Momentum. The Reckoning.
Posted - 2007.09.10 22:10:00 -
I would like to point out, that faction ships in general are much more accessible and usable than they have been in the past.
There are some exceptions.
It used to be, the most economical faction ships to actually be flown in PvP were the Daredevil and the Vigilant.
The Daredevil used to be around 10 mil, and was perfect for those pilots that wasn't quite into an Interceptor or Assault Frigate.
The Vigilant used to be around 50 mil, and was the most economical and widely used Faction Ship with the Thorax costing about 8-10 and the Deimos at the time well over 150 mil.
However, many other faction frigates have become more economical like the Dramiel, Gallente Navy Comet, Succubus, Worm and to a lesser degree the Hookbill. Faction cruisers are making more of a presence in 0.0, such as the Fleet Issue Stabber becoming a more and more common sight.
While the Faction Frigates might have increased generally in price (a Daredevil is around 30 mil today), I think, if inflation can be applied in EVE with economic means being static, that the frigates aren't really that much more. The Daredevil costs more, I think, because they are more accessible now, and the market demand pushed up the costs of them; meanwhile, previously expensive frigates like the Comet are cheaper than they used to be.
The cost of Faction Cruisers have dropped dramatically, specifically the Vexor Navy Issue, which used to be over 200 mil, now they can be gotten as low as 120-150 mil a peace.
The biggest cost cut, by far, have happened to Faction Battleships. It used to be, the most common faction battleship in PvP (0.0 et al) would have been the Vindicator, and second to the Vindicator possibly the Fleet Issue Tempest. But, at the time, even these "common" or "accessible" ships were still very expensive. Not saying that any faction battleship today is "cheap", but, compared to what they used to be, many of them have gone through upwards of 50-60% price reduction. Megathron Navy Issue for example, used to be a cool billion, but you can pick them up now, for around 500 mil.
500mil is still "expensive", and adding the mods, it'll still be painful to lose. While properly fit faction battleships still range into the billions, it's not as expensive as it once was just for the ship.
The reason why the modules have traditionally been more expensive, is because people are more likely to use a faction webber/mwd/repper on their T2 ships, than undock in a marginally better faction ship. The only faction ships that are a clear "step up" are the faction battleships, as none of the cruisers or frigates can really compare in performance to T2 counterparts. So, for the most part, those who can fly HACs aren't as often in a faction cruiser and thus less demand for them. But again, the modules, anyone can use on any range of ships within it's size class at least. So the potential customer base for the modules will always be higher than for the bulk of faction ships. A T2 frigate pilot would probably rather spend hundreds of millions to put a Gistii MWD on his Crow than to buy a cheaper faction frigate... get the point?
Anyways... the cost of these modules/ships do have a base cost to acquire to begin with, but most of the cost of purchasing any of it, is largely influenced by the market. Higher demand, higher cost.