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Posted - 2004.04.23 00:02:00 - [1]

The Escrow system is a Excellent Idea Viceroy Major Kudos for thinking it up!!

And to think I almost opened fire on your Thorax in Obe almost a year ago Because you were Only the second person with a bounty I had ever faced (Up to that point of the game)
To bad you couldnt be on the advisement committee

Regards Very Happy

They have us Surrounded again.. the Poor Bastards
Stronghold corp
Curse Alliance

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Posted - 2004.04.23 00:02:00 - [2]

The Escrow system is a Excellent Idea Viceroy Major Kudos for thinking it up!!

And to think I almost opened fire on your Thorax in Obe almost a year ago Because you were Only the second person with a bounty I had ever faced (Up to that point of the game)
To bad you couldnt be on the advisement committee

Regards Very Happy

Phasmatis Velox Equitatus

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Posted - 2004.04.27 02:11:00 - [3]

Originally by: Berilac
Mabye you could get a ammo that was called 'tracking device charge' or something to the like, so if you saw someone, you could tag them and see where they were for the next 2-3 hours. it could add a scouting part to bounty hunting. you go out in an iterceptor or frig and launch a tracking device at someone go back and get you bs, and then procede to blow the crap out of said person. also there could be small medium and large charges for frigates, crusers, and battleships respectivly. perhaps they could stack too, 2 hits stays for 4 hours, 3 for 6 something like that. and then they would have to be very expencive, so someone couldent fit a ship with a bundle of guns and shoot him with like 50.


I Played Yankee Trader, then Tradewars And Then the best of them all Galactic Warzone...
To make a long story short there was a device called a Tracking Beacon that you could attach to your enemies ship and he could do nothing about it till the charge wore off if i remember right..
Also for mtracking why not borrow a page out of Starwars and have Drones that you send out to areas and their only purpose is to locate your prey..
Give them a short life (1 day) before they self destruct..


They have us Surrounded again.. the Poor Bastards
Stronghold corp
Curse Alliance

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Posted - 2004.04.27 02:11:00 - [4]

Originally by: Berilac
Mabye you could get a ammo that was called 'tracking device charge' or something to the like, so if you saw someone, you could tag them and see where they were for the next 2-3 hours. it could add a scouting part to bounty hunting. you go out in an iterceptor or frig and launch a tracking device at someone go back and get you bs, and then procede to blow the crap out of said person. also there could be small medium and large charges for frigates, crusers, and battleships respectivly. perhaps they could stack too, 2 hits stays for 4 hours, 3 for 6 something like that. and then they would have to be very expencive, so someone couldent fit a ship with a bundle of guns and shoot him with like 50.


I Played Yankee Trader, then Tradewars And Then the best of them all Galactic Warzone...
To make a long story short there was a device called a Tracking Beacon that you could attach to your enemies ship and he could do nothing about it till the charge wore off if i remember right..
Also for mtracking why not borrow a page out of Starwars and have Drones that you send out to areas and their only purpose is to locate your prey..
Give them a short life (1 day) before they self destruct..


Phasmatis Velox Equitatus
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