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81. Happy birthday! - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Happy Bday to this incredible game! I certainly aim to be here in 2 years time when Eve gets to the double digits :)
- by DTson Gauur - at 2011.05.06 14:44:00
82. WTS Freighter/Transport Pilot - in Character Bazaar [original thread]
Isk and account info sent
- by DTson Gauur - at 2011.05.06 14:38:00
83. [video] Kill Will: Volume 3 - All episodes (1 hour feature) - in My EVE [original thread]
It was a good watch indeed, liked your previous vids so this was a no-brainer to dl and watch. Few of those fights were really something that as I saw the "pre-fight setup" I was going "Nuh-uh, he ain't THAT suicidal" and then of course you went ...
- by DTson Gauur - at 2011.05.06 08:43:00
84. T2 tier 3 Battleships: an initial crack - in Player Features and Ideas Discussion [original thread]
Otherwise quite sensible but FC5 as requirement will mean that only a minuscule handful of ppl will ever fly these and I'm not sure the "bang for buck" on these would ever offset the quite literally insane skilling time (not to mention costfactor)...
- by DTson Gauur - at 2011.05.06 08:20:00
85. WTS Freighter/Transport Pilot - in Character Bazaar [original thread]
- by DTson Gauur - at 2011.05.05 11:46:00
86. WTS Freighter/Transport Pilot - in Character Bazaar [original thread]
Ok, I'll start you off with 1 bil
- by DTson Gauur - at 2011.05.04 20:03:00
87. (WTA) Charon Freighter Pilot - in Character Bazaar [original thread]
I'll start you off with the starting bid of 800mil
- by DTson Gauur - at 2011.05.04 19:02:00
88. Damage graph / analysis from gamelogs - in EVE Technology Lab [original thread]
Quite handy, bookmark'd and then adblock'd for the bg-image, too distracting so it had to go.
- by DTson Gauur - at 2011.04.29 13:18:00
89. lone character no alts - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
I quite recently dropped from multiaccount,multicharacter down to single account and one (well two) characters (the other is just my corp ceo alt) This game as it is, just isn't worth multiaccounting anymore, nullsec is supercap-online, lowsec is...
- by DTson Gauur - at 2011.04.28 13:46:00
90. The Etymology of Awox - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Yes, it comes from a player name, not so surprisingly named, Awox What he did was join a corp and then start killing his new "corpmates" as fast as he could before they got wiser and managed to boot him (in the head).
- by DTson Gauur - at 2011.04.22 10:03:00
91. So, why do you play Eve? - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
I don't actually know why I'm still wasting my time with this "product", possibly because there's nothing better available. I recently got fed up with the CCP idiocies and dropped from 4 account to 1, sold the chars on the three accounts and retir...
- by DTson Gauur - at 2011.04.19 10:35:00
92. New Dev Blog: New Forum Security Blog - Cookie Derp - in EVE Information Portal [original thread]
Decent blog, and I know you're not the guy to answer this Sreegs but... You're using a GPL'd (GPLv2 license actually) software, so have you guys actually read the license and understand what it means? I hereby request the modified sourcecode as ...
- by DTson Gauur - at 2011.04.12 05:45:00
93. How to transfer character using plex? - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
You right click the plex and select "Redeem Items" , after that successfully completes (you get a notification popup) they're usable outside the game.
- by DTson Gauur - at 2011.04.10 14:43:00
94. New Dev Blog: Those anomaly changes in full - in EVE Information Portal [original thread]
Hey CCP, remember the Exodus expansion which you meant to make nullsec more viable too, just that you introduced lvl4 missions at the same time? REMEMBER WHAT HAPPENED? If this change goes through unchanged, I can guarantee it will happen again.
- by DTson Gauur - at 2011.03.25 20:25:00
95. New Dev Blog: Those anomaly changes in full - in EVE Information Portal [original thread]
In a non-shocker CCP again shows how they don't know a squat about nullsec living. I hope the new CSM makes this change die in a fire.
- by DTson Gauur - at 2011.03.25 18:12:00
96. watching SD-Quality stream hurts my eyes - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
SDstream is just utter crap, can't even make out what reads in the background as the text is mangled beyond recognition.
- by DTson Gauur - at 2011.03.25 11:09:00
97. New Dev Blog: Full Suite of Upgrades to the Tranquility DB - Yippie! - in EVE Information Portal [original thread]
Tech**** the best **** ( in dev blogs you PERVS! ) \o/ Quite simply epic step forward , finally after what? 6 years the DB Failovers actually WORK as they're supposed to :)
- by DTson Gauur - at 2011.03.24 17:30:00
98. New Dev Blog: Shader Model 2.0 support discontinued April 5th - in EVE Information Portal [original thread]
Originally by: Enthral I stand corrected, though why HP would put such an old GMA into that laptop is beyond me. GMA 950 was over four years old when they made that laptop. I feel for you! It's not HP's fault, it's Intel stuffing the o...
- by DTson Gauur - at 2011.03.23 10:23:00
99. New Dev Blog: Shader Model 2.0 support discontinued April 5th - in EVE Information Portal [original thread]
Edited by: DTson Gauur on 22/03/2011 09:28:42 Originally by: Enthral Name one newer than three years old. Acer, Asus, Dell, Sony netbooks... they've all supported Shader 4.1 for at least a couple of years. HP Mini 5101 , Got one, g...
- by DTson Gauur - at 2011.03.22 09:11:00
100. New Dev Blog: Shader Model 2.0 support discontinued April 5th - in EVE Information Portal [original thread]
I hope this means that there will also be an external way coming (read: EveGate) to change the skill queue, your decision just killed about all netbooks which quite happily run the current client enough to chat and manage skills etc.
- by DTson Gauur - at 2011.03.21 11:27:00
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