Octavian Vanguard RAZOR Alliance
Posted - 2008.12.20 03:43:00 -
my dear etho I hope this letter finds you in better physical health than it does your mental health. I do not frequent the forums admitedly but I cought up a bit on this particular thread as it peaked my intrest and I found myself horrified by your particular attempts to derail the discussion about an investigation into an exploit, to something wich can only be called conspiracy theory insanity spun out of gross misinterpritation of announcements, circular logic, misquotes to history and impressive levels of paranoia. (I was particularly impressed with how you managed to read "yes it's most probably been possible since 2004" as "yes we've known about it the whole time and haven't cared till now")
The agreement CCP makes with it's subscribers legally prohibits them from revealing what accounts/characters/players are found in violation of the EULA it is a standard in all such agreements from all online gaming companies and alot of other companies as well for example development companys, security companys, healthcare companys, insurance companys, financial companys all do the same thing for one single reason, the expectation of privacy. I doubt very much that you'd appreciate it if I asked CCP to give me your registration details so I could phone you up in the middle of the night to impress you with the vocabulary of profanitys I might like to call you. that presumably is the only reason you ask for said information because you cannot use it in any way to confirm any bans of accounts because the characters on banned accounts are deleted from the database, and even if they weren't you would need access to the DB that no player/customer should ever have.
I trust CCP's IA not because I'm a fanboy but because an indipendant IA person went over their procedures and said he was impressed by the mechanisms they had installed(this person being a member of the 1st CSM and as such a representative of the players and not the companys) and that you think the only options are complete trust or complete distrust is appaling, what you are missing is trust in established procedures, bank tellers have their counting double checked, atheletes are drug tested, companys have IA departments. CCP has gone a step further than merely having an IA department, they've installed a council of democraticly chosen customer representatives who not only fullfill the role of being the players voice to CCP but also have been allowed to go over their IA procedures and the current CSM was brought in on this particular scandal right from the start.
I wish you good health Yrs. QTab