Reikoku Band of Brothers
Posted - 2007.05.10 23:59:00 -
Edited by: JabJabVVV on 11/05/2007 00:01:29 While I won't disagree with the OP that Titan's could do with some balancing (very few ships come out perfect at first attempt) I think this post is about something far more than a simple fix to Titans, either that or the OP is being rather short sighted.
I think it is fairly common knowledge that territorial warfare, for many people in Eve, is repetitive, boring and often highly frustrating regardless of titans. This, I think, is the real issue at the moment, territorial warfare in general.
Titans are just one part of territorial warfare and they do need some alteration (for example removal of the remote DD feature would probably be a good move) however nearly all the critical arguments the OP uses can also be applied to the mega blob (max range capability (250km area of effect), no attack with lesser forces without close to 100% loss rate, no viable defense from it without attacking it etc etc) however the OP neglects to mention this, I wonder why?
I believe that the OP has another agenda rather than simply 'the good of the game'; Titans do not fit in with Goonswarm's modus operandi, indeed it has gone so far that Remedial suggested all Goonswarm might 'Goatse' Tuxford if it would help get Goonswarm's message across that Titans should be changed. If you want evidence (from the OP's post) of this agenda then you merely need to look at some of his 'evidence' and suggestions, for example: He cites 'abuses' that he acknowledges are no longer issues (such as DD'ing from within a POS bubble) to backup his argument, why do this if you have no agenda and are simply after an impartial fix? Also his proposed changes are so extreme as to nerf the titan to the point of uselessness - if his changed were implemented a titan could be held down indefinitely by a single scorpion with a few scrams, hardly sounds like the product of an impartial fix to me.
I do agree with the OP that the titan needs balancing but I believe that the whole of territorial warfare needs altering, his argument at the moment is simply that game mechanics have recently changed so that they no longer favour Goonswarm but favour BoB and he wants them changed back (yes it really is that simple). Whether he sees this and is cynically carrying on the argument any way or has been blinded by his alliance leadership's rhetoric is largely immaterial.
So what I would suggest would be best for the whole game would be a re-working of the entire POS warfare system to one that discourages the ridiculous lag fests that we currently like to call 'epic fleet battles' but encourages numerous small and fast paced battles and a balancing of titans within the context of a re-worked warfare system, this would be the best way to go 'for the good of the game.' To simply encourage the nerfing of Titans to restore the status quo of a few months ago is merely the opportunistic making use of people's current dissatisfaction with territorial warfare to cynically push forwards your own agenda at the expense of those who have adapted to the current situation.
EDIT: Just thought I should make it clear for anyone who accuses me of bias because of my corp/alliance :- yes I did read the entire thread, in fact I agreed with quite a lot of it BUT I do not agree with the 'fixes' (or most of them) and I believe that this post is (in game) politically motivated (whether the OP realises or whether he is just a victim of the attitude toward titans and blob warfare being fostered by Goonswarm's leadership). ----------- When I was a n00b, I spake as a n00b, I understood as a n00b, I thought as a n00b: but when I became pr0, I put away n00bish things. |