Posted - 2004.04.30 08:05:00 -
Very cool changes IMHO.
I have been hoping for something along these lines for a real long time now.
The way I still see it:
Even though EVE is a game where players need to make the majority of the content etc...
There is no harm in putting in more traffic and more interesting NPC's for us to deal with.
Assuming the lag wouldn't be horrific I would also like to see the following sooner or later:
I love how in freespace there is tons of traffic everywhere you go. Now EVE doesn't need that level of NPc's but some good examples would be:
Have ships that actually travel between systems, or at least appear to. Also I'm pretty sure NPC's are known to warp between locations already, but I'd like to see more of this.
I'd like to see more than just NPC haulers around stations, and I'd also REALLY REALLY like to see non NPC pirate NPC's at system belts, and heres why:
If I decide to go the full on pirate direction, I would like to be able to attack Empire friendly NPc's in belts just like high sec people can pirate NPCs in belts already.
This would also lure more pirates into belts and inevitably increase the amount of players who would find conflict in places other than gates.
Anyway see what I'm getting at?
Next: I would love it if there was a way to hail NPC's in space. In my book this would be a good way to add some atmosphere to the game, and could be used to find out of the NPC has anything of value ETC (like in freelancer how an NPC will sometimes tell you what they are hauling). you could make such a feature quite useful in fact here I'll illustrate:
Player pirate hails an NPC hauler: one of the response options he gets would be: "Drop your cargo, or I'll open fire on you!"
Based on a sklill check of some kind, and taking into account the pirates ship, he gets the possibility of getting ALL the loot in the NPC ship without a fight.
Also I know this might not be the time or place, BUT:
I would like a very simple feature added into EVEs chat interface:
I would like to be able to hail a players ship in space, BEFORE actually talking to him or having to PM him. This would essentialy just make my ship glow green for a second or something with a tiny log window that pops up for 5 seconds or so saying "player XYZ just hailed you."
this would be useful for players, especialy pirates giving them a reliable tool to get the attention of another player so they can demand a toll or something.
I know I know a lot of these features seem to be more oriented toward player pirates, but most of them would also be useful for players with low faction with various NPC corps.
For example, if I'm hostile toward say... duvole labs or something, I should be able to pirate them in belts and so on and demand they drop thier cargo.
Anyway I'm most pleased to see the new NPC types, and the changes coming. I hope to god they come very soon.
I also hope the changes arn't uber rare to find.
I will hate it if they only spawn once a day or some other crap :)
Galaxion > If you drove a car shaped like a thorax women would call you Demangel > Dude... I would call.. Demangel > wait that sounded g@y I bet. Galaxion > Just a bit.