Posted - 2004.05.18 19:13:00 -
I guess I have to try a new route since my previous posts were modded, but the following is what I did write..forgive the *'s as I had to remove them in order to post the following:
"I have been playing since June of last year, and unfortunately I have been unable to log in frequently in the last month's time due to irl activity.
The truth of the matter is I was finding the game boring in the last few months. The influx of some new players helped to alleviate this monotony for the last bit as I got the opportunity to impart some knowledge I had acquired upon them, but even this new enjoyment has since passed.
In addition, I was severely disappointed, and continue to be, with the ongoing release of Castor. I tried to keep abreast to the changes, and tried to read as many of the blogs, articles, posts etc present; but found that I could really never keep up. IE - Was the agent mission and bprint release borked? When are new bprints to be released? Why IS it taking so long for some changes to be implemented?
For those of you that say I have not given the game enough time, I will probably have to agree with you. But how long should I give it? Personally I think almost a full year is rather good chunk of time. Castor was patched in December, it's now May. For those that say the new content is forthcoming, I agree with you as well. But when is new content forthcoming? For those of you who say I have not played all aspects of the game, let me assure you I have. From mining, agent mission, CEO'ship, pvp, alliance skirmishes, manufacturing etc. They only thing I haven't attempted is pirating and it is just something that has never appealed to me.
As a result of the culmination of boredom, disappointment with content and corporate communication strategies, I had to arrive at my personal decision; **** *** *** ** *** ** ** **** ** ** *** ** ** *** ** for two accounts on a game I am just not enjoying, and a company in which I have started to lose faith. I was waiting for the new patch to come through to assist me ***** *** *** *** *** ** , but based upon the articles I have read, *** **** *** *** ** for Q3. I had always thought it was going to be May in the release, but now I am not so certain. Since it is not an official CCP release, I really don't know what to believe, but I guess I have to take this current article at face value.
I will continue to monitor the boards and blogs for the next bit hoping that some official word may come from them addressing Shiva and the like.
I don't want to don a flame retardant suit, as I don't really think this a rant or a slam, but rather just one gamer's opinion of his current enjoyment with Eve. I have attempted to be rather neutral in the presentation of my views, without raising the ire of the people who are either Pro or Anti CCP."
The stuff in **'ss what I had to remove to post the above. There was another part after it as well, but don't think it will make it past Eris's eyes.
To piggyback on Stern's comments...yes..disappointed is a good word. I touted this game as the second coming in the beginning. When people were screaming about the bugs, I was one of the people who understood things take time, and was willing to give it the graces it required. When talking about new patches, then so be it, I was willing to give it time. I think a year is a long chunk o' time.
The one thing I have never understoond, is why is it possible for one company to have regular monthly updates, and not the other company? What is it that makes Eve so unique that is requires this extension of time to release new content?
There's a common phrase in many corporations "the internal problems of a company is not the concern of the customer". I live by that stupid phrase every day, but I have to agree with it.
Here's the issues as I see it:
1. Need to go to non-official sites to learn about patches. 2. Things promised by certain period, but not delivered. The "soon" t-shirt is actually sad if you think about it. True, funny, but sad at the same time 3. This is a personal one, the "chess" comment by the developer really bit me in the ass. Don't know why it affected me so much, but that one little comment seemed to me so indicative of a corporate structure in place and currently being entrenched and constantly in force. 4. Other long term Eve players leaving due to lack of content. Before I get assaulted, I am not saying every single old player is gone, but I find the ones I used to be with are logging less and less.
Whew...long winded. Sorry.
I have no concerns Eve will crumble, nor would I be idiotic enough to suggest it will fail. It won't, 10k players is good base. I just would like CCP to address the concerns voiced by the player base. Not by forum activity, but by ingame activity. Shoring up the servers is a good start, but the other things are important as well.
Cheers CJ