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Posted - 2004.04.17 12:48:00 - [1]


  • The max security gain possible is 5.0, increasing security status above 5.0 will only be possible later through introduction of CONCORD agents

  • You can only gain security status once per 10 minutes and the highest security gain is what counts, this was mostly done to ease the load on the server but should also prevents people getting more security status for killing more small NPC's per minute than could kill big NPC's.


  • There was a cap for individual NPC's on how much max security status could be gained with them, you could only gain security status above 4.0 by killing battleship pirates - this has been removed and is running on the Test Server, hopefully it's improving security status gain some.

  • Security gain for killing NPC battleships and cruisers has been increased up to double sec gain for some, it's live on the Test Server and feedback is of course wanted.

There were also few bugs with security status gain introduced with Castor but they should all be fixed now.

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