m3 Corp
Posted - 2007.05.09 12:31:00 -
The m3 Corporation is recruiting.
m3 Corporation is a mixed batch of races ranging in careers from Mining all the way through to trading and combat. We do a wide range of activities such as mission running at various levels, Mining Operations, Low sec ratting and pirate bounty hunting however we DO NOT participate in any pirate activities.
We are based in a 0.5 system which is in-between two lower sec systems 0.4\0.3 which provides us wish rich mining ops, low sec ratting and also PVP if your into that side of things.
We provide:
- A reliable strong bond within our superior ranks in m3. With the CEO and director working together in real life, the plans of the corp are always discussed daily ensuring a secure and smooth running of the corp.
- Friendly community. The initial plan of m3 was to gain a good bunch of friendly players who enjoy playing EVE together, we have succeeded in this and we plan to keep it that way. Friends stretch far beyond fellow corp members, we are friends with many of the other local corporations who are also a great people and are willing to help and do gang activities such as low sec mining.
- Guidance and support. Every corp member gets 100% support off the other corp members, we really like to focus on what the player wants to achieve and we'll help the player develop their character so they can do what it is they want to do.
- Fun fun fun. As a CEO i'm not going to scream commands and telling how to play YOUR game, our members are free to do as they please but maybe asked to join in corp op's but its not something you have to do. We are serious game players and if you want to push through and make your mark on the corp then that can be done, else you can take the quiet route but have the security of a corporation to call upon if youÆre stuck with any issues.
Qualifications & Requirements:
- Character at least 15 days old. while we would like to keep all of our members over 15 days old, we do make acceptations, you may for example be an experienced EVE player and have started a new character, or your might show such enthusiasm as a new player that we'll consider taking you on. Each member is evaluated individually.
- To be active. We appreciate members cant always be on every night or if they are nor for very long, we all have real lives to live and we donÆt expect anyone commit an insane amount of hours. All we ask is that when members are online you make an effort to communicate to the other corp members and take advantage of the web-based community we have worked hard to setup. The web-based community includes forums, kill board, image\video gallery and lots of other things.
Additional information:
- Teamspeak. Although we have a teamspeak server this isn't essential for members to use, however a headset is worth investing in as teamspeak is very handy when it comes to PVP situations and for talking general rubbish in the general TS channel.
If you are interested in joining our corp, please evemail me in game or you can contact me via our website which is http://www.m3corp.info you can even submit your application on our forums.