff
I understand your point of view , but exept the node crash ( and this thing happen all time one years ago against LV ,V , KOS , CHIMP , ... ) they have the oppurtunity to defend theirs systems and they didn't do it. For the node crash , LV+allies and RAGOON's coalition can't do anything during something like 3hours maybe more ( i was there and see 5 node crash before i need to sleep ) , and if LV haven't a fleet to protect theirs pos it s because they don't have much players in this time zone , it's my point . Lot of things happen recently can make lot of players to loose their will to play . Take too much ennemies in your face is one of this , and i know what is it :)
Eve is a game where with the number of enemies the fun increases proportional. The problem just is that you actually have to have the pavement for being able to fight them. If it just ends in node crashes and node crashes and you waste 1h,2h,4h,8h in front of your login screen and not are able to FIGHT and then in the end you lose it without a fight, it demoralizes. The company (yes, i know CCP is doing whatever they can to fix it) which runs the game should then either consider a frozen gamestate until the problems are fixed or make a temporare solution with limiting numbers in a system, seperate a system on different servers or lock a system down as soon as a fight appears or whatever Einstein-like solution there is available. This inability under the cover of "we don't want to interfere in ingame actions" made us accepting a node-crash as actual strategy? I mean, C'mon, I didn't read that in the features tab when I once joined the eve-o game. This helpless state where you fall into at such point is what demoralizes you the most. Not any opposing force.
I absolutely agree that everyone wanted a fight and that the server lagged out and you lost. I hear alot of LV complaining that The Coalition intentionally casued the node crash to due this. I have some quick questions and points of view that I would like to make and ask both sides to rebutt.
1. LV had an intensive gate camp with 20 large bubbles and a complete fleet of 400 on the gate waiting to roast anyone who jumped in.
2. The Coalition knowing what they faced in JV1V amassed a Fleet of 1000+ Pilots to break that camp.
3. LV are complaining that The Coalition intentionaly crashed the node to avoid the fight as they would have died.
Will everyone agree these are the facts?
Now on to my points of view.
1. LV assembled such a massive camp that any pilots jumping in in any numbers but overwhelming numbers where going to crash the node.
2. I have heard it stated that a smaller fleet did try and jump in and you roasted them so at what point did you think they WOULDN'T jump in an overwhelming force to break your camp?
3. The whole situation seems to be each side escalating to insure they would have the upper hand. Regardless of the outcome you made it a REQUIREMENT that they had to jump in a large enough fleet to fight which caused the crash.
Now I am not saying right or wrong here its just that in order to defeat your camp they had to do what they did which was try and get enough firepower on that gate to slug it out with you so they could travel the 100-200km away from the gate to assemble.
At what point did you think the node would hold even if they brought even numbers.
Sorry I am just tired of all the crying of foul on the LV's part for this specific case (I will agree with you on the 77S case as far as the facts I have seen).
Just my thoughts and I would really like to hear a non flaming response (from both sides) although I may be asking to much in CAOD.